Tag Archives: 2012

Wait Stats e Extended Events

Olá pessoal, complementando o Webcast que apresentei em 11/04 estou disponibilizando os arquivos SQL de exemplo, arquivo PPT e o Dashboard em Excel.

[slideshare id=12617869&doc=waitstatseextendedevents-120420080039-phpapp02]

SkyDrive – WT_EE.RARMIrror – WT_EE.RAR

Link para a gravação do Webcast.


  1. Lembre-se de trocar o local onde vai salvar o arquivo do evento;
  2. Lembre-se de se estiver usando apenas o arquivo como saída parar o evento pare uma vez ou outra a captura, dependendo da quantidade de execuções e conexões o arquivo pode crescer muito e muito rápido.
  3. se você não configurar o filtro corretamente, você pode para seu ambiente.
  4. A conexao do powerpivot tem que ser alterado apontando para seu servidor.

Bom, por enquanto é isso.

Update Statistics quando vai acontecer?

Como todo o bom DBA você tem um plano de manutenção configurado para seu ambiente SQL.

Você costuma fazer rebuild/reindex, update statistics, backup, garante que o HA está funcionado,,,

Você provavelmente deve ter a opção de “auto update statistics” habilitada em suas bases e sabe como ela funciona,,, certo?

Bom,,, no bom e velho “by the book” o “auto update statistics” funciona assim:

  • Em uma tabela permanente:
    1. se a tabela não tem linhas, as estatísticas são atualizadas quando uma alteração for executada na tabela
    2. se o número de linhas for menor que 500, as estatísticas são atualizadas a cada 500 alterações na tabela
    3. se o número de linhas for superior a 500, as estatísticas são atualizadas a cada 20% + 500 alterações na tabela
  • Tabelas temporárias:
    1. se a tabela não tem linhas, as estatísticas são atualizadas quando uma alteração for executada na tabela
    2. se a tabela possui menos de 6 linhas, as estatísticas são atualizadas a cada 6 alterações na tabela
    3. se o número de linhas for menor que 500, as estatísticas são atualizadas a cada 500 alterações na tabela
    4. se o número de linhas for superior a 500, as estatísticas são atualizadas a cada 20% + 500 alterações na tabela
  • Tabelas variáveis (ficou feio,,, eu sei)
    1. Não existem estatísticas em variáveis de tabela (agora ficou menos pior)

Até aí nenhuma novidade certo? certo….

Com esse conceito em mente,,, imagine que você tem umas 40 tabelas com alguns 14.000.000 de registros cada, umas outras 200 tabelas com uns 30.000 registros cada,,, você sabe quem vai ser a próxima vítima do malévolo processo de “auto update statistics” ?

Acho que muito poucas pessoas tem a opção de “auto update statistics asynchronously” habilitada, então alguma query vai sofrer com a espera da atualização de uma estatística e alguém vai achar que é lentidão no sistema…

Então como monitorar a quantidade de alterações de uma tabela pra saber se ela está chegando aos malvados 20% +500 ?

Tá lá uma query:

/*SQL 2005*/ 
SELECT SO.NAME AS tableName, SC.NAME AS columnName, SSC.*, SSR.* FROM sys.sysrowsetcolumns SSC 
INNER JOIN sys.sysrowsets SSR ON SSC.rowsetID = SSR.rowsetID 
INNER JOIN sys.sysobjects SO ON SSR.idmajor = SO.id 
INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns SC on SSR.idmajor = SC.id AND SSC.rowsetcolid = SC.colid 
WHERE SO.xtype = 'U' 
ORDER BY so.name, sc.colid 
/*SQL 2008*/  
SELECT SO.NAME AS tableName, SC.NAME AS columnName, SSC.*, SSR.* FROM sys.sysrscols SSC  
INNER JOIN sys.sysrowsets SSR ON SSC.rowsetID = SSR.rowsetID  
INNER JOIN sys.sysobjects SO ON SSR.idmajor = SO.id  
INNER JOIN sys.syscolumns SC on SSR.idmajor = SC.id AND SSC.rscolid = SC.colid  
WHERE SO.xtype = 'U'  
ORDER BY so.name, sc.colid

Não conseguiu executar??????? hehehehe

Precisa habilitar o DAC, as tabelas sysrscols, sysrowsetcolumns e sysrowsets só podem ser acessadas pelo DAC.

Outra coisa, não esqueça de mudar a base,,,

Mas até ai, o que tem de interessante no resultado?

O nome da tabela já sabemos, qual a coluna? grande coisa,,, o que importa é a coluna rcmodified e a coluna rcrows, quantidade de modificações e contagem de linhas respectivamente.

Agora sim,,, já começamos a ter alguma coisa legal…. mas tem como melhorar? sabemos as tabelas e as colunas… temos como saber quais as estatísticas que vão ser impactadas pela atualização? Claro…

/*SQL 2005*/
SELECT SO.NAME AS tableName, COL_NAME(sc.object_id, sc.column_id) AS columnName, A.name as stats_name, SSC.*, SSR.* FROM sys.sysrowsetcolumns SSC 
INNER JOIN sys.sysrowsets SSR ON SSC.rowsetID = SSR.rowsetID 
INNER JOIN sys.sysobjects SO ON SSR.idmajor = SO.id 
INNER JOIN sys.stats_columns SC on SSR.idmajor = SC.object_id AND SSC.rowsetcolid = SC.column_id 
INNER JOIN sys.stats as A ON A.object_id = SO.id 
WHERE SO.xtype = 'U' 
ORDER BY so.name, sc.column_id 
/*SQL 2008*/ 
SELECT SO.NAME AS tableName, COL_NAME(sc.object_id, sc.column_id) AS columnName, A.name as stats_name, SSC.*, SSR.* FROM sys.sysrscols SSC 
INNER JOIN sys.sysrowsets SSR ON SSC.rowsetID = SSR.rowsetID 
INNER JOIN sys.sysobjects SO ON SSR.idmajor = SO.id 
INNER JOIN sys.stats_columns SC on SSR.idmajor = SC.object_id AND SSC.rscolid = SC.column_id 
INNER JOIN sys.stats as A ON A.object_id = SO.id 
WHERE SO.xtype = 'U' 
ORDER BY so.name, sc.column_id 

Isso é uma informação interessante,,, por que precisamos disso? Imagine uma tabela com alguns milhões de linhas, se a atualização de estatísticas ocorre apenas a cada 20%+500 modificações é bem provável que o intervalo entre uma atualização e a outra seja um pouco grande…

Aí você pergunta: mas eu faço rebuild dos meus índices com uma boa frequência e eu sei que, com esse processo, ele já faz a atualização das estatísticas, o que eu ganho com isso?

Ai eu respondo: Você pode ter estatísticas que são criadas automaticamente,,, lembra da opção do “auto create statistics” que costuma estar habilitada por padrão? da uma olhada na sua tabela, veja se existem estatísticas começando com _WA então,,, o rebuild de índices vai atualizas as estatísticas que ele utiliza e não todas as da tabela…

bom,,,, é isso,,, bom proveito…

Pressão de processador?

A algumas semanas atrás eu estava ajudando um cliente a localizar problemas de lentidão no ambiente dele. Não havia um ponto exato, não era sempre na mesma aplicação, muitas vezes nem a mesma unidade, isso ajudava muito na localização do problema,,,

Um dos analistas de desenvolvimento me indagou se o servidor de SQL estava sofrendo com problemas de processador,,, em alguns momentos o servidor apresentava alguns picos em um dos núcleos mas nada muito longo muito menos alarmante.

Com a query abaixo, mostrei que não havia problemas de processamento,,, pelo menos naquele momento…

 Select signal_wait_time_ms=sum(signal_wait_time_ms)<br>,'%signal (cpu) waits' = cast(100.0 * sum(signal_wait_time_ms) / sum (wait_time_ms) as numeric(20,2))<br>,resource_wait_time_ms=sum(wait_time_ms - signal_wait_time_ms)<br>,'%resource waits'= cast(100.0 * sum(wait_time_ms - signal_wait_time_ms) / sum (wait_time_ms) as numeric(20,2))<br>From sys.dm_os_wait_stats 

O resultado é o seguinte:

Agora vem a pergunta: Legal, mas idaí?

O que nos interessa nesse resultado é o %signal (cpu) waits e o %resource waits.

A matemática é bem simples: quanto mais %recouce waits e menos %signal (cpu) waits melhor, quer dizer que, nesse momento não está havendo problemas de pressão com processador, não quer dizer que daqui a 1 segundo não comece a ter, mas no momento da execução dessa query não havia problema.

English version

A few weeks ago i was helping a client to find a slow problem on his environment. Don´t had a exact point, not always the same apllication, even the same place and this help a lot to find the problem.

One of the developers ask me if the SQL Server had problems with processos pressure,,, in a few moments on the day the server show a top processes in one of the cores, but was not the problem.

With the query below i show that we don´t have any problem with the processor, in that moment…

 Select signal_wait_time_ms=sum(signal_wait_time_ms)<br>,'%signal (cpu) waits' = cast(100.0 * sum(signal_wait_time_ms) / sum (wait_time_ms) as numeric(20,2))<br>,resource_wait_time_ms=sum(wait_time_ms - signal_wait_time_ms)<br>,'%resource waits'= cast(100.0 * sum(wait_time_ms - signal_wait_time_ms) / sum (wait_time_ms) as numeric(20,2))<br>From sys.dm_os_wait_stats 

The result was:

And then comes the question: Cool, but WTF?

The important is %signal (cpu) waits and %resource waits.

The mathematic is simple: more %recouce waits and lass %signal (cpu) waits is better, in that moment the server don´t have processos pressure.

Sorry about the poor English, i´ll fix at night.

Índices? pra que manutenção disso?

Sou muito fã de ferramentas que ajudem a facilitar o dia a dia na administração do SQL, vocês já devem ter visto isso no Post Top 5 – Ferramentas Grátis,

Eu estava fazendo o download de umas ferramentas no site da RedGate e achei esse programa muito interessante,,, simples,,, gratuito,,, o SQL Index Manager,,,

Com apenas 2.4MB, ele promete uma análise de todos os índices de todas as bases que estão na sua instância e recomenda o rebuild ou reindex de cada um deles,,,

Fiz um teste em uma instância com 230 bases, com mais de 7000 índices e ele demorou aprox. 4 minutos.

A ferramenta possui uma interface extremamente simples:

Você pode deixar a ferramenta executar a manutenção para você, ou

Ela gera os scripts para que você execute manualmente

O tempo que ela demora para executar o rebuild ou reindex é o mesmo que o script ou algum plano de manutenção que você crie levaria para fazer, porque no final, a ferramenta faz a mesma coisa que você já deveria fazer…

Now in English…

I´m a fanatic about tools that help the day by day in SQL administration.

I was downloading a few tools from RedGate and find this very nice program, simple and free the SQL Index Manager,,,

With only 2.4MB, the program analyse all your indexes in all your databases and recomends a rebuild or reindex of each one.

I do a test in a server with 230 databases and more that 7000 indexes he toke 4 minutes.

The tool is extreme easy of use. (image1)

He can fix for you or generate the script. (image2)

The scripts are simples without a lot of comments (image3)

And take the same time of your Maintenance plan or custom script. (image4)

T-SQL Tuesday #26 – Segundas Chances

Todo mundo merece uma segunda chance,, ou para fazer melhor, ou para simplesmente não fazer,,, então,,, até no SQL temos uma segunda chance…

Dessa vez o Sr. David Howard (Blog | Twitter) deu a oportunidade de escrevermos novamente sobre algum tópico anterior do T-SQL Tuesday, ou para melhora-lo ou para fazer um se você não participou…

Eu resolvi melhorar o meu script para montar um Mirror com SQLCMD,,, na versão anterior (#25) se o banco de dados tiver mais que um datafile você tem que modificar o script na mão e compensar a criação desse outro arquivo… Nesta versão o script vai ler o arquivo de backup em uma temp table e montar o script de restore com todas as variáveis…

Vale lembrar que você precisa habilitar a opção de SQLCMD no SSMS e não esqueça de trocar o caminho do backup…

Everyone deserves a second chance, or to do better or to simply not do, then, even in SQL havea second chance…
This time Mr. David Howard (blog | twitter) gave us the opportunity to write again about a previous topic of Tuesday’s T-SQL, or to improve it or make one if you did not participate …
I decided to improve my script to create a Mirror with SQLCMD, in the previous version (#25) if the database has more than one datafile you have to modify the script and make the creation of another file … this version will read backup file in a temp table and mount the restore script with all the variables …
Remember that you need to enable the option of SQLCMD in SSMS and do not forget to change the backup path …

:SETVAR PrincipalServer (local)\INST01
:SETVAR MirrorServer (local)\INST02
:SETVAR SERVER (servername)


:CONNECT $(PrincipalServer)



:CONNECT $(MirrorServer)


:CONNECT $(PrincipalServer)

TO DISK = 'D:\DB01\local\$(db).bak'

:CONNECT $(MirrorServer)

DECLARE @InstanceName sql_variant,
 @InstanceDir sql_variant,
 @SQLDataRoot nvarchar(512),
 @ExecStr nvarchar(max)

SELECT @InstanceName = ISNULL(SERVERPROPERTY('InstanceName'), 'MSSQLServer')

EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE',
 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\Instance Names\SQL',
 @InstanceName, @InstanceDir OUTPUT

SELECT @ExecStr = 'EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_regread '
 + '''SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\'
 + convert(varchar, @InstanceDir)
 + '\Setup'', ''SQLDataRoot'', @SQLDataRoot OUTPUT'

EXEC master.dbo.sp_executesql @ExecStr
 , N'@SQLDataRoot nvarchar(512) OUTPUT'
 , @SQLDataRoot OUTPUT

 RAISERROR ('I can´t find where restore the Database... I going to stop...', 16, -1)

CREATE TABLE #BackupFileList
( LogicalName sysname NULL
 , PhysicalName sysname NULL
 , [Type] char(1)
 , FileGroupName sysname NULL
 , Size bigint
 , MaxSize bigint
 , FileId smallint
 , CreateLSN numeric(25,0)
 , DropLSN numeric(25,0)
 , UniqueId uniqueidentifier
 , ReadOnlyLSN numeric(25,0)
 , ReadWriteLSN numeric(25,0)
 , BackupSizeInBytes bigint
 , SourceBlockSize bigint
 , FileGroupId smallint
 , LogGroupGUID uniqueidentifier
 , DifferentialBaseLSN numeric(25,0)
 , DifferentialBaseGUID uniqueidentifier
 , IsReadOnly bit
 , IsPresent bit
 , TDEThumbPrint varbinary(32)

INSERT #BackupFileList
 EXEC('RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = ''D:\DB01\local\$(db).bak''')

UPDATE #BackupFileList
 SET PhysicalName
 = @SQLDataRoot
 + N'\Data\'
 , 1, PATINDEX('%\%', REVERSE(PhysicalName)) -1))

DECLARE @LogicalName sysname
 , @PhysicalName sysname

 SELECT LogicalName, PhysicalName
 FROM #BackupFileList

OPEN FileListCursor

FETCH NEXT FROM FileListCursor INTO @LogicalName, @PhysicalName

 N' FROM DISK = ''D:\DB01\local\$(db).bak''' +
 N' WITH MOVE ''' + @LogicalName + N''' TO ''' + @PhysicalName + N''''

FETCH NEXT FROM FileListCursor INTO @LogicalName, @PhysicalName

 SELECT @ExecStr = @ExecStr + N', MOVE ''' + @LogicalName
 + ''' TO ''' + @PhysicalName + ''''
 FETCH NEXT FROM FileListCursor INTO @LogicalName, @PhysicalName


-- if you receive the error message because the script don´t found where he need to restore, you can uncomment the next line and get the restore command,,,
-- to restore manual...
-- SELECT @ExecStr

EXEC (@ExecStr)


:CONNECT $(PrincipalServer)
SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N'$(db)', N'Status') AS 'Principal Database State' -- Returns ONLINE
SELECT db_name(sd.[database_id]) AS [Database Name],
FROM sys.database_mirroring AS sd
WHERE sd.[database_id] = db_id(N'$(db)')

:CONNECT $(MirrorServer)
SELECT DATABASEPROPERTYEX(N'$(db)', N'Status') AS 'Mirror Database State' -- Returns RESTORING
SELECT db_name(sd.[database_id]) AS [Database Name],
FROM sys.database_mirroring AS sd
WHERE sd.[database_id] = db_id(N'$(db)')

:CONNECT $(PrincipalServer)

TO DISK = 'D:\DB01\local\$(db)_Log.bak'

:CONNECT $(MirrorServer)

FROM DISK = 'D:\DB01\local\$(db)_Log.bak'

 SET PARTNER = 'TCP://$(server):5091'

:CONNECT $(PrincipalServer)

 SET PARTNER = 'TCP://$(server):5092'

SELECT db_name(sd.[database_id]) AS [Database Name],
FROM sys.database_mirroring AS sd
WHERE sd.[database_id] = db_id(N'$(db)')

Não ganhou seus presentes de natal?

Não recebeu seus presentes de natal? então fala com o Grinch

Esse é a mesma coisa do post Feliz Natal em T-SQL, você precisa rodar em SQL 2008 ou superior… o arquivo com o código pode ser baixado aqui.

 (169 -166, 118 -152, 93 -154, 45 -192, 39 -208, 35 -233, 37 -262, 45 -289, 42 -328, 44 -347, 53 -376, 60 -359,
 64 -337, 63 -314, 59 -301, 48 -289, 50 -269, 54 -246, 60 -230, 72 -216, 57 -217, 73 -213, 68 -196, 75 -192,
 72 -197, 75 -213, 77 -198, 88 -180, 80 -198, 77 -214, 85 -245, 103 -248, 99 -245, 100 -242, 103 -240, 112 -240,
 104 -238, 106 -227, 116 -214, 129 -209, 139 -213, 134 -210, 142 -204, 150 -204, 143 -201, 147 -196, 154 -194,
 164 -196, 156 -193, 158 -185, 163 -177, 173 -174, 166 -174, 171 -165, 169 -166)
 (281 -177, 289 -176, 296 -179, 302 -182, 307 -187, 283 -426, 275 -494, 275 -534, 122 -534, 127 -509, 134 -508,
 135 -518, 143 -525, 155 -523, 158 -517, 166 -520, 176 -517, 181 -511, 190 -510, 196 -502, 196 -494, 202 -491,
 204 -483, 204 -480, 211 -474, 213 -462, 219 -455, 221 -449, 217 -439, 219 -431, 219 -422, 214 -413, 238 -382,
 243 -364, 243 -342, 249 -321, 257 -289, 271 -214, 281 -177)
 (122 -534, 127 -509, 120 -504, 116 -500, 116 -486, 112 -486, 106 -509, 104 -534, 122 -534)
)', 0)


 (190 -207, 201 -214, 209 -226, 212 -235, 214 -278, 219 -294, 234 -317, 241 -342, 242 -355, 241 -366, 239 -380,
 234 -388, 224 -400, 212 -413, 194 -435, 187 -446, 180 -459, 172 -467, 162 -471, 153 -470, 144 -464, 136 -453,
 125 -439, 117 -426, 102 -412, 88 -400, 73 -384, 70 -371, 68 -356, 71 -342, 76 -331, 82 -321, 90 -309, 92 -293,
 93 -282, 103 -280, 131 -256, 167 -217, 186 -204, 190 -207)
 (319 -40, 321 -57, 324 -79, 318 -84, 312 -84, 312 -91, 306 -104, 297 -105, 288 -110, 288 -90, 281 -78, 278 -59,
 295 -45, 309 -36, 314 -36, 319 -40)
 309 -96, 304 -98,300 -98
 311 -84, 304 -72, 303 -64, 304 -54
 302 -68, 296 -66, 294 -59
 (319 -40, 328 -37, 344 -37, 349 -40, 348 -52, 344 -58, 332 -59, 321 -58, 319 -40)
 (322 -59, 343 -59, 346 -66, 344 -75, 338 -84, 331 -83, 323 -80, 322 -59)
 (323 -81, 327 -83, 338 -85, 337 -96, 332 -101, 325 -104, 317 -103, 311 -97, 312 -84, 318 -84, 323 -81)
 (306 -120, 307 -129, 311 -134, 312 -140, 309 -152, 308 -168, 296 -161, 286 -161, 284 -156, 288 -130,
 294 -128, 306 -120)
 (154 -472, 156 -476, 158 -485, 156 -491, 153 -498, 159 -487, 176 -474, 183 -464, 185 -453, 179 -460, 171 -467,
 165 -470, 155 -471, 154 -472)
)', 0)


 (171 -165, 179 -159, 185 -160, 182 -157, 190 -147, 202 -144, 211 -148, 214 -157, 206 -168, 215 -160, 221 -168,
 221 -175, 206 -184, 221 -178, 229 -186, 228 -192, 221 -197, 228 -197, 231 -205, 225 -212, 218 -211, 222 -216,
 219 -226, 211 -231, 204 -218, 191 -208, 201 -205, 191 -205, 178 -209, 167 -218, 144 -242, 128 -260, 111 -274,
 98 -282, 85 -283, 95 -284, 91 -299, 81 -299, 74 -294, 67 -294, 60 -290, 59 -284, 61 -279, 54 -268, 58 -258,
 66 -253, 74 -253, 77 -257, 77 -252, 85 -245, 103 -248, 99 -245, 100 -242, 103 -240, 112 -240, 104 -238, 106 -227,
 116 -214, 129 -209, 139 -213, 134 -210, 142 -204, 150 -204, 143 -201, 147 -196, 154 -194, 164 -196, 156 -193,
 158 -185, 163 -177, 173 -174, 166 -174, 171 -165)
 (122 -435, 114 -439, 108 -445, 106 -456, 111 -460, 118 -455, 112 -465, 109 -473, 109 -482, 115 -486, 122 -479,
 116 -489, 116 -497, 119 -503, 125 -507, 132 -508, 136 -504, 134 -515, 140 -522, 152 -524, 158 -517, 158 -510,
 160 -517, 170 -519, 178 -514, 181 -507, 184 -510, 193 -509, 196 -501, 195 -493, 200 -493, 204 -486, 200 -475,
 205 -478, 210 -472, 213 -466, 212 -461, 209 -457, 214 -459, 218 -457, 220 -450, 215 -440, 218 -434, 218 -423,
 214 -417, 208 -417, 196 -434, 185 -453, 183 -465, 176 -474, 160 -486, 156 -491, 153 -498, 155 -490, 158 -484,
 155 -476, 153 -472, 146 -466, 139 -457, 122 -435)
 (271 -152, 280 -153, 285 -158, 286 -161, 289 -160, 296 -160, 304 -165, 310 -172, 319 -172, 325 -176, 327 -180,
 326 -187, 320 -192, 319 -198, 315 -202, 307 -203, 307 -188, 300 -182, 290 -178, 282 -176, 278 -185, 266 -185,
 263 -181, 264 -177, 269 -175, 262 -176, 258 -171, 259 -166, 262 -164, 269 -165, 264 -162, 265 -157, 271 -152)
)', 0)


 (316 0, 329 0, 324 -39, 318 -40, 314 -36, 316 0)
 (303 0, 316 0, 315 -36, 304 -40, 303 0)
 (307 -104, 311 -98, 321 -105, 332 -105, 340 -108, 346 -117, 345 -124, 347 -129, 344 -131, 343 -126, 338 -125, 330 -122,
 324 -117, 328 -122, 326 -128, 323 -132, 318 -134, 317 -139, 312 -133, 307 -130, 306 -124, 308 -119, 311 -112, 306 -119,
 301 -124, 293 -128, 288 -128, 288 -132, 284 -127, 283 -122, 284 -114, 291 -108, 301 -104, 307 -104)
)', 0)


 (151 -306, 146 -311, 135 -316, 125 -318, 116 -317, 110 -312, 106 -306, 119 -303, 136 -300, 151 -306)
 (137 -303, 144 -304, 146 -307, 144 -310, 138 -312, 133 -309, 132 -305, 137 -303)
 (161 -302, 165 -296, 178 -288, 188 -286, 203 -289, 205 -294, 204 -305, 202 -307, 182 -312, 171 -310, 164 -306,
 161 -302)
 (184 -291, 185 -296, 184 -301, 176 -306, 173 -304, 170 -300, 172 -293, 179 -290, 184 -291)
)', 0)


 (143 -439, 142 -434, 148 -425, 155 -420, 162 -418, 168 -418, 180 -427, 183 -432, 183 -435, 181 -436, 176 -430,
 168 -427, 159 -424, 149 -426, 143 -433, 143 -439)
 161 -424, 160 -419
 173 -422, 176 -430
)', 0)


 151 -326, 147 -331, 147 -335, 157 -333, 160 -336, 164 -338, 168 -335, 171 -334, 180 -335, 179 -330, 174 -328
 146 -332, 136 -344, 132 -357, 130 -373, 132 -396, 136 -410, 137 -419
 168 -338, 170 -344, 171 -351, 167 -391
 181 -333, 187 -342, 188 -351, 192 -375, 191 -401, 190 -417, 190 -440, 186 -443, 182 -445, 179 -443, 175 -438
 138 -436, 140 -442, 143 -446, 153 -436, 157 -431, 160 -432
 150 -413, 153 -410, 157 -407, 164 -404, 173 -406, 176 -410
 139 -446, 148 -457, 152 -460, 157 -462, 162 -463, 168 -462, 175 -457, 180 -447
 126 -352, 121 -357, 117 -368, 116 -376, 117 -390, 121 -402, 135 -437
 105 -396, 113 -412, 118 -425
 216 -388, 214 -403, 208 -416
 198 -360, 202 -370, 202 -382, 200 -403, 194 -434
 175 -316, 181 -317, 193 -316, 205 -313
 177 -318, 189 -323, 199 -323, 214 -316
 174 -320, 186 -330, 199 -334, 213 -330, 220 -321
 157 -326, 162 -322, 171 -323
 155 -320, 161 -317, 167 -318
 154 -316, 160 -312
 106 -318, 110 -321, 121 -326, 132 -323, 148 -313
 99 -324, 108 -334, 119 -335, 137 -325, 150 -312
 94 -335, 100 -344, 111 -345, 123 -339, 137 -330, 147 -321, 153 -311
 105 -307, 88 -304
 106 -309, 94 -313
 207 -294, 221 -295
 205 -291, 219 -289
 206 -290, 205 -283, 202 -281
 158 -298, 158 -284, 160 -278
 158 -284, 154 -263
 154 -258, 152 -244
 151 -272, 148 -266, 144 -261, 138 -257
 153 -291, 149 -282, 140 -271, 130 -265
 158 -264, 161 -250, 165 -241, 170 -235, 175 -233
 169 -266, 173 -254, 178 -244, 182 -237
 196 -244, 204 -220
 167 -292, 198 -242
 168 -291, 199 -241
 169 -290, 201 -240
 170 -289, 202 -240
 171 -289, 204 -242
 172 -288, 205 -244
 173 -288, 210 -250
 175 -287, 212 -252
 178 -286, 217 -254
 152 -306, 119 -288, 101 -293
 153 -306, 119 -287, 102 -291
 153 -306, 119 -286, 102 -287
 153 -306, 120 -284, 103 -286
 154 -305, 121 -282, 104 -283
 156 -304, 121 -280, 104 -283
)', 0);

Se deu tudo certo,, você deve conseguir ver uma imagem assim:

Feliz Natal em T-SQL

E ai pessoal,,,

Um Feliz natal para todos vcs !!

Para visualizar o cartão você precisa usar o SSMS em um SQL 2008 ou superior…

What´s Up…

Merry Xmas to you !!!

To see the card you need use the SSMS connected in a SQL Server 2008 or above.

O Arquivo também pode ser baixado aqui.


	first int,
	last int,
	y int

INSERT INTO #R2 (first, last, y)
VALUES (329, 330, -499),(333, 333, -499),(335, 335, -499),(338, 338, -499),(341, 341, -499),(374, 374, -499),(377, 378, -499),(381, 381, -499),(384, 404, -499),(406, 406, -499),
(409, 409, -499),(325, 342, -498),(345, 346, -498),(357, 357, -498),(360, 361, -498),(363, 367, -498),(369, 412, -498),(415, 415, -498),(318, 318, -497),(321, 415, -497),
(417, 417, -497),(290, 293, -496),(295, 295, -496),(315, 418, -496),(263, 297, -495),(312, 420, -495),(260, 299, -494),(309, 324, -494),(326, 326, -494),(338, 339, -494),
(341, 365, -494),(367, 368, -494),(370, 370, -494),(372, 375, -494),(409, 422, -494),(258, 301, -493),(306, 319, -493),(321, 321, -493),(346, 346, -493),(350, 353, -493),
(355, 355, -493),(358, 358, -493),(413, 424, -493),(257, 265, -492),(267, 317, -492),(415, 425, -492),(256, 262, -491),(264, 266, -491),(270, 273, -491),(275, 284, -491),
(288, 293, -491),(295, 314, -491),(416, 427, -491),(471, 481, -491),(256, 260, -490),(263, 269, -490),(272, 274, -490),(278, 280, -490),(291, 293, -490),(295, 295, -490),
(297, 311, -490),(418, 428, -490),(466, 466, -490),(468, 486, -490),(255, 260, -489),(262, 263, -489),(266, 270, -489),(275, 275, -489),(280, 281, -489),(294, 295, -489),
(299, 310, -489),(420, 430, -489),(463, 489, -489),(256, 260, -488),(262, 262, -488),(266, 267, -488),(270, 272, -488),(275, 276, -488),(281, 282, -488),(295, 296, -488),
(301, 307, -488),(421, 433, -488),(462, 492, -488),(255, 260, -487),(262, 262, -487),(266, 267, -487),(272, 273, -487),(277, 277, -487),(282, 283, -487),(296, 298, -487),
(301, 308, -487),(424, 435, -487),(460, 493, -487),(255, 259, -486),(262, 262, -486),(266, 266, -486),(272, 272, -486),(274, 275, -486),(278, 279, -486),(283, 285, -486),
(298, 299, -486),(302, 307, -486),(427, 436, -486),(459, 470, -486),(476, 476, -486),(484, 495, -486),(255, 260, -485),(263, 263, -485),(266, 266, -485),(275, 276, -485),
(278, 280, -485),(284, 286, -485),(299, 300, -485),(304, 308, -485),(429, 437, -485),(457, 467, -485),(487, 497, -485),(243, 250, -484),(253, 253, -484),(255, 260, -484),
(262, 263, -484),(266, 267, -484),(275, 277, -484),(280, 281, -484),(285, 286, -484),(300, 301, -484),(306, 309, -484),(431, 439, -484),(456, 465, -484),(490, 498, -484),
(241, 260, -483),(263, 263, -483),(266, 267, -483),(277, 278, -483),(280, 282, -483),(286, 288, -483),(301, 303, -483),(307, 310, -483),(433, 440, -483),(455, 463, -483),
(490, 499, -483),(241, 261, -482),(263, 264, -482),(267, 267, -482),(279, 279, -482),(282, 283, -482),(287, 287, -482),(303, 303, -482),(308, 311, -482),(434, 441, -482),
(455, 461, -482),(490, 492, -482),(494, 501, -482),(240, 261, -481),(263, 264, -481),(267, 268, -481),(279, 280, -481),(284, 284, -481),(288, 289, -481),(303, 305, -481),
(309, 312, -481),(436, 442, -481),(454, 459, -481),(490, 491, -481),(495, 501, -481),(173, 178, -480),(184, 184, -480),(240, 244, -480),(248, 261, -480),(264, 265, -480),
(268, 268, -480),(279, 281, -480),(283, 285, -480),(289, 290, -480),(305, 306, -480),(310, 313, -480),(436, 443, -480),(452, 458, -480),(491, 492, -480),(496, 502, -480),
(169, 188, -479),(240, 244, -479),(249, 249, -479),(254, 262, -479),(265, 265, -479),(268, 269, -479),(279, 282, -479),(285, 286, -479),(291, 292, -479),(306, 307, -479),
(311, 314, -479),(438, 444, -479),(451, 457, -479),(491, 491, -479),(498, 503, -479),(166, 192, -478),(240, 244, -478),(249, 250, -478),(256, 256, -478),(258, 258, -478),
(260, 262, -478),(265, 266, -478),(269, 270, -478),(280, 283, -478),(286, 287, -478),(291, 292, -478),(307, 307, -478),(312, 315, -478),(439, 445, -478),(451, 456, -478),
(492, 492, -478),(498, 504, -478),(164, 195, -477),(240, 245, -477),(249, 250, -477),(261, 263, -477),(265, 266, -477),(269, 270, -477),(280, 284, -477),(287, 288, -477),
(292, 293, -477),(307, 309, -477),(312, 316, -477),(439, 446, -477),(450, 455, -477),(491, 491, -477),(498, 505, -477),(162, 177, -476),(180, 180, -476),(182, 199, -476),
(240, 245, -476),(250, 251, -476),(263, 263, -476),(266, 266, -476),(270, 271, -476),(284, 284, -476),(287, 288, -476),(293, 294, -476),(309, 310, -476),(314, 317, -476),
(440, 446, -476),(449, 454, -476),(492, 492, -476),(498, 505, -476),(160, 172, -475),(186, 186, -475),(188, 202, -475),(241, 245, -475),(250, 251, -475),(262, 263, -475),
(266, 267, -475),(270, 271, -475),(281, 281, -475),(284, 286, -475),(288, 289, -475),(294, 295, -475),(310, 310, -475),(314, 318, -475),(441, 453, -475),(491, 491, -475),
(498, 499, -475),(501, 506, -475),(158, 168, -474),(190, 205, -474),(207, 207, -474),(241, 246, -474),(251, 252, -474),(263, 264, -474),(267, 267, -474),(271, 271, -474),
(281, 282, -474),(285, 286, -474),(290, 290, -474),(295, 296, -474),(310, 312, -474),(315, 319, -474),(441, 452, -474),(491, 491, -474),(499, 499, -474),(502, 506, -474),
(156, 165, -473),(194, 209, -473),(242, 247, -473),(252, 253, -473),(264, 264, -473),(267, 268, -473),(281, 282, -473),(285, 287, -473),(290, 291, -473),(296, 297, -473),
(312, 312, -473),(316, 320, -473),(442, 452, -473),(491, 491, -473),(499, 499, -473),(502, 507, -473),(155, 163, -472),(175, 177, -472),(179, 183, -472),(195, 195, -472),
(197, 197, -472),(199, 211, -472),(213, 213, -472),(242, 248, -472),(253, 253, -472),(263, 264, -472),(268, 268, -472),(271, 272, -472),(282, 282, -472),(286, 288, -472),
(291, 293, -472),(297, 297, -472),(312, 313, -472),(318, 321, -472),(443, 451, -472),(491, 492, -472),(498, 499, -472),(504, 507, -472),(154, 161, -471),(170, 177, -471),
(179, 179, -471),(181, 181, -471),(183, 190, -471),(200, 215, -471),(242, 249, -471),(254, 254, -471),(264, 264, -471),(268, 268, -471),(272, 273, -471),(281, 282, -471),
(286, 289, -471),(292, 293, -471),(297, 297, -471),(313, 314, -471),(319, 321, -471),(444, 450, -471),(490, 491, -471),(498, 499, -471),(504, 508, -471),(153, 159, -470),
(168, 170, -470),(184, 184, -470),(189, 194, -470),(204, 218, -470),(244, 249, -470),(254, 255, -470),(264, 264, -470),(267, 268, -470),(272, 272, -470),(282, 282, -470),
(286, 290, -470),(293, 294, -470),(298, 299, -470),(314, 315, -470),(319, 322, -470),(444, 450, -470),(498, 499, -470),(504, 508, -470),(152, 158, -469),(165, 168, -469),
(193, 196, -469),(206, 220, -469),(245, 250, -469),(255, 257, -469),(264, 264, -469),(273, 273, -469),(282, 282, -469),(286, 291, -469),(294, 294, -469),(298, 300, -469),
(315, 315, -469),(319, 323, -469),(444, 450, -469),(490, 490, -469),(498, 498, -469),(505, 509, -469),(152, 156, -468),(162, 162, -468),(164, 165, -468),(167, 167, -468),
(194, 194, -468),(196, 199, -468),(210, 221, -468),(245, 252, -468),(257, 259, -468),(263, 264, -468),(268, 269, -468),(273, 273, -468),(281, 282, -468),(287, 292, -468),
(294, 295, -468),(300, 300, -468),(315, 317, -468),(321, 324, -468),(445, 449, -468),(490, 490, -468),(498, 498, -468),(505, 509, -468),(534, 535, -468),(151, 156, -467),
(162, 163, -467),(199, 200, -467),(202, 203, -467),(205, 205, -467),(212, 223, -467),(246, 253, -467),(259, 263, -467),(268, 268, -467),(272, 273, -467),(281, 282, -467),
(287, 292, -467),(295, 296, -467),(300, 301, -467),(316, 317, -467),(322, 324, -467),(445, 450, -467),(490, 490, -467),(497, 498, -467),(506, 509, -467),(533, 537, -467),
(151, 155, -466),(160, 162, -466),(203, 206, -466),(208, 208, -466),(215, 224, -466),(247, 254, -466),(261, 262, -466),(267, 268, -466),(273, 273, -466),(282, 282, -466),
(286, 293, -466),(296, 296, -466),(301, 303, -466),(317, 318, -466),(322, 325, -466),(446, 450, -466),(489, 489, -466),(497, 497, -466),(506, 510, -466),(522, 522, -466),
(533, 538, -466),(151, 155, -465),(159, 160, -465),(204, 204, -465),(206, 211, -465),(217, 225, -465),(248, 256, -465),(267, 268, -465),(272, 272, -465),(281, 282, -465),
(286, 294, -465),(296, 297, -465),(302, 303, -465),(318, 319, -465),(324, 326, -465),(446, 450, -465),(489, 489, -465),(497, 497, -465),(506, 510, -465),(520, 524, -465),
(531, 539, -465),(150, 154, -464),(158, 159, -464),(211, 214, -464),(220, 226, -464),(249, 258, -464),(266, 266, -464),(271, 272, -464),(281, 282, -464),(286, 288, -464),
(292, 295, -464),(298, 298, -464),(303, 304, -464),(319, 320, -464),(325, 328, -464),(445, 451, -464),(488, 489, -464),(497, 497, -464),(506, 511, -464),(520, 527, -464),
(529, 543, -464),(151, 154, -463),(157, 159, -463),(213, 215, -463),(221, 227, -463),(249, 261, -463),(263, 267, -463),(270, 271, -463),(280, 281, -463),(285, 288, -463),
(292, 295, -463),(298, 299, -463),(303, 305, -463),(319, 320, -463),(325, 330, -463),(446, 452, -463),(488, 488, -463),(496, 496, -463),(507, 511, -463),(520, 546, -463),
(548, 548, -463),(551, 551, -463),(150, 154, -462),(157, 158, -462),(215, 217, -462),(223, 227, -462),(248, 267, -462),(269, 271, -462),(279, 280, -462),(284, 287, -462),
(294, 296, -462),(299, 299, -462),(304, 305, -462),(321, 322, -462),(326, 331, -462),(333, 335, -462),(447, 452, -462),(488, 488, -462),(496, 496, -462),(507, 510, -462),
(520, 553, -462),(151, 155, -461),(158, 158, -461),(217, 219, -461),(223, 228, -461),(247, 253, -461),(259, 272, -461),(278, 280, -461),(284, 287, -461),(294, 297, -461),
(299, 300, -461),(305, 306, -461),(321, 322, -461),(327, 337, -461),(448, 454, -461),(487, 488, -461),(496, 496, -461),(507, 511, -461),(519, 533, -461),(537, 558, -461),
(152, 157, -460),(219, 220, -460),(224, 229, -460),(247, 253, -460),(263, 265, -460),(267, 278, -460),(281, 281, -460),(283, 286, -460),(295, 297, -460),(300, 301, -460),
(306, 306, -460),(321, 323, -460),(327, 339, -460),(448, 454, -460),(495, 496, -460),(507, 510, -460),(518, 522, -460),(524, 532, -460),(539, 560, -460),(152, 157, -459),
(220, 221, -459),(224, 230, -459),(246, 251, -459),(268, 268, -459),(270, 286, -459),(295, 298, -459),(301, 302, -459),(306, 307, -459),(323, 328, -459),(332, 332, -459),
(336, 340, -459),(450, 455, -459),(486, 487, -459),(495, 495, -459),(507, 511, -459),(517, 521, -459),(543, 543, -459),(545, 562, -459),(153, 158, -458),(221, 222, -458),
(226, 231, -458),(246, 251, -458),(274, 285, -458),(296, 299, -458),(302, 302, -458),(307, 308, -458),(323, 326, -458),(337, 341, -458),(451, 456, -458),(485, 486, -458),
(494, 494, -458),(507, 514, -458),(516, 522, -458),(545, 563, -458),(154, 158, -457),(222, 223, -457),(227, 232, -457),(246, 250, -457),(277, 277, -457),(279, 280, -457),
(282, 282, -457),(297, 299, -457),(302, 303, -457),(308, 308, -457),(323, 325, -457),(338, 342, -457),(452, 457, -457),(485, 485, -457),(494, 494, -457),(507, 521, -457),
(544, 553, -457),(556, 564, -457),(154, 158, -456),(223, 223, -456),(227, 233, -456),(245, 250, -456),(297, 300, -456),(303, 304, -456),(308, 309, -456),(323, 323, -456),
(329, 329, -456),(339, 343, -456),(452, 457, -456),(484, 484, -456),(493, 493, -456),(507, 520, -456),(544, 550, -456),(552, 552, -456),(554, 554, -456),(557, 565, -456),
(154, 159, -455),(223, 225, -455),(228, 234, -455),(245, 249, -455),(298, 301, -455),(304, 305, -455),(309, 310, -455),(322, 322, -455),(327, 331, -455),(339, 343, -455),
(454, 459, -455),(483, 484, -455),(493, 493, -455),(507, 519, -455),(543, 548, -455),(550, 555, -455),(559, 565, -455),(155, 159, -454),(225, 225, -454),(229, 234, -454),
(244, 249, -454),(299, 301, -454),(304, 304, -454),(310, 310, -454),(321, 322, -454),(327, 336, -454),(339, 343, -454),(455, 459, -454),(483, 483, -454),(492, 492, -454),
(507, 512, -454),(515, 517, -454),(543, 550, -454),(554, 558, -454),(560, 566, -454),(155, 160, -453),(225, 226, -453),(230, 236, -453),(241, 241, -453),(244, 248, -453),
(299, 302, -453),(305, 305, -453),(310, 311, -453),(321, 321, -453),(327, 332, -453),(334, 339, -453),(342, 344, -453),(455, 460, -453),(482, 483, -453),(491, 492, -453),
(507, 511, -453),(515, 516, -453),(543, 549, -453),(556, 558, -453),(561, 566, -453),(156, 161, -452),(226, 227, -452),(231, 237, -452),(239, 239, -452),(241, 248, -452),
(300, 303, -452),(305, 306, -452),(311, 311, -452),(321, 321, -452),(328, 329, -452),(336, 339, -452),(342, 344, -452),(457, 461, -452),(481, 482, -452),(491, 491, -452),
(507, 510, -452),(516, 517, -452),(543, 548, -452),(558, 559, -452),(562, 565, -452),(157, 162, -451),(226, 227, -451),(232, 248, -451),(300, 303, -451),(305, 305, -451),
(307, 307, -451),(311, 311, -451),(320, 320, -451),(338, 339, -451),(342, 344, -451),(458, 462, -451),(481, 481, -451),(490, 491, -451),(507, 511, -451),(516, 517, -451),
(540, 548, -451),(552, 554, -451),(558, 559, -451),(562, 566, -451),(158, 163, -450),(228, 228, -450),(233, 247, -450),(301, 303, -450),(306, 307, -450),(312, 313, -450),
(321, 321, -450),(338, 340, -450),(342, 344, -450),(458, 462, -450),(480, 481, -450),(489, 490, -450),(506, 511, -450),(517, 517, -450),(539, 547, -450),(552, 555, -450),
(558, 559, -450),(562, 567, -450),(158, 164, -449),(228, 229, -449),(234, 247, -449),(302, 304, -449),(307, 307, -449),(312, 313, -449),(320, 320, -449),(337, 344, -449),
(459, 462, -449),(479, 479, -449),(489, 489, -449),(506, 508, -449),(511, 511, -449),(516, 516, -449),(536, 547, -449),(551, 554, -449),(558, 560, -449),(563, 566, -449),
(159, 165, -448),(230, 231, -448),(235, 247, -448),(302, 305, -448),(307, 308, -448),(313, 314, -448),(320, 320, -448),(336, 337, -448),(340, 344, -448),(422, 426, -448),
(459, 463, -448),(478, 479, -448),(487, 488, -448),(506, 507, -448),(511, 512, -448),(515, 517, -448),(536, 547, -448),(551, 555, -448),(558, 560, -448),(562, 566, -448),
(160, 165, -447),(231, 232, -447),(236, 240, -447),(243, 247, -447),(303, 306, -447),(308, 308, -447),(314, 314, -447),(320, 321, -447),(335, 336, -447),(341, 344, -447),
(420, 422, -447),(424, 425, -447),(427, 428, -447),(460, 464, -447),(477, 478, -447),(487, 488, -447),(505, 507, -447),(511, 516, -447),(535, 539, -447),(542, 548, -447),
(552, 552, -447),(554, 554, -447),(558, 560, -447),(562, 566, -447),(161, 166, -446),(231, 233, -446),(238, 240, -446),(242, 246, -446),(303, 306, -446),(308, 309, -446),
(314, 315, -446),(334, 336, -446),(340, 344, -446),(416, 420, -446),(427, 429, -446),(460, 464, -446),(476, 476, -446),(486, 486, -446),(505, 507, -446),(511, 516, -446),
(534, 537, -446),(542, 549, -446),(557, 559, -446),(562, 567, -446),(569, 575, -446),(579, 579, -446),(162, 166, -445),(233, 234, -445),(243, 245, -445),(304, 306, -445),
(309, 309, -445),(314, 315, -445),(321, 321, -445),(330, 334, -445),(341, 344, -445),(414, 416, -445),(427, 428, -445),(460, 464, -445),(474, 476, -445),(485, 486, -445),
(504, 506, -445),(511, 517, -445),(534, 536, -445),(542, 549, -445),(557, 558, -445),(561, 582, -445),(162, 167, -444),(234, 235, -444),(242, 246, -444),(304, 306, -444),
(309, 310, -444),(315, 316, -444),(322, 322, -444),(329, 333, -444),(341, 343, -444),(412, 414, -444),(425, 427, -444),(461, 465, -444),(473, 474, -444),(504, 507, -444),
(509, 519, -444),(534, 536, -444),(543, 551, -444),(554, 558, -444),(560, 586, -444),(163, 167, -443),(235, 236, -443),(238, 238, -443),(242, 246, -443),(304, 307, -443),
(309, 310, -443),(315, 316, -443),(322, 323, -443),(329, 332, -443),(340, 343, -443),(411, 412, -443),(421, 425, -443),(462, 465, -443),(472, 473, -443),(484, 484, -443),
(503, 512, -443),(516, 519, -443),(533, 535, -443),(543, 556, -443),(560, 590, -443),(164, 168, -442),(236, 238, -442),(242, 246, -442),(305, 307, -442),(309, 311, -442),
(316, 316, -442),(323, 323, -442),(329, 332, -442),(340, 342, -442),(408, 411, -442),(419, 423, -442),(462, 465, -442),(470, 473, -442),(483, 484, -442),(503, 511, -442);

INSERT INTO #R2(first, last, y)
VALUES (517, 520, -442),(527, 527, -442),(533, 541, -442),(544, 549, -442),(551, 551, -442),(553, 554, -442),(559, 594, -442),(164, 169, -441),(239, 246, -441),(306, 308, -441),
(310, 310, -441),(316, 316, -441),(323, 324, -441),(330, 331, -441),(339, 342, -441),(406, 408, -441),(415, 419, -441),(462, 470, -441),(481, 482, -441),(502, 510, -441),
(517, 520, -441),(524, 552, -441),(555, 574, -441),(579, 596, -441),(165, 170, -440),(240, 246, -440),(306, 308, -440),(310, 311, -440),(316, 317, -440),(324, 326, -440),
(337, 341, -440),(405, 406, -440),(413, 416, -440),(462, 469, -440),(480, 482, -440),(502, 505, -440),(507, 507, -440),(509, 509, -440),(518, 521, -440),(523, 534, -440),
(536, 539, -440),(541, 575, -440),(583, 597, -440),(166, 171, -439),(242, 246, -439),(306, 308, -439),(310, 311, -439),(316, 317, -439),(326, 329, -439),(332, 332, -439),
(334, 340, -439),(404, 405, -439),(410, 413, -439),(462, 467, -439),(478, 480, -439),(501, 505, -439),(519, 527, -439),(530, 533, -439),(565, 576, -439),(588, 599, -439),
(166, 172, -438),(242, 246, -438),(306, 309, -438),(311, 311, -438),(316, 317, -438),(328, 339, -438),(403, 404, -438),(408, 410, -438),(463, 466, -438),(477, 478, -438),
(500, 504, -438),(519, 524, -438),(574, 576, -438),(590, 600, -438),(167, 172, -437),(241, 246, -437),(307, 308, -437),(311, 312, -437),(317, 318, -437),(331, 334, -437),
(337, 339, -437),(401, 403, -437),(406, 406, -437),(408, 409, -437),(462, 467, -437),(476, 477, -437),(499, 503, -437),(520, 525, -437),(574, 578, -437),(593, 601, -437),
(168, 174, -436),(242, 246, -436),(307, 309, -436),(311, 312, -436),(317, 317, -436),(332, 334, -436),(337, 340, -436),(399, 401, -436),(405, 407, -436),(463, 467, -436),
(474, 475, -436),(498, 502, -436),(520, 529, -436),(531, 533, -436),(535, 536, -436),(538, 540, -436),(543, 546, -436),(574, 579, -436),(594, 601, -436),(169, 175, -435),
(241, 245, -435),(307, 309, -435),(312, 312, -435),(317, 318, -435),(333, 334, -435),(338, 340, -435),(399, 400, -435),(404, 405, -435),(463, 467, -435),(472, 474, -435),
(497, 501, -435),(520, 579, -435),(597, 601, -435),(171, 177, -434),(241, 245, -434),(307, 309, -434),(311, 312, -434),(317, 317, -434),(333, 334, -434),(338, 340, -434),
(398, 398, -434),(401, 403, -434),(464, 472, -434),(495, 500, -434),(520, 528, -434),(530, 532, -434),(534, 536, -434),(538, 538, -434),(540, 542, -434),(544, 555, -434),
(557, 579, -434),(597, 601, -434),(171, 179, -433),(241, 244, -433),(308, 309, -433),(312, 313, -433),(317, 317, -433),(333, 334, -433),(338, 340, -433),(397, 397, -433),
(400, 402, -433),(464, 469, -433),(494, 499, -433),(520, 523, -433),(546, 548, -433),(552, 554, -433),(560, 563, -433),(567, 579, -433),(597, 602, -433),(172, 179, -432),
(240, 244, -432),(307, 310, -432),(312, 313, -432),(317, 318, -432),(334, 334, -432),(338, 340, -432),(395, 400, -432),(433, 433, -432),(464, 469, -432),(492, 497, -432),
(520, 522, -432),(546, 549, -432),(551, 554, -432),(561, 562, -432),(567, 569, -432),(576, 577, -432),(579, 579, -432),(594, 594, -432),(598, 602, -432),(174, 182, -431),
(240, 243, -431),(308, 310, -431),(313, 313, -431),(318, 318, -431),(334, 334, -431),(338, 340, -431),(394, 399, -431),(431, 435, -431),(465, 469, -431),(490, 496, -431),
(520, 521, -431),(546, 549, -431),(552, 554, -431),(560, 562, -431),(567, 568, -431),(576, 576, -431),(579, 580, -431),(593, 595, -431),(598, 602, -431),(177, 183, -430),
(239, 243, -430),(308, 310, -430),(312, 312, -430),(317, 318, -430),(334, 335, -430),(338, 341, -430),(394, 397, -430),(421, 422, -430),(428, 428, -430),(430, 434, -430),
(465, 470, -430),(488, 495, -430),(520, 522, -430),(546, 548, -430),(551, 554, -430),(560, 562, -430),(566, 569, -430),(571, 572, -430),(574, 577, -430),(580, 580, -430),
(593, 596, -430),(598, 602, -430),(179, 186, -429),(239, 242, -429),(308, 310, -429),(312, 313, -429),(318, 318, -429),(334, 335, -429),(339, 341, -429),(392, 396, -429),
(421, 434, -429),(466, 470, -429),(484, 493, -429),(520, 521, -429),(546, 548, -429),(551, 554, -429),(559, 562, -429),(565, 570, -429),(572, 582, -429),(593, 596, -429),
(598, 602, -429),(180, 186, -428),(216, 225, -428),(239, 241, -428),(308, 311, -428),(313, 313, -428),(317, 318, -428),(334, 334, -428),(339, 341, -428),(392, 394, -428),
(409, 409, -428),(420, 430, -428),(433, 434, -428),(466, 474, -428),(476, 476, -428),(478, 491, -428),(520, 522, -428),(546, 548, -428),(551, 552, -428),(554, 561, -428),
(566, 567, -428),(575, 576, -428),(579, 586, -428),(594, 595, -428),(598, 603, -428),(182, 187, -427),(214, 221, -427),(223, 226, -427),(238, 241, -427),(308, 311, -427),
(313, 313, -427),(318, 318, -427),(334, 335, -427),(338, 340, -427),(390, 394, -427),(407, 409, -427),(420, 422, -427),(425, 425, -427),(427, 427, -427),(432, 434, -427),
(467, 491, -427),(520, 522, -427),(546, 548, -427),(551, 556, -427),(559, 560, -427),(565, 567, -427),(575, 576, -427),(581, 581, -427),(584, 584, -427),(586, 590, -427),
(593, 594, -427),(598, 602, -427),(183, 188, -426),(213, 213, -426),(215, 225, -426),(237, 240, -426),(308, 310, -426),(312, 314, -426),(318, 318, -426),(334, 334, -426),
(339, 341, -426),(389, 391, -426),(407, 410, -426),(420, 422, -426),(433, 434, -426),(468, 487, -426),(489, 491, -426),(520, 522, -426),(545, 552, -426),(554, 555, -426),
(559, 561, -426),(565, 567, -426),(575, 575, -426),(581, 581, -426),(589, 594, -426),(598, 602, -426),(185, 189, -425),(220, 220, -425),(224, 224, -425),(237, 240, -425),
(308, 311, -425),(313, 313, -425),(317, 318, -425),(334, 335, -425),(339, 341, -425),(389, 390, -425),(407, 410, -425),(420, 422, -425),(433, 434, -425),(468, 479, -425),
(481, 481, -425),(483, 483, -425),(485, 486, -425),(490, 491, -425),(520, 522, -425),(546, 552, -425),(555, 556, -425),(558, 560, -425),(565, 566, -425),(575, 575, -425),
(581, 582, -425),(592, 595, -425),(598, 602, -425),(186, 191, -424),(237, 239, -424),(309, 310, -424),(313, 313, -424),(318, 318, -424),(334, 334, -424),(339, 341, -424),
(388, 390, -424),(406, 411, -424),(420, 422, -424),(433, 434, -424),(469, 473, -424),(485, 486, -424),(490, 490, -424),(520, 522, -424),(546, 550, -424),(555, 559, -424),
(565, 566, -424),(574, 574, -424),(581, 581, -424),(593, 602, -424),(186, 192, -423),(199, 202, -423),(236, 239, -423),(309, 311, -423),(313, 313, -423),(317, 318, -423),
(334, 335, -423),(339, 341, -423),(387, 389, -423),(405, 406, -423),(409, 412, -423),(419, 421, -423),(433, 435, -423),(469, 473, -423),(485, 486, -423),(490, 491, -423),
(520, 522, -423),(546, 548, -423),(550, 551, -423),(556, 559, -423),(564, 566, -423),(574, 575, -423),(582, 582, -423),(593, 593, -423),(596, 602, -423),(187, 198, -422),
(201, 201, -422),(221, 221, -422),(236, 239, -422),(309, 313, -422),(318, 318, -422),(334, 334, -422),(339, 340, -422),(386, 387, -422),(402, 407, -422),(410, 413, -422),
(419, 421, -422),(432, 435, -422),(470, 473, -422),(486, 486, -422),(490, 490, -422),(520, 522, -422),(546, 550, -422),(556, 559, -422),(564, 566, -422),(574, 574, -422),
(582, 582, -422),(593, 593, -422),(597, 603, -422),(189, 194, -421),(196, 196, -421),(201, 202, -421),(215, 223, -421),(235, 238, -421),(308, 311, -421),(313, 313, -421),
(318, 318, -421),(334, 335, -421),(339, 340, -421),(386, 386, -421),(401, 404, -421),(411, 414, -421),(418, 420, -421),(433, 435, -421),(470, 473, -421),(485, 486, -421),
(490, 491, -421),(520, 522, -421),(546, 551, -421),(556, 558, -421),(564, 565, -421),(574, 574, -421),(582, 582, -421),(593, 593, -421),(596, 602, -421),(189, 194, -420),
(200, 201, -420),(212, 218, -420),(222, 224, -420),(235, 238, -420),(309, 311, -420),(313, 313, -420),(318, 318, -420),(334, 334, -420),(339, 341, -420),(385, 386, -420),
(400, 403, -420),(412, 420, -420),(433, 435, -420),(470, 474, -420),(485, 486, -420),(520, 522, -420),(547, 550, -420),(556, 558, -420),(564, 565, -420),(573, 573, -420),
(582, 583, -420),(592, 593, -420),(596, 602, -420),(190, 195, -419),(199, 200, -419),(209, 213, -419),(219, 219, -419),(221, 223, -419),(235, 238, -419),(309, 311, -419),
(313, 313, -419),(318, 318, -419),(339, 341, -419),(384, 385, -419),(401, 403, -419),(413, 418, -419),(433, 435, -419),(471, 473, -419),(486, 486, -419),(490, 491, -419),
(520, 522, -419),(546, 550, -419),(556, 558, -419),(564, 565, -419),(573, 573, -419),(583, 583, -419),(593, 593, -419),(596, 601, -419),(190, 197, -418),(199, 200, -418),
(208, 222, -418),(234, 238, -418),(308, 311, -418),(313, 314, -418),(318, 318, -418),(333, 334, -418),(338, 340, -418),(384, 384, -418),(401, 403, -418),(415, 419, -418),
(433, 436, -418),(471, 474, -418),(485, 486, -418),(490, 491, -418),(520, 522, -418),(546, 550, -418),(555, 558, -418),(564, 565, -418),(573, 573, -418),(583, 583, -418),
(592, 592, -418),(596, 600, -418),(191, 199, -417),(207, 210, -417),(212, 213, -417),(215, 216, -417),(235, 238, -417),(309, 310, -417),(313, 313, -417),(318, 318, -417),
(333, 334, -417),(338, 340, -417),(382, 383, -417),(402, 404, -417),(416, 419, -417),(434, 436, -417),(471, 475, -417),(485, 486, -417),(490, 491, -417),(520, 522, -417),
(547, 550, -417),(554, 557, -417),(564, 564, -417),(573, 573, -417),(583, 584, -417),(591, 592, -417),(597, 601, -417),(192, 198, -416),(205, 207, -416),(234, 237, -416),
(309, 311, -416),(313, 314, -416),(318, 318, -416),(333, 334, -416),(338, 340, -416),(382, 382, -416),(402, 403, -416),(417, 420, -416),(433, 436, -416),(472, 474, -416),
(486, 486, -416),(490, 490, -416),(520, 522, -416),(546, 550, -416),(554, 557, -416),(563, 564, -416),(572, 573, -416),(584, 584, -416),(592, 592, -416),(597, 600, -416),
(192, 198, -415),(204, 205, -415),(234, 237, -415),(309, 311, -415),(313, 314, -415),(318, 318, -415),(333, 334, -415),(338, 340, -415),(381, 382, -415),(401, 404, -415),
(417, 419, -415),(433, 436, -415),(472, 475, -415),(486, 486, -415),(490, 491, -415),(520, 522, -415),(546, 550, -415),(553, 556, -415),(563, 564, -415),(572, 572, -415),
(584, 584, -415),(591, 591, -415),(597, 600, -415),(194, 197, -414),(203, 204, -414),(234, 237, -414),(309, 311, -414),(313, 313, -414),(317, 318, -414),(333, 333, -414),
(338, 340, -414),(381, 381, -414),(401, 403, -414),(417, 419, -414),(431, 434, -414),(472, 474, -414),(490, 490, -414),(520, 521, -414),(547, 550, -414),(552, 556, -414),
(562, 563, -414),(572, 572, -414),(584, 585, -414),(592, 592, -414),(597, 601, -414),(194, 197, -413),(202, 202, -413),(234, 237, -413),(309, 311, -413),(313, 313, -413),
(318, 318, -413),(333, 333, -413),(337, 340, -413),(381, 381, -413),(401, 403, -413),(416, 419, -413),(431, 433, -413),(472, 474, -413),(486, 486, -413),(491, 491, -413),
(520, 522, -413),(546, 554, -413),(562, 563, -413),(571, 572, -413),(584, 585, -413),(591, 592, -413),(597, 601, -413),(194, 198, -412),(201, 202, -412),(230, 231, -412),
(233, 237, -412),(308, 311, -412),(313, 313, -412),(317, 318, -412),(333, 333, -412),(337, 340, -412),(380, 380, -412),(401, 403, -412),(417, 418, -412),(431, 433, -412),
(472, 475, -412),(486, 486, -412),(490, 490, -412),(520, 522, -412),(547, 554, -412),(562, 563, -412),(571, 571, -412),(585, 585, -412),(591, 591, -412),(597, 600, -412),
(194, 201, -411),(229, 232, -411),(234, 238, -411),(309, 311, -411),(313, 314, -411),(317, 318, -411),(332, 333, -411),(337, 340, -411),(380, 380, -411),(400, 403, -411),
(416, 418, -411),(430, 432, -411),(472, 475, -411),(485, 486, -411),(520, 522, -411),(546, 552, -411),(562, 563, -411),(571, 571, -411),(585, 585, -411),(590, 591, -411),
(597, 601, -411),(194, 200, -410),(229, 230, -410),(232, 238, -410),(308, 310, -410),(313, 313, -410),(317, 317, -410),(333, 333, -410),(337, 339, -410),(379, 380, -410),
(400, 402, -410),(416, 419, -410),(430, 432, -410),(472, 475, -410),(491, 491, -410),(520, 522, -410),(547, 551, -410),(561, 563, -410),(571, 571, -410),(585, 586, -410),
(591, 591, -410),(597, 600, -410),(194, 200, -409),(230, 230, -409),(233, 238, -409),(308, 310, -409),(313, 313, -409),(317, 317, -409),(332, 333, -409),(338, 339, -409),
(378, 379, -409),(399, 401, -409),(417, 418, -409),(430, 432, -409),(435, 437, -409),(473, 475, -409),(486, 486, -409),(491, 491, -409),(520, 522, -409),(545, 550, -409),
(560, 562, -409),(570, 571, -409),(586, 586, -409),(597, 601, -409),(195, 199, -408),(230, 231, -408),(233, 237, -408),(308, 310, -408),(312, 312, -408),(317, 318, -408),
(332, 333, -408),(337, 339, -408),(378, 378, -408),(399, 401, -408),(416, 418, -408),(429, 431, -408),(435, 438, -408),(473, 475, -408),(486, 486, -408),(491, 491, -408),
(520, 522, -408),(546, 549, -408),(559, 563, -408),(570, 570, -408),(587, 587, -408),(591, 591, -408),(597, 600, -408),(195, 199, -407),(232, 237, -407),(308, 310, -407),
(312, 312, -407),(317, 318, -407),(331, 333, -407),(336, 339, -407),(377, 378, -407),(399, 402, -407),(417, 419, -407),(430, 431, -407),(435, 436, -407),(438, 439, -407),
(473, 475, -407),(520, 522, -407),(544, 547, -407),(559, 563, -407),(570, 570, -407),(586, 586, -407),(591, 591, -407),(597, 600, -407),(194, 198, -406),(233, 238, -406),
(308, 310, -406),(312, 313, -406),(317, 317, -406),(332, 341, -406),(377, 378, -406),(399, 402, -406),(416, 419, -406),(429, 431, -406),(436, 436, -406),(438, 439, -406),
(473, 476, -406),(486, 486, -406),(490, 490, -406),(520, 522, -406),(544, 546, -406),(558, 561, -406),(563, 563, -406),(570, 570, -406),(586, 587, -406),(591, 591, -406),
(597, 601, -406),(194, 198, -405),(233, 238, -405),(307, 310, -405),(312, 312, -405),(317, 318, -405),(332, 342, -405),(377, 377, -405),(400, 403, -405),(417, 419, -405),
(430, 431, -405),(436, 437, -405),(439, 440, -405),(473, 475, -405),(486, 486, -405),(491, 491, -405),(520, 522, -405),(542, 544, -405),(557, 560, -405),(563, 564, -405),
(569, 570, -405),(587, 587, -405),(590, 591, -405),(597, 601, -405),(193, 197, -404),(234, 237, -404),(307, 309, -404),(312, 313, -404),(317, 317, -404),(329, 333, -404),
(335, 336, -404),(338, 343, -404),(376, 376, -404),(401, 402, -404),(417, 420, -404),(429, 431, -404),(437, 438, -404),(440, 440, -404),(473, 476, -404),(491, 491, -404),
(520, 524, -404),(526, 526, -404),(528, 530, -404),(540, 543, -404),(557, 560, -404),(563, 564, -404),(569, 571, -404),(573, 574, -404),(576, 576, -404),(587, 588, -404),
(590, 590, -404),(597, 600, -404),(193, 197, -403),(234, 238, -403),(307, 309, -403),(312, 313, -403),(316, 317, -403),(329, 330, -403),(340, 344, -403),(375, 376, -403),
(401, 403, -403),(418, 420, -403),(430, 431, -403),(438, 438, -403),(440, 441, -403),(473, 476, -403),(485, 486, -403),(491, 491, -403),(520, 534, -403),(538, 541, -403),
(557, 571, -403),(573, 588, -403),(590, 590, -403),(597, 601, -403),(193, 197, -402),(233, 238, -402),(308, 309, -402),(311, 312, -402),(316, 316, -402),(327, 329, -402),
(336, 336, -402),(342, 345, -402),(375, 376, -402),(401, 402, -402),(417, 420, -402),(428, 431, -402),(438, 438, -402),(441, 441, -402),(473, 476, -402),(486, 486, -402),
(490, 490, -402),(520, 540, -402),(556, 560, -402),(562, 562, -402),(564, 570, -402),(582, 582, -402),(584, 584, -402),(586, 592, -402),(597, 600, -402),(193, 196, -401),
(234, 237, -401),(308, 309, -401),(312, 312, -401),(316, 317, -401),(327, 327, -401),(335, 338, -401),(342, 345, -401),(375, 375, -401),(401, 403, -401),(415, 419, -401),
(427, 431, -401),(439, 442, -401),(474, 476, -401),(520, 522, -401),(527, 527, -401),(531, 539, -401),(555, 558, -401),(564, 565, -401),(568, 568, -401),(587, 602, -401);

INSERT INTO #R2(first, last, y)
VALUES (192, 196, -400),(234, 238, -400),(307, 309, -400),(311, 312, -400),(317, 317, -400),(326, 327, -400),(335, 338, -400),(344, 346, -400),(375, 375, -400),(401, 403, -400),
(416, 418, -400),(427, 429, -400),(431, 431, -400),(440, 442, -400),(474, 476, -400),(486, 486, -400),(491, 491, -400),(520, 522, -400),(555, 557, -400),(565, 568, -400),
(588, 591, -400),(593, 593, -400),(595, 595, -400),(597, 602, -400),(192, 196, -399),(234, 237, -399),(307, 309, -399),(311, 312, -399),(316, 316, -399),(326, 326, -399),
(335, 339, -399),(344, 346, -399),(374, 375, -399),(401, 403, -399),(415, 417, -399),(425, 427, -399),(440, 442, -399),(474, 477, -399),(486, 486, -399),(491, 491, -399),
(520, 521, -399),(554, 557, -399),(565, 568, -399),(588, 591, -399),(599, 602, -399),(192, 196, -398),(234, 238, -398),(307, 309, -398),(312, 312, -398),(316, 317, -398),
(325, 325, -398),(335, 339, -398),(344, 346, -398),(374, 374, -398),(401, 404, -398),(415, 416, -398),(424, 426, -398),(441, 443, -398),(475, 477, -398),(490, 490, -398),
(520, 522, -398),(554, 556, -398),(565, 569, -398),(588, 590, -398),(599, 603, -398),(191, 195, -397),(234, 237, -397),(306, 309, -397),(312, 312, -397),(316, 316, -397),
(325, 326, -397),(338, 339, -397),(345, 346, -397),(373, 374, -397),(400, 405, -397),(414, 415, -397),(424, 426, -397),(441, 444, -397),(448, 448, -397),(475, 477, -397),
(486, 486, -397),(520, 521, -397),(553, 556, -397),(565, 568, -397),(588, 590, -397),(600, 603, -397),(191, 195, -396),(233, 237, -396),(307, 309, -396),(311, 312, -396),
(315, 316, -396),(325, 325, -396),(339, 340, -396),(345, 346, -396),(373, 374, -396),(401, 407, -396),(414, 416, -396),(423, 425, -396),(440, 452, -396),(454, 454, -396),
(475, 477, -396),(486, 486, -396),(491, 491, -396),(520, 521, -396),(553, 555, -396),(566, 567, -396),(588, 590, -396),(600, 602, -396),(191, 195, -395),(233, 237, -395),
(307, 308, -395),(310, 311, -395),(316, 316, -395),(325, 325, -395),(330, 330, -395),(339, 340, -395),(344, 346, -395),(373, 373, -395),(403, 407, -395),(413, 415, -395),
(423, 424, -395),(437, 456, -395),(475, 477, -395),(485, 485, -395),(491, 491, -395),(520, 522, -395),(553, 555, -395),(588, 590, -395),(600, 603, -395),(191, 194, -394),
(234, 237, -394),(306, 308, -394),(311, 312, -394),(315, 316, -394),(324, 325, -394),(329, 331, -394),(340, 340, -394),(343, 347, -394),(372, 372, -394),(405, 407, -394),
(413, 415, -394),(423, 424, -394),(434, 443, -394),(447, 458, -394),(476, 477, -394),(486, 486, -394),(491, 491, -394),(520, 521, -394),(552, 555, -394),(600, 602, -394),
(191, 194, -393),(198, 198, -393),(234, 237, -393),(249, 251, -393),(306, 308, -393),(311, 311, -393),(315, 315, -393),(325, 325, -393),(329, 332, -393),(339, 341, -393),
(343, 346, -393),(372, 373, -393),(406, 408, -393),(413, 416, -393),(418, 418, -393),(420, 424, -393),(430, 438, -393),(452, 460, -393),(476, 478, -393),(486, 486, -393),
(519, 521, -393),(552, 554, -393),(599, 603, -393),(191, 195, -392),(197, 198, -392),(234, 238, -392),(248, 251, -392),(306, 308, -392),(311, 311, -392),(315, 316, -392),
(324, 325, -392),(328, 333, -392),(336, 336, -392),(339, 346, -392),(372, 372, -392),(407, 409, -392),(413, 415, -392),(417, 425, -392),(429, 434, -392),(436, 436, -392),
(454, 461, -392),(476, 478, -392),(491, 491, -392),(519, 520, -392),(552, 555, -392),(557, 558, -392),(561, 561, -392),(563, 567, -392),(569, 571, -392),(573, 575, -392),
(577, 578, -392),(580, 586, -392),(589, 590, -392),(600, 603, -392),(190, 197, -391),(234, 238, -391),(248, 248, -391),(252, 252, -391),(306, 308, -391),(311, 311, -391),
(315, 316, -391),(325, 325, -391),(329, 342, -391),(344, 347, -391),(372, 372, -391),(406, 425, -391),(427, 432, -391),(456, 462, -391),(476, 478, -391),(486, 486, -391),
(490, 491, -391),(520, 521, -391),(552, 561, -391),(563, 563, -391),(565, 566, -391),(569, 569, -391),(577, 577, -391),(582, 582, -391),(584, 584, -391),(586, 586, -391),
(588, 594, -391),(600, 603, -391),(190, 196, -390),(234, 238, -390),(248, 249, -390),(251, 251, -390),(306, 308, -390),(310, 310, -390),(315, 315, -390),(325, 326, -390),
(334, 341, -390),(344, 346, -390),(371, 371, -390),(406, 418, -390),(421, 421, -390),(423, 429, -390),(456, 457, -390),(460, 462, -390),(476, 477, -390),(486, 486, -390),
(491, 491, -390),(519, 521, -390),(552, 556, -390),(593, 603, -390),(190, 195, -389),(235, 238, -389),(248, 249, -389),(251, 251, -389),(305, 307, -389),(310, 311, -389),
(315, 316, -389),(326, 327, -389),(339, 340, -389),(343, 345, -389),(370, 371, -389),(405, 408, -389),(412, 416, -389),(423, 427, -389),(458, 458, -389),(460, 463, -389),
(476, 478, -389),(491, 492, -389),(519, 521, -389),(553, 555, -389),(597, 603, -389),(189, 194, -388),(235, 239, -388),(248, 248, -388),(252, 252, -388),(305, 307, -388),
(309, 310, -388),(315, 315, -388),(327, 328, -388),(339, 340, -388),(342, 345, -388),(371, 371, -388),(406, 407, -388),(413, 416, -388),(421, 425, -388),(458, 459, -388),
(461, 463, -388),(475, 478, -388),(486, 486, -388),(490, 491, -388),(519, 521, -388),(553, 556, -388),(597, 603, -388),(188, 193, -387),(235, 239, -387),(248, 248, -387),
(252, 252, -387),(305, 307, -387),(309, 310, -387),(315, 315, -387),(327, 329, -387),(338, 345, -387),(371, 371, -387),(405, 406, -387),(413, 423, -387),(459, 459, -387),
(462, 464, -387),(476, 477, -387),(485, 486, -387),(491, 492, -387),(519, 521, -387),(554, 557, -387),(594, 602, -387),(187, 193, -386),(236, 240, -386),(248, 248, -386),
(251, 251, -386),(305, 307, -386),(310, 310, -386),(314, 315, -386),(327, 330, -386),(333, 333, -386),(337, 344, -386),(370, 370, -386),(406, 407, -386),(414, 421, -386),
(459, 460, -386),(462, 465, -386),(476, 478, -386),(491, 491, -386),(519, 520, -386),(554, 559, -386),(561, 561, -386),(589, 602, -386),(187, 192, -385),(236, 241, -385),
(248, 248, -385),(251, 252, -385),(305, 307, -385),(309, 310, -385),(314, 315, -385),(327, 333, -385),(335, 344, -385),(370, 370, -385),(406, 407, -385),(414, 422, -385),
(459, 460, -385),(463, 465, -385),(475, 477, -385),(486, 486, -385),(491, 491, -385),(520, 521, -385),(555, 564, -385),(567, 568, -385),(570, 570, -385),(576, 576, -385),
(579, 580, -385),(582, 582, -385),(585, 601, -385),(187, 192, -384),(237, 241, -384),(248, 248, -384),(251, 251, -384),(305, 306, -384),(309, 309, -384),(313, 314, -384),
(327, 328, -384),(332, 341, -384),(370, 370, -384),(405, 407, -384),(412, 415, -384),(420, 425, -384),(460, 461, -384),(463, 465, -384),(475, 477, -384),(486, 486, -384),
(491, 492, -384),(519, 521, -384),(555, 598, -384),(186, 191, -383),(212, 212, -383),(215, 221, -383),(223, 223, -383),(225, 225, -383),(227, 227, -383),(237, 241, -383),
(247, 248, -383),(250, 251, -383),(305, 306, -383),(309, 309, -383),(313, 314, -383),(327, 328, -383),(332, 340, -383),(369, 370, -383),(406, 408, -383),(410, 414, -383),
(422, 427, -383),(460, 461, -383),(463, 465, -383),(475, 477, -383),(486, 486, -383),(491, 491, -383),(519, 521, -383),(556, 596, -383),(186, 191, -382),(209, 210, -382),
(212, 212, -382),(214, 214, -382),(217, 218, -382),(221, 222, -382),(225, 228, -382),(230, 230, -382),(233, 233, -382),(238, 242, -382),(247, 248, -382),(250, 250, -382),
(304, 305, -382),(308, 309, -382),(313, 314, -382),(326, 327, -382),(331, 335, -382),(337, 337, -382),(369, 370, -382),(405, 413, -382),(424, 430, -382),(461, 462, -382),
(464, 466, -382),(474, 477, -382),(486, 486, -382),(491, 492, -382),(519, 521, -382),(555, 589, -382),(591, 591, -382),(593, 593, -382),(185, 190, -381),(206, 211, -381),
(229, 232, -381),(234, 235, -381),(237, 243, -381),(248, 250, -381),(304, 306, -381),(308, 308, -381),(314, 314, -381),(326, 326, -381),(331, 333, -381),(349, 349, -381),
(369, 369, -381),(404, 412, -381),(425, 430, -381),(432, 432, -381),(461, 467, -381),(474, 477, -381),(485, 486, -381),(490, 491, -381),(519, 521, -381),(556, 584, -381),
(586, 586, -381),(185, 190, -380),(205, 207, -380),(235, 243, -380),(247, 247, -380),(249, 250, -380),(304, 306, -380),(308, 309, -380),(313, 313, -380),(325, 326, -380),
(331, 333, -380),(348, 350, -380),(369, 369, -380),(403, 405, -380),(427, 428, -380),(431, 432, -380),(462, 462, -380),(464, 467, -380),(475, 476, -380),(491, 491, -380),
(520, 522, -380),(556, 560, -380),(565, 565, -380),(567, 567, -380),(569, 570, -380),(572, 575, -380),(577, 577, -380),(579, 579, -380),(582, 582, -380),(185, 189, -379),
(203, 204, -379),(239, 243, -379),(247, 249, -379),(304, 305, -379),(308, 309, -379),(313, 313, -379),(325, 326, -379),(330, 332, -379),(347, 350, -379),(369, 369, -379),
(402, 405, -379),(428, 429, -379),(432, 434, -379),(461, 465, -379),(467, 467, -379),(474, 476, -379),(486, 486, -379),(491, 492, -379),(520, 521, -379),(556, 560, -379),
(184, 189, -378),(201, 204, -378),(240, 249, -378),(303, 306, -378),(308, 309, -378),(312, 314, -378),(325, 325, -378),(330, 332, -378),(347, 348, -378),(350, 350, -378),
(368, 369, -378),(401, 404, -378),(429, 429, -378),(433, 434, -378),(447, 448, -378),(462, 465, -378),(467, 468, -378),(475, 477, -378),(490, 491, -378),(519, 522, -378),
(557, 561, -378),(184, 189, -377),(199, 201, -377),(213, 213, -377),(216, 217, -377),(220, 220, -377),(225, 226, -377),(240, 248, -377),(303, 305, -377),(308, 308, -377),
(313, 313, -377),(325, 325, -377),(329, 332, -377),(347, 347, -377),(350, 350, -377),(368, 368, -377),(400, 403, -377),(430, 431, -377),(434, 436, -377),(442, 450, -377),
(462, 468, -377),(474, 476, -377),(486, 486, -377),(491, 491, -377),(519, 521, -377),(557, 561, -377),(183, 189, -376),(197, 199, -376),(208, 215, -376),(219, 219, -376),
(221, 230, -376),(241, 247, -376),(303, 305, -376),(307, 308, -376),(312, 312, -376),(324, 325, -376),(328, 331, -376),(346, 346, -376),(349, 350, -376),(368, 368, -376),
(400, 402, -376),(431, 431, -376),(435, 451, -376),(461, 466, -376),(468, 469, -376),(474, 476, -376),(486, 486, -376),(491, 492, -376),(519, 521, -376),(557, 561, -376),
(575, 577, -376),(182, 189, -375),(195, 198, -375),(206, 209, -375),(211, 211, -375),(228, 234, -375),(241, 247, -375),(303, 305, -375),(308, 308, -375),(312, 313, -375),
(324, 325, -375),(328, 331, -375),(345, 347, -375),(349, 349, -375),(368, 369, -375),(399, 401, -375),(431, 432, -375),(436, 442, -375),(449, 452, -375),(461, 466, -375),
(468, 469, -375),(474, 476, -375),(486, 486, -375),(491, 491, -375),(519, 522, -375),(557, 561, -375),(573, 578, -375),(181, 195, -374),(203, 206, -374),(234, 237, -374),
(239, 247, -374),(303, 308, -374),(312, 312, -374),(324, 324, -374),(328, 330, -374),(349, 350, -374),(368, 368, -374),(398, 400, -374),(431, 432, -374),(436, 442, -374),
(450, 454, -374),(460, 463, -374),(466, 469, -374),(475, 477, -374),(486, 486, -374),(491, 491, -374),(520, 521, -374),(557, 561, -374),(572, 582, -374),(584, 584, -374),
(180, 193, -373),(202, 204, -373),(236, 236, -373),(238, 246, -373),(302, 305, -373),(307, 308, -373),(312, 312, -373),(324, 324, -373),(328, 331, -373),(345, 346, -373),
(349, 349, -373),(397, 400, -373),(432, 432, -373),(436, 437, -373),(440, 441, -373),(452, 462, -373),(467, 469, -373),(474, 476, -373),(485, 485, -373),(490, 491, -373),
(520, 521, -373),(558, 561, -373),(570, 586, -373),(179, 190, -372),(200, 202, -372),(240, 245, -372),(303, 305, -372),(307, 307, -372),(312, 312, -372),(323, 324, -372),
(328, 330, -372),(345, 345, -372),(348, 349, -372),(368, 368, -372),(396, 399, -372),(432, 433, -372),(437, 437, -372),(440, 442, -372),(453, 462, -372),(467, 469, -372),
(474, 477, -372),(486, 486, -372),(491, 492, -372),(519, 522, -372),(557, 561, -372),(569, 587, -372),(178, 186, -371),(198, 200, -371),(240, 245, -371),(302, 305, -371),
(307, 307, -371),(312, 312, -371),(323, 324, -371),(327, 330, -371),(345, 346, -371),(348, 349, -371),(396, 398, -371),(432, 433, -371),(437, 437, -371),(440, 442, -371),
(454, 461, -371),(467, 469, -371),(474, 476, -371),(486, 486, -371),(491, 491, -371),(519, 521, -371),(558, 561, -371),(569, 588, -371),(177, 182, -370),(197, 199, -370),
(241, 244, -370),(302, 305, -370),(307, 307, -370),(311, 312, -370),(323, 323, -370),(327, 330, -370),(345, 345, -370),(348, 348, -370),(367, 368, -370),(395, 397, -370),
(433, 434, -370),(437, 437, -370),(440, 443, -370),(456, 460, -370),(468, 469, -370),(473, 476, -370),(486, 486, -370),(491, 492, -370),(519, 522, -370),(531, 532, -370),
(535, 536, -370),(538, 538, -370),(557, 561, -370),(568, 573, -370),(577, 588, -370),(177, 181, -369),(195, 197, -369),(240, 244, -369),(302, 304, -369),(306, 307, -369),
(311, 312, -369),(323, 324, -369),(327, 329, -369),(344, 345, -369),(348, 348, -369),(368, 368, -369),(394, 397, -369),(433, 433, -369),(437, 438, -369),(440, 442, -369),
(468, 469, -369),(474, 476, -369),(486, 486, -369),(491, 491, -369),(519, 524, -369),(526, 541, -369),(558, 562, -369),(566, 573, -369),(578, 581, -369),(584, 588, -369),
(177, 181, -368),(193, 195, -368),(240, 243, -368),(301, 304, -368),(306, 306, -368),(311, 311, -368),(323, 323, -368),(327, 329, -368),(344, 344, -368),(347, 348, -368),
(367, 368, -368),(393, 398, -368),(433, 434, -368),(437, 437, -368),(440, 442, -368),(468, 469, -368),(474, 476, -368),(486, 486, -368),(490, 492, -368),(519, 528, -368),
(540, 540, -368),(542, 544, -368),(557, 561, -368),(563, 573, -368),(577, 580, -368),(585, 588, -368),(176, 180, -367),(190, 194, -367),(240, 243, -367),(302, 304, -367),
(306, 307, -367),(311, 311, -367),(322, 323, -367),(327, 329, -367),(344, 345, -367),(347, 348, -367),(367, 367, -367),(393, 398, -367),(413, 414, -367),(417, 417, -367),
(419, 425, -367),(433, 434, -367),(437, 437, -367),(440, 443, -367),(468, 469, -367),(473, 476, -367),(479, 479, -367),(485, 487, -367),(491, 492, -367),(495, 495, -367),
(505, 505, -367),(509, 509, -367),(517, 528, -367),(544, 545, -367),(558, 573, -367),(579, 579, -367),(585, 588, -367),(177, 180, -366),(186, 190, -366),(192, 192, -366),
(240, 243, -366),(301, 304, -366),(306, 306, -366),(311, 312, -366),(322, 323, -366),(326, 329, -366),(344, 344, -366),(347, 347, -366),(367, 368, -366),(392, 401, -366),
(413, 419, -366),(423, 424, -366),(434, 434, -366),(437, 437, -366),(440, 442, -366),(469, 469, -366),(473, 528, -366),(531, 532, -366),(535, 535, -366),(545, 547, -366),
(558, 574, -366),(584, 588, -366),(177, 180, -365),(185, 187, -365),(189, 189, -365),(239, 243, -365),(302, 304, -365),(306, 306, -365),(311, 312, -365),(323, 323, -365),
(327, 328, -365),(344, 344, -365),(347, 347, -365),(367, 367, -365),(391, 394, -365),(398, 398, -365),(400, 402, -365),(424, 425, -365),(433, 434, -365),(436, 438, -365),
(441, 442, -365),(469, 469, -365),(473, 487, -365),(489, 538, -365),(547, 548, -365),(559, 571, -365),(573, 574, -365),(584, 587, -365),(176, 180, -364),(182, 184, -364),
(239, 242, -364),(301, 304, -364),(306, 306, -364),(311, 311, -364),(322, 323, -364),(326, 328, -364),(344, 344, -364),(347, 348, -364),(380, 380, -364),(391, 393, -364),
(402, 405, -364),(424, 425, -364),(434, 434, -364),(436, 437, -364),(440, 442, -364),(469, 470, -364),(472, 487, -364),(491, 499, -364),(510, 529, -364),(536, 541, -364),
(548, 549, -364),(559, 567, -364),(569, 570, -364),(573, 575, -364),(584, 587, -364),(176, 183, -363),(239, 241, -363),(301, 306, -363),(311, 311, -363),(322, 323, -363),
(327, 328, -363),(344, 344, -363),(346, 347, -363),(358, 358, -363),(367, 367, -363),(379, 381, -363),(390, 392, -363),(404, 406, -363),(408, 408, -363),(423, 426, -363);

INSERT INTO #R2(first, last, y)
VALUES (433, 434, -363),(436, 437, -363),(440, 442, -363),(469, 469, -363),(472, 481, -363),(483, 487, -363),(491, 492, -363),(495, 497, -363),(511, 519, -363),(521, 529, -363),
(540, 544, -363),(549, 551, -363),(560, 565, -363),(570, 570, -363),(573, 574, -363),(583, 587, -363),(177, 182, -362),(212, 212, -362),(214, 214, -362),(216, 216, -362),
(239, 242, -362),(301, 304, -362),(306, 306, -362),(311, 311, -362),(322, 323, -362),(326, 329, -362),(344, 344, -362),(347, 347, -362),(357, 358, -362),(366, 367, -362),
(378, 380, -362),(390, 392, -362),(406, 406, -362),(408, 423, -362),(425, 426, -362),(433, 436, -362),(440, 442, -362),(469, 478, -362),(482, 486, -362),(492, 492, -362),
(497, 499, -362),(512, 518, -362),(526, 530, -362),(543, 546, -362),(550, 551, -362),(560, 563, -362),(570, 575, -362),(583, 586, -362),(176, 181, -361),(209, 217, -361),
(239, 242, -361),(301, 303, -361),(305, 306, -361),(323, 323, -361),(326, 328, -361),(344, 347, -361),(356, 359, -361),(367, 367, -361),(377, 381, -361),(389, 391, -361),
(413, 414, -361),(416, 416, -361),(419, 420, -361),(426, 428, -361),(433, 436, -361),(440, 441, -361),(469, 475, -361),(482, 488, -361),(490, 492, -361),(498, 500, -361),
(512, 517, -361),(526, 530, -361),(546, 547, -361),(551, 552, -361),(561, 562, -361),(571, 572, -361),(576, 577, -361),(582, 586, -361),(177, 181, -360),(207, 209, -360),
(217, 219, -360),(239, 241, -360),(302, 303, -360),(305, 306, -360),(311, 311, -360),(322, 323, -360),(327, 329, -360),(344, 346, -360),(355, 356, -360),(358, 359, -360),
(367, 368, -360),(377, 377, -360),(380, 380, -360),(389, 391, -360),(427, 428, -360),(433, 435, -360),(440, 442, -360),(470, 474, -360),(480, 482, -360),(484, 485, -360),
(487, 491, -360),(499, 501, -360),(512, 517, -360),(526, 530, -360),(548, 549, -360),(552, 553, -360),(560, 561, -360),(576, 586, -360),(177, 180, -359),(205, 207, -359),
(218, 231, -359),(233, 233, -359),(235, 235, -359),(237, 237, -359),(239, 241, -359),(302, 303, -359),(306, 306, -359),(310, 311, -359),(322, 324, -359),(326, 329, -359),
(344, 346, -359),(356, 357, -359),(359, 359, -359),(366, 367, -359),(376, 377, -359),(380, 380, -359),(388, 390, -359),(428, 429, -359),(431, 434, -359),(439, 441, -359),
(469, 472, -359),(480, 481, -359),(484, 485, -359),(489, 491, -359),(500, 503, -359),(511, 518, -359),(523, 531, -359),(549, 550, -359),(553, 553, -359),(559, 560, -359),
(579, 585, -359),(177, 181, -358),(202, 205, -358),(219, 225, -358),(227, 227, -358),(229, 230, -358),(233, 241, -358),(302, 303, -358),(305, 306, -358),(310, 310, -358),
(322, 324, -358),(327, 330, -358),(344, 346, -358),(356, 356, -358),(358, 359, -358),(367, 367, -358),(376, 376, -358),(378, 379, -358),(388, 391, -358),(430, 432, -358),
(439, 441, -358),(469, 470, -358),(479, 480, -358),(482, 484, -358),(489, 490, -358),(502, 504, -358),(509, 511, -358),(514, 517, -358),(522, 531, -358),(550, 551, -358),
(553, 554, -358),(559, 559, -358),(582, 586, -358),(177, 180, -357),(201, 202, -357),(220, 224, -357),(236, 236, -357),(238, 241, -357),(302, 303, -357),(305, 306, -357),
(311, 311, -357),(321, 332, -357),(344, 346, -357),(356, 356, -357),(358, 358, -357),(367, 368, -357),(375, 376, -357),(378, 379, -357),(387, 391, -357),(438, 440, -357),
(469, 470, -357),(479, 480, -357),(483, 483, -357),(490, 491, -357),(503, 510, -357),(514, 517, -357),(521, 531, -357),(551, 551, -357),(554, 555, -357),(558, 559, -357),
(581, 585, -357),(177, 181, -356),(199, 201, -356),(221, 225, -356),(239, 242, -356),(301, 303, -356),(305, 306, -356),(310, 311, -356),(322, 333, -356),(344, 346, -356),
(355, 356, -356),(358, 359, -356),(366, 366, -356),(375, 378, -356),(385, 392, -356),(438, 440, -356),(468, 469, -356),(479, 479, -356),(481, 482, -356),(490, 491, -356),
(504, 504, -356),(506, 507, -356),(513, 517, -356),(522, 529, -356),(531, 532, -356),(552, 553, -356),(555, 555, -356),(558, 558, -356),(582, 585, -356),(177, 181, -355),
(198, 199, -355),(222, 223, -355),(225, 226, -355),(239, 241, -355),(301, 303, -355),(305, 306, -355),(310, 311, -355),(321, 324, -355),(329, 333, -355),(344, 346, -355),
(355, 355, -355),(358, 358, -355),(367, 367, -355),(375, 377, -355),(384, 392, -355),(437, 440, -355),(468, 470, -355),(478, 482, -355),(490, 492, -355),(512, 516, -355),
(522, 527, -355),(530, 532, -355),(552, 558, -355),(581, 584, -355),(177, 180, -354),(197, 198, -354),(223, 223, -354),(226, 226, -354),(239, 242, -354),(301, 304, -354),
(306, 306, -354),(311, 311, -354),(319, 320, -354),(330, 335, -354),(344, 347, -354),(355, 356, -354),(358, 358, -354),(366, 366, -354),(374, 376, -354),(382, 387, -354),
(389, 393, -354),(437, 439, -354),(468, 469, -354),(478, 480, -354),(489, 492, -354),(511, 516, -354),(522, 525, -354),(529, 532, -354),(554, 557, -354),(581, 584, -354),
(177, 180, -353),(196, 197, -353),(223, 228, -353),(239, 241, -353),(302, 306, -353),(311, 311, -353),(318, 320, -353),(324, 324, -353),(332, 335, -353),(344, 346, -353),
(355, 359, -353),(366, 367, -353),(373, 376, -353),(381, 385, -353),(392, 393, -353),(436, 439, -353),(468, 470, -353),(477, 479, -353),(489, 492, -353),(510, 516, -353),
(523, 530, -353),(532, 533, -353),(554, 557, -353),(581, 584, -353),(177, 180, -352),(195, 196, -352),(224, 225, -352),(227, 228, -352),(239, 241, -352),(302, 304, -352),
(306, 306, -352),(317, 318, -352),(323, 326, -352),(333, 335, -352),(345, 346, -352),(355, 355, -352),(358, 358, -352),(366, 366, -352),(373, 376, -352),(381, 385, -352),
(393, 395, -352),(436, 438, -352),(467, 472, -352),(475, 477, -352),(490, 493, -352),(509, 515, -352),(522, 528, -352),(532, 534, -352),(555, 558, -352),(580, 584, -352),
(176, 180, -351),(193, 196, -351),(225, 228, -351),(239, 241, -351),(301, 306, -351),(310, 311, -351),(317, 318, -351),(323, 327, -351),(333, 336, -351),(345, 346, -351),
(355, 356, -351),(358, 358, -351),(365, 366, -351),(373, 375, -351),(381, 385, -351),(395, 397, -351),(434, 439, -351),(467, 476, -351),(489, 494, -351),(509, 513, -351),
(523, 527, -351),(531, 534, -351),(555, 557, -351),(580, 583, -351),(177, 180, -350),(192, 195, -350),(226, 228, -350),(239, 242, -350),(302, 304, -350),(306, 306, -350),
(311, 311, -350),(316, 317, -350),(322, 326, -350),(333, 336, -350),(345, 346, -350),(355, 356, -350),(365, 366, -350),(372, 375, -350),(380, 382, -350),(384, 384, -350),
(396, 398, -350),(434, 440, -350),(466, 474, -350),(489, 495, -350),(508, 512, -350),(524, 527, -350),(530, 532, -350),(534, 534, -350),(556, 557, -350),(579, 583, -350),
(176, 180, -349),(189, 195, -349),(239, 242, -349),(302, 304, -349),(306, 307, -349),(311, 311, -349),(316, 317, -349),(323, 329, -349),(333, 337, -349),(346, 346, -349),
(355, 356, -349),(358, 358, -349),(371, 374, -349),(380, 382, -349),(384, 385, -349),(398, 405, -349),(433, 434, -349),(437, 442, -349),(466, 473, -349),(488, 497, -349),
(508, 511, -349),(524, 530, -349),(534, 535, -349),(556, 559, -349),(570, 572, -349),(579, 583, -349),(176, 180, -348),(189, 195, -348),(239, 242, -348),(302, 306, -348),
(311, 312, -348),(316, 316, -348),(323, 329, -348),(331, 337, -348),(345, 347, -348),(355, 358, -348),(365, 365, -348),(372, 373, -348),(380, 381, -348),(384, 385, -348),
(400, 400, -348),(402, 402, -348),(404, 407, -348),(433, 435, -348),(438, 443, -348),(465, 473, -348),(488, 497, -348),(507, 511, -348),(524, 529, -348),(532, 535, -348),
(555, 560, -348),(569, 573, -348),(578, 583, -348),(175, 179, -347),(188, 189, -347),(192, 194, -347),(240, 242, -347),(302, 304, -347),(306, 307, -347),(311, 312, -347),
(316, 316, -347),(329, 336, -347),(339, 340, -347),(346, 347, -347),(355, 358, -347),(365, 366, -347),(371, 373, -347),(380, 382, -347),(385, 385, -347),(407, 408, -347),
(432, 436, -347),(440, 444, -347),(465, 474, -347),(488, 501, -347),(506, 510, -347),(525, 529, -347),(532, 533, -347),(535, 536, -347),(555, 556, -347),(559, 559, -347),
(568, 569, -347),(571, 572, -347),(579, 583, -347),(176, 179, -346),(186, 188, -346),(191, 194, -346),(240, 243, -346),(302, 305, -346),(307, 307, -346),(311, 312, -346),
(315, 316, -346),(330, 332, -346),(335, 337, -346),(339, 341, -346),(346, 346, -346),(355, 357, -346),(365, 365, -346),(371, 372, -346),(381, 382, -346),(385, 386, -346),
(407, 408, -346),(431, 431, -346),(435, 436, -346),(442, 445, -346),(464, 476, -346),(487, 491, -346),(494, 509, -346),(525, 528, -346),(530, 532, -346),(535, 537, -346),
(555, 555, -346),(558, 560, -346),(568, 570, -346),(579, 582, -346),(176, 179, -345),(186, 187, -345),(191, 192, -345),(194, 194, -345),(240, 243, -345),(303, 307, -345),
(312, 312, -345),(316, 316, -345),(330, 333, -345),(335, 336, -345),(339, 341, -345),(346, 348, -345),(355, 358, -345),(364, 365, -345),(371, 373, -345),(381, 382, -345),
(386, 387, -345),(408, 409, -345),(430, 431, -345),(436, 437, -345),(443, 446, -345),(463, 468, -345),(470, 481, -345),(486, 491, -345),(495, 509, -345),(525, 531, -345),
(534, 538, -345),(555, 561, -345),(569, 569, -345),(578, 582, -345),(176, 179, -344),(185, 186, -344),(191, 193, -344),(240, 243, -344),(302, 305, -344),(307, 308, -344),
(311, 312, -344),(316, 317, -344),(329, 333, -344),(335, 342, -344),(347, 347, -344),(356, 358, -344),(364, 364, -344),(371, 372, -344),(381, 383, -344),(387, 387, -344),
(409, 409, -344),(429, 430, -344),(437, 438, -344),(444, 446, -344),(462, 467, -344),(471, 490, -344),(498, 508, -344),(526, 530, -344),(533, 535, -344),(537, 538, -344),
(556, 562, -344),(579, 581, -344),(176, 179, -343),(185, 186, -343),(191, 191, -343),(193, 193, -343),(241, 243, -343),(302, 305, -343),(307, 308, -343),(311, 313, -343),
(316, 317, -343),(323, 325, -343),(327, 337, -343),(339, 342, -343),(346, 347, -343),(356, 358, -343),(363, 365, -343),(370, 371, -343),(382, 384, -343),(388, 389, -343),
(409, 409, -343),(428, 429, -343),(438, 438, -343),(445, 447, -343),(462, 467, -343),(472, 490, -343),(499, 499, -343),(501, 506, -343),(527, 530, -343),(532, 533, -343),
(537, 539, -343),(558, 559, -343),(562, 563, -343),(578, 582, -343),(176, 180, -342),(185, 186, -342),(190, 191, -342),(193, 194, -342),(241, 243, -342),(303, 305, -342),
(307, 308, -342),(313, 313, -342),(317, 317, -342),(321, 330, -342),(332, 336, -342),(340, 342, -342),(347, 349, -342),(355, 358, -342),(363, 365, -342),(370, 371, -342),
(382, 384, -342),(388, 389, -342),(409, 410, -342),(425, 427, -342),(437, 440, -342),(445, 447, -342),(460, 467, -342),(473, 489, -342),(527, 532, -342),(536, 540, -342),
(559, 560, -342),(563, 564, -342),(577, 581, -342),(176, 180, -341),(184, 185, -341),(190, 190, -341),(193, 193, -341),(241, 243, -341),(303, 305, -341),(307, 308, -341),
(313, 313, -341),(317, 318, -341),(321, 327, -341),(332, 336, -341),(340, 342, -341),(347, 349, -341),(352, 364, -341),(370, 372, -341),(383, 385, -341),(389, 391, -341),
(409, 409, -341),(424, 426, -341),(435, 443, -341),(446, 447, -341),(460, 461, -341),(463, 467, -341),(472, 488, -341),(528, 532, -341),(535, 536, -341),(539, 541, -341),
(560, 561, -341),(564, 565, -341),(577, 581, -341),(176, 180, -340),(184, 184, -340),(189, 190, -340),(192, 193, -340),(242, 244, -340),(303, 306, -340),(308, 309, -340),
(313, 313, -340),(317, 319, -340),(322, 325, -340),(331, 335, -340),(341, 343, -340),(346, 367, -340),(369, 371, -340),(384, 386, -340),(390, 391, -340),(408, 410, -340),
(423, 424, -340),(434, 436, -340),(439, 447, -340),(459, 460, -340),(464, 468, -340),(472, 489, -340),(529, 535, -340),(538, 539, -340),(541, 542, -340),(560, 562, -340),
(565, 568, -340),(576, 580, -340),(176, 184, -339),(189, 189, -339),(192, 193, -339),(242, 244, -339),(303, 306, -339),(308, 309, -339),(313, 314, -339),(319, 324, -339),
(330, 334, -339),(341, 372, -339),(385, 388, -339),(392, 394, -339),(408, 409, -339),(420, 423, -339),(432, 434, -339),(439, 440, -339),(444, 448, -339),(457, 458, -339),
(464, 468, -339),(471, 476, -339),(481, 490, -339),(530, 534, -339),(537, 538, -339),(541, 544, -339),(561, 563, -339),(567, 571, -339),(574, 580, -339),(177, 184, -338),
(189, 189, -338),(192, 192, -338),(242, 244, -338),(304, 306, -338),(309, 309, -338),(314, 314, -338),(321, 324, -338),(326, 326, -338),(328, 334, -338),(341, 354, -338),
(360, 371, -338),(385, 390, -338),(393, 395, -338),(397, 397, -338),(408, 409, -338),(416, 416, -338),(418, 421, -338),(431, 432, -338),(440, 440, -338),(445, 448, -338),
(464, 467, -338),(470, 475, -338),(481, 483, -338),(485, 492, -338),(530, 535, -338),(537, 538, -338),(542, 545, -338),(563, 564, -338),(570, 581, -338),(177, 184, -337),
(189, 190, -337),(192, 192, -337),(242, 245, -337),(304, 307, -337),(309, 310, -337),(313, 314, -337),(322, 329, -337),(331, 335, -337),(340, 351, -337),(366, 366, -337),
(368, 371, -337),(385, 391, -337),(394, 394, -337),(396, 402, -337),(407, 409, -337),(412, 418, -337),(431, 432, -337),(440, 440, -337),(446, 450, -337),(464, 467, -337),
(470, 475, -337),(482, 482, -337),(486, 493, -337),(530, 537, -337),(541, 542, -337),(544, 547, -337),(563, 563, -337),(565, 566, -337),(571, 583, -337),(178, 183, -336),
(189, 192, -336),(242, 245, -336),(304, 307, -336),(310, 310, -336),(314, 315, -336),(325, 329, -336),(332, 345, -336),(348, 352, -336),(369, 372, -336),(385, 395, -336),
(399, 399, -336),(401, 412, -336),(414, 414, -336),(417, 417, -336),(430, 431, -336),(439, 440, -336),(445, 451, -336),(464, 467, -336),(471, 474, -336),(482, 483, -336),
(488, 493, -336),(532, 537, -336),(540, 541, -336),(544, 545, -336),(547, 548, -336),(565, 566, -336),(572, 574, -336),(576, 583, -336),(178, 183, -335),(189, 191, -335),
(242, 245, -335),(305, 307, -335),(310, 311, -335),(315, 315, -335),(327, 329, -335),(332, 343, -335),(351, 354, -335),(369, 371, -335),(377, 377, -335),(385, 387, -335),
(391, 398, -335),(400, 408, -335),(410, 410, -335),(430, 430, -335),(440, 441, -335),(446, 451, -335),(463, 467, -335),(470, 475, -335),(482, 482, -335),(488, 495, -335),
(532, 540, -335),(543, 544, -335),(547, 550, -335),(566, 569, -335),(571, 575, -335),(577, 584, -335),(179, 183, -334),(189, 190, -334),(243, 246, -334),(305, 308, -334),
(310, 311, -334),(315, 316, -334),(329, 330, -334),(333, 346, -334),(353, 355, -334),(369, 372, -334),(376, 377, -334),(385, 387, -334),(392, 404, -334),(429, 429, -334),
(439, 440, -334),(445, 447, -334),(450, 452, -334),(464, 467, -334),(470, 476, -334),(482, 483, -334),(489, 495, -334),(511, 513, -334),(533, 540, -334),(542, 543, -334),
(546, 548, -334),(550, 554, -334),(557, 557, -334),(568, 573, -334),(575, 575, -334),(578, 584, -334),(179, 183, -333),(244, 246, -333),(306, 308, -333),(310, 311, -333),
(315, 316, -333),(328, 338, -333),(344, 347, -333),(354, 356, -333),(369, 372, -333),(375, 378, -333),(385, 388, -333),(395, 398, -333),(428, 430, -333),(437, 443, -333),
(445, 447, -333),(450, 452, -333),(463, 468, -333),(471, 478, -333),(482, 482, -333),(489, 496, -333),(510, 514, -333),(534, 543, -333),(547, 547, -333),(550, 559, -333),
(561, 562, -333),(567, 573, -333),(575, 583, -333),(179, 183, -332),(244, 247, -332),(306, 309, -332),(311, 312, -332),(316, 317, -332),(330, 337, -332),(340, 340, -332),
(347, 349, -332),(356, 358, -332),(370, 371, -332),(376, 378, -332),(385, 387, -332),(395, 398, -332),(426, 429, -332),(436, 446, -332),(450, 452, -332),(463, 466, -332),
(473, 482, -332),(489, 489, -332),(492, 497, -332),(510, 514, -332),(536, 543, -332),(546, 546, -332),(549, 551, -332),(553, 554, -332),(556, 562, -332),(567, 571, -332);

INSERT INTO #R2(first, last, y)
VALUES (573, 573, -332),(576, 582, -332),(179, 183, -331),(244, 247, -331),(306, 309, -331),(312, 313, -331),(317, 318, -331),(330, 340, -331),(349, 351, -331),(357, 359, -331),
(369, 371, -331),(375, 377, -331),(385, 387, -331),(395, 396, -331),(437, 447, -331),(450, 452, -331),(463, 466, -331),(475, 483, -331),(488, 489, -331),(492, 497, -331),
(510, 515, -331),(536, 546, -331),(549, 550, -331),(553, 553, -331),(556, 557, -331),(559, 562, -331),(567, 569, -331),(571, 571, -331),(573, 582, -331),(179, 185, -330),
(245, 247, -330),(307, 309, -330),(312, 312, -330),(317, 318, -330),(329, 333, -330),(339, 343, -330),(351, 353, -330),(358, 359, -330),(370, 372, -330),(375, 375, -330),
(378, 378, -330),(385, 387, -330),(395, 397, -330),(436, 446, -330),(451, 453, -330),(462, 466, -330),(477, 483, -330),(488, 489, -330),(493, 497, -330),(510, 515, -330),
(539, 546, -330),(549, 550, -330),(553, 553, -330),(556, 556, -330),(560, 563, -330),(568, 568, -330),(570, 571, -330),(574, 581, -330),(179, 185, -329),(245, 248, -329),
(307, 310, -329),(313, 313, -329),(318, 318, -329),(328, 333, -329),(343, 345, -329),(352, 354, -329),(359, 361, -329),(369, 371, -329),(375, 376, -329),(378, 378, -329),
(385, 387, -329),(395, 396, -329),(439, 441, -329),(443, 446, -329),(452, 457, -329),(462, 466, -329),(478, 484, -329),(487, 489, -329),(494, 498, -329),(509, 516, -329),
(539, 550, -329),(552, 553, -329),(556, 556, -329),(560, 560, -329),(562, 563, -329),(568, 568, -329),(571, 579, -329),(179, 185, -328),(242, 249, -328),(308, 311, -328),
(313, 314, -328),(318, 319, -328),(328, 338, -328),(344, 347, -328),(353, 355, -328),(360, 361, -328),(370, 372, -328),(375, 377, -328),(385, 387, -328),(395, 396, -328),
(443, 445, -328),(451, 459, -328),(461, 466, -328),(479, 487, -328),(494, 498, -328),(509, 512, -328),(514, 516, -328),(541, 554, -328),(556, 557, -328),(559, 560, -328),
(563, 563, -328),(568, 569, -328),(571, 578, -328),(179, 184, -327),(231, 233, -327),(241, 249, -327),(309, 311, -327),(314, 314, -327),(319, 320, -327),(327, 334, -327),
(336, 339, -327),(347, 349, -327),(355, 356, -327),(361, 362, -327),(369, 372, -327),(375, 377, -327),(385, 388, -327),(395, 396, -327),(430, 431, -327),(433, 434, -327),
(442, 446, -327),(452, 469, -327),(481, 486, -327),(494, 498, -327),(508, 512, -327),(514, 516, -327),(544, 564, -327),(567, 576, -327),(179, 185, -326),(229, 233, -326),
(238, 250, -326),(309, 312, -326),(314, 315, -326),(319, 320, -326),(327, 329, -326),(338, 343, -326),(348, 350, -326),(355, 357, -326),(361, 362, -326),(369, 371, -326),
(375, 378, -326),(385, 387, -326),(394, 396, -326),(429, 434, -326),(441, 447, -326),(451, 456, -326),(458, 471, -326),(481, 486, -326),(494, 499, -326),(508, 511, -326),
(514, 517, -326),(545, 564, -326),(567, 575, -326),(179, 184, -325),(228, 233, -325),(237, 244, -325),(248, 251, -325),(309, 312, -325),(314, 315, -325),(320, 321, -325),
(326, 329, -325),(341, 344, -325),(349, 351, -325),(357, 358, -325),(362, 363, -325),(370, 371, -325),(375, 377, -325),(385, 387, -325),(394, 396, -325),(428, 434, -325),
(440, 449, -325),(452, 456, -325),(459, 474, -325),(482, 485, -325),(493, 499, -325),(507, 511, -325),(514, 516, -325),(548, 565, -325),(567, 573, -325),(179, 184, -324),
(227, 233, -324),(235, 240, -324),(248, 251, -324),(310, 313, -324),(315, 316, -324),(321, 322, -324),(325, 328, -324),(344, 346, -324),(351, 352, -324),(357, 359, -324),
(363, 364, -324),(369, 372, -324),(375, 377, -324),(385, 387, -324),(394, 396, -324),(429, 434, -324),(440, 450, -324),(453, 456, -324),(462, 477, -324),(480, 486, -324),
(489, 493, -324),(495, 499, -324),(507, 510, -324),(515, 517, -324),(552, 570, -324),(179, 184, -323),(221, 238, -323),(249, 251, -323),(311, 313, -323),(315, 317, -323),
(321, 322, -323),(324, 327, -323),(346, 348, -323),(352, 353, -323),(358, 360, -323),(363, 364, -323),(369, 371, -323),(375, 377, -323),(385, 387, -323),(394, 396, -323),
(430, 432, -323),(441, 444, -323),(447, 450, -323),(452, 456, -323),(462, 463, -323),(465, 490, -323),(495, 499, -323),(506, 510, -323),(515, 518, -323),(556, 570, -323),
(178, 183, -322),(220, 228, -322),(230, 236, -322),(250, 252, -322),(311, 314, -322),(317, 317, -322),(322, 327, -322),(346, 349, -322),(352, 354, -322),(360, 360, -322),
(364, 365, -322),(369, 372, -322),(375, 376, -322),(385, 387, -322),(395, 397, -322),(443, 445, -322),(448, 451, -322),(453, 456, -322),(462, 462, -322),(468, 485, -322),
(487, 488, -322),(494, 499, -322),(505, 510, -322),(515, 517, -322),(561, 569, -322),(179, 183, -321),(217, 226, -321),(230, 234, -321),(251, 253, -321),(273, 275, -321),
(312, 314, -321),(316, 318, -321),(323, 326, -321),(350, 351, -321),(354, 355, -321),(360, 361, -321),(365, 365, -321),(370, 371, -321),(375, 376, -321),(385, 388, -321),
(394, 396, -321),(443, 446, -321),(449, 451, -321),(453, 457, -321),(462, 463, -321),(469, 470, -321),(472, 484, -321),(494, 499, -321),(505, 509, -321),(514, 517, -321),
(564, 569, -321),(178, 182, -320),(216, 225, -320),(231, 233, -320),(251, 253, -320),(272, 273, -320),(275, 275, -320),(312, 315, -320),(317, 318, -320),(323, 326, -320),
(350, 351, -320),(355, 356, -320),(361, 362, -320),(366, 366, -320),(369, 371, -320),(374, 376, -320),(385, 387, -320),(395, 397, -320),(443, 444, -320),(446, 447, -320),
(449, 451, -320),(453, 457, -320),(463, 463, -320),(469, 470, -320),(473, 484, -320),(494, 498, -320),(504, 508, -320),(515, 517, -320),(565, 569, -320),(178, 181, -319),
(215, 224, -319),(252, 254, -319),(273, 273, -319),(276, 277, -319),(313, 315, -319),(318, 319, -319),(322, 325, -319),(351, 352, -319),(356, 357, -319),(361, 362, -319),
(366, 366, -319),(369, 371, -319),(374, 376, -319),(385, 388, -319),(395, 397, -319),(443, 443, -319),(446, 447, -319),(449, 451, -319),(454, 458, -319),(463, 463, -319),
(470, 470, -319),(477, 481, -319),(483, 485, -319),(494, 498, -319),(503, 508, -319),(515, 517, -319),(566, 568, -319),(178, 182, -318),(213, 218, -318),(220, 223, -318),
(252, 255, -318),(272, 273, -318),(277, 278, -318),(301, 302, -318),(304, 304, -318),(308, 308, -318),(311, 317, -318),(319, 320, -318),(322, 325, -318),(353, 353, -318),
(356, 357, -318),(362, 363, -318),(366, 367, -318),(369, 371, -318),(374, 375, -318),(385, 388, -318),(395, 398, -318),(443, 446, -318),(449, 451, -318),(454, 459, -318),
(463, 464, -318),(470, 470, -318),(478, 478, -318),(484, 486, -318),(493, 498, -318),(501, 507, -318),(514, 517, -318),(178, 182, -317),(213, 216, -317),(220, 222, -317),
(254, 256, -317),(273, 273, -317),(278, 278, -317),(296, 296, -317),(298, 325, -317),(353, 354, -317),(357, 358, -317),(362, 363, -317),(366, 371, -317),(373, 374, -317),
(385, 389, -317),(391, 391, -317),(396, 399, -317),(443, 446, -317),(449, 451, -317),(454, 465, -317),(470, 471, -317),(477, 478, -317),(486, 488, -317),(492, 498, -317),
(500, 506, -317),(514, 517, -317),(178, 182, -316),(212, 215, -316),(220, 221, -316),(254, 256, -316),(274, 275, -316),(278, 279, -316),(295, 324, -316),(354, 355, -316),
(358, 359, -316),(363, 364, -316),(367, 370, -316),(373, 374, -316),(384, 393, -316),(396, 399, -316),(443, 444, -316),(446, 446, -316),(449, 450, -316),(454, 466, -316),
(471, 471, -316),(478, 479, -316),(487, 487, -316),(489, 505, -316),(513, 516, -316),(177, 182, -315),(211, 214, -315),(220, 220, -315),(255, 257, -315),(274, 275, -315),
(280, 280, -315),(293, 309, -315),(311, 325, -315),(355, 355, -315),(358, 359, -315),(363, 364, -315),(367, 370, -315),(373, 374, -315),(384, 400, -315),(442, 443, -315),
(449, 451, -315),(454, 472, -315),(479, 479, -315),(491, 505, -315),(513, 517, -315),(178, 181, -314),(210, 213, -314),(255, 258, -314),(275, 275, -314),(280, 281, -314),
(292, 299, -314),(302, 307, -314),(312, 327, -314),(329, 329, -314),(355, 357, -314),(359, 360, -314),(364, 364, -314),(366, 370, -314),(373, 374, -314),(382, 385, -314),
(391, 402, -314),(442, 443, -314),(448, 450, -314),(455, 473, -314),(479, 480, -314),(489, 503, -314),(513, 516, -314),(178, 181, -313),(205, 205, -313),(210, 212, -313),
(256, 258, -313),(276, 277, -313),(281, 281, -313),(291, 297, -313),(302, 305, -313),(313, 317, -313),(321, 321, -313),(323, 323, -313),(327, 331, -313),(356, 357, -313),
(359, 360, -313),(364, 369, -313),(372, 374, -313),(378, 378, -313),(381, 385, -313),(393, 403, -313),(441, 442, -313),(448, 449, -313),(455, 476, -313),(479, 481, -313),
(489, 502, -313),(512, 516, -313),(178, 182, -312),(203, 205, -312),(209, 212, -312),(257, 259, -312),(277, 279, -312),(281, 282, -312),(289, 295, -312),(303, 303, -312),
(313, 314, -312),(328, 332, -312),(356, 357, -312),(360, 360, -312),(364, 368, -312),(371, 384, -312),(395, 403, -312),(441, 442, -312),(446, 449, -312),(455, 483, -312),
(485, 501, -312),(512, 516, -312),(178, 181, -311),(189, 191, -311),(203, 205, -311),(208, 211, -311),(258, 261, -311),(279, 280, -311),(282, 283, -311),(289, 293, -311),
(327, 330, -311),(357, 358, -311),(360, 360, -311),(363, 368, -311),(370, 382, -311),(396, 403, -311),(441, 448, -311),(456, 457, -311),(459, 464, -311),(468, 498, -311),
(511, 515, -311),(177, 181, -310),(189, 191, -310),(202, 205, -310),(208, 210, -310),(258, 261, -310),(280, 284, -310),(288, 293, -310),(326, 330, -310),(357, 358, -310),
(360, 377, -310),(398, 402, -310),(440, 448, -310),(455, 457, -310),(460, 465, -310),(470, 497, -310),(510, 515, -310),(178, 182, -309),(189, 191, -309),(202, 205, -309),
(207, 209, -309),(260, 262, -309),(281, 285, -309),(287, 291, -309),(327, 332, -309),(358, 375, -309),(398, 401, -309),(405, 407, -309),(439, 445, -309),(456, 457, -309),
(461, 465, -309),(474, 494, -309),(510, 514, -309),(178, 182, -308),(189, 189, -308),(191, 192, -308),(201, 205, -308),(207, 209, -308),(260, 263, -308),(283, 291, -308),
(331, 333, -308),(358, 365, -308),(371, 376, -308),(398, 401, -308),(406, 407, -308),(437, 442, -308),(455, 458, -308),(462, 467, -308),(477, 492, -308),(509, 514, -308),
(179, 182, -307),(189, 189, -307),(191, 192, -307),(200, 208, -307),(261, 263, -307),(285, 290, -307),(333, 336, -307),(339, 339, -307),(359, 359, -307),(361, 362, -307),
(373, 377, -307),(398, 400, -307),(405, 406, -307),(435, 440, -307),(456, 458, -307),(462, 467, -307),(478, 489, -307),(508, 513, -307),(178, 182, -306),(189, 189, -306),
(191, 191, -306),(200, 208, -306),(261, 264, -306),(285, 289, -306),(335, 341, -306),(374, 377, -306),(397, 400, -306),(406, 406, -306),(413, 413, -306),(433, 440, -306),
(456, 459, -306),(464, 468, -306),(477, 485, -306),(507, 513, -306),(179, 183, -305),(188, 189, -305),(191, 192, -305),(199, 202, -305),(204, 208, -305),(262, 264, -305),
(286, 288, -305),(336, 342, -305),(375, 376, -305),(397, 400, -305),(406, 407, -305),(412, 413, -305),(429, 439, -305),(457, 460, -305),(464, 469, -305),(477, 483, -305),
(506, 512, -305),(179, 183, -304),(188, 191, -304),(198, 201, -304),(204, 207, -304),(263, 265, -304),(285, 288, -304),(338, 338, -304),(342, 343, -304),(375, 377, -304),
(397, 401, -304),(406, 408, -304),(412, 413, -304),(417, 417, -304),(419, 419, -304),(423, 423, -304),(426, 436, -304),(438, 439, -304),(457, 461, -304),(465, 469, -304),
(476, 481, -304),(505, 511, -304),(179, 184, -303),(189, 191, -303),(197, 200, -303),(204, 206, -303),(263, 266, -303),(285, 287, -303),(343, 343, -303),(375, 377, -303),
(396, 402, -303),(407, 413, -303),(416, 432, -303),(438, 439, -303),(457, 462, -303),(466, 470, -303),(476, 480, -303),(503, 510, -303),(179, 184, -302),(188, 191, -302),
(196, 200, -302),(204, 206, -302),(264, 266, -302),(284, 287, -302),(343, 344, -302),(375, 377, -302),(397, 402, -302),(408, 411, -302),(417, 427, -302),(429, 432, -302),
(439, 439, -302),(457, 463, -302),(467, 471, -302),(475, 480, -302),(489, 491, -302),(502, 509, -302),(180, 184, -301),(188, 190, -301),(195, 198, -301),(205, 205, -301),
(265, 267, -301),(284, 287, -301),(344, 345, -301),(374, 377, -301),(397, 403, -301),(416, 419, -301),(421, 421, -301),(423, 424, -301),(431, 432, -301),(439, 439, -301),
(457, 464, -301),(467, 472, -301),(476, 480, -301),(486, 493, -301),(500, 508, -301),(180, 185, -300),(188, 190, -300),(194, 197, -300),(265, 268, -300),(284, 287, -300),
(345, 346, -300),(373, 376, -300),(396, 404, -300),(416, 418, -300),(431, 432, -300),(439, 440, -300),(458, 459, -300),(461, 464, -300),(468, 473, -300),(476, 487, -300),
(492, 494, -300),(499, 507, -300),(180, 186, -299),(188, 190, -299),(193, 196, -299),(266, 268, -299),(284, 286, -299),(346, 347, -299),(371, 375, -299),(396, 398, -299),
(401, 406, -299),(415, 418, -299),(432, 433, -299),(439, 440, -299),(457, 460, -299),(462, 465, -299),(469, 474, -299),(477, 484, -299),(492, 506, -299),(181, 189, -298),
(192, 195, -298),(265, 269, -298),(284, 286, -298),(347, 348, -298),(350, 351, -298),(368, 374, -298),(397, 399, -298),(401, 408, -298),(414, 418, -298),(432, 432, -298),
(440, 440, -298),(458, 460, -298),(463, 466, -298),(470, 475, -298),(478, 483, -298),(491, 492, -298),(496, 505, -298),(182, 194, -297),(265, 270, -297),(284, 286, -297),
(347, 353, -297),(366, 373, -297),(396, 418, -297),(432, 433, -297),(440, 440, -297),(458, 460, -297),(464, 467, -297),(470, 476, -297),(478, 483, -297),(491, 491, -297),
(496, 503, -297),(182, 193, -296),(263, 271, -296),(284, 287, -296),(348, 353, -296),(364, 371, -296),(395, 414, -296),(416, 419, -296),(433, 433, -296),(440, 441, -296),
(458, 461, -296),(464, 468, -296),(472, 476, -296),(480, 485, -296),(489, 490, -296),(497, 503, -296),(182, 192, -295),(261, 264, -295),(267, 272, -295),(284, 287, -295),
(349, 351, -295),(354, 354, -295),(364, 371, -295),(394, 411, -295),(416, 419, -295),(433, 433, -295),(441, 441, -295),(458, 462, -295),(464, 469, -295),(472, 477, -295),
(481, 486, -295),(488, 489, -295),(498, 503, -295),(182, 190, -294),(259, 261, -294),(270, 273, -294),(284, 287, -294),(354, 355, -294),(362, 372, -294),(392, 393, -294),
(395, 395, -294),(403, 403, -294),(405, 410, -294),(417, 419, -294),(433, 433, -294),(440, 441, -294),(459, 470, -294),(473, 478, -294),(480, 488, -294),(499, 504, -294),
(180, 190, -293),(258, 259, -293),(271, 274, -293),(283, 286, -293),(355, 356, -293),(361, 371, -293),(391, 392, -293),(407, 408, -293),(413, 413, -293),(415, 415, -293),
(417, 419, -293),(433, 434, -293),(441, 442, -293),(459, 470, -293),(474, 487, -293),(500, 505, -293),(179, 189, -292),(256, 259, -292),(272, 276, -292),(282, 286, -292),
(355, 357, -292),(361, 372, -292),(390, 392, -292),(411, 419, -292),(433, 434, -292),(441, 441, -292),(459, 462, -292),(464, 464, -292),(466, 471, -292),(475, 486, -292),
(501, 505, -292),(178, 188, -291),(256, 257, -291),(272, 278, -291),(280, 285, -291),(356, 357, -291),(359, 368, -291),(370, 371, -291),(390, 391, -291),(410, 417, -291),
(420, 420, -291),(434, 434, -291),(441, 442, -291),(459, 462, -291),(467, 472, -291),(476, 485, -291),(502, 505, -291),(178, 188, -290),(254, 256, -290),(271, 284, -290),
(357, 366, -290),(368, 372, -290),(389, 390, -290),(409, 411, -290),(414, 416, -290),(418, 422, -290),(434, 435, -290),(441, 442, -290),(456, 461, -290),(467, 473, -290),
(476, 483, -290),(501, 505, -290),(177, 187, -289),(254, 255, -289),(270, 272, -289),(278, 283, -289),(306, 309, -289),(357, 369, -289),(371, 372, -289),(388, 389, -289),
(409, 409, -289),(415, 423, -289),(434, 435, -289),(442, 442, -289),(451, 459, -289),(467, 474, -289),(477, 481, -289),(501, 504, -289),(177, 186, -288),(252, 253, -288);

INSERT INTO #R2(first, last, y)
VALUES (269, 270, -288),(280, 283, -288),(306, 311, -288),(358, 361, -288),(364, 368, -288),(371, 372, -288),(388, 388, -288),(408, 410, -288),(413, 425, -288),(434, 435, -288),
(441, 442, -288),(446, 446, -288),(448, 457, -288),(468, 474, -288),(478, 480, -288),(501, 504, -288),(176, 185, -287),(244, 244, -287),(252, 253, -287),(268, 269, -287),
(281, 283, -287),(297, 297, -287),(300, 300, -287),(306, 307, -287),(310, 311, -287),(316, 318, -287),(321, 322, -287),(358, 360, -287),(364, 366, -287),(370, 372, -287),
(388, 388, -287),(403, 419, -287),(423, 425, -287),(434, 436, -287),(441, 453, -287),(467, 475, -287),(479, 480, -287),(500, 503, -287),(175, 185, -286),(240, 245, -286),
(250, 252, -286),(266, 268, -286),(281, 283, -286),(293, 307, -286),(311, 324, -286),(358, 360, -286),(364, 373, -286),(388, 388, -286),(400, 404, -286),(410, 417, -286),
(423, 425, -286),(434, 449, -286),(459, 461, -286),(467, 476, -286),(480, 481, -286),(499, 503, -286),(175, 184, -285),(238, 240, -285),(242, 242, -285),(245, 246, -285),
(250, 251, -285),(265, 266, -285),(281, 283, -285),(290, 293, -285),(296, 296, -285),(299, 307, -285),(313, 315, -285),(324, 325, -285),(358, 360, -285),(365, 373, -285),
(387, 388, -285),(398, 401, -285),(412, 415, -285),(424, 426, -285),(433, 446, -285),(456, 462, -285),(466, 477, -285),(481, 481, -285),(498, 503, -285),(174, 184, -284),
(237, 239, -284),(245, 246, -284),(248, 250, -284),(264, 265, -284),(280, 283, -284),(288, 290, -284),(299, 303, -284),(323, 325, -284),(359, 360, -284),(365, 367, -284),
(369, 373, -284),(387, 388, -284),(394, 398, -284),(411, 412, -284),(414, 414, -284),(420, 421, -284),(424, 426, -284),(432, 440, -284),(446, 450, -284),(452, 452, -284),
(454, 458, -284),(461, 463, -284),(465, 470, -284),(472, 478, -284),(481, 482, -284),(497, 501, -284),(173, 177, -283),(180, 183, -283),(236, 237, -283),(246, 249, -283),
(262, 264, -283),(280, 283, -283),(287, 289, -283),(298, 301, -283),(322, 324, -283),(358, 360, -283),(365, 369, -283),(371, 374, -283),(387, 387, -283),(393, 395, -283),
(412, 412, -283),(414, 415, -283),(420, 422, -283),(424, 435, -283),(437, 437, -283),(439, 441, -283),(447, 454, -283),(460, 469, -283),(473, 478, -283),(482, 483, -283),
(496, 501, -283),(173, 177, -282),(180, 182, -282),(235, 236, -282),(245, 246, -282),(248, 248, -282),(261, 262, -282),(281, 284, -282),(286, 287, -282),(295, 300, -282),
(323, 324, -282),(358, 360, -282),(365, 375, -282),(386, 387, -282),(391, 393, -282),(411, 414, -282),(420, 422, -282),(424, 434, -282),(440, 441, -282),(448, 450, -282),
(459, 460, -282),(462, 469, -282),(474, 479, -282),(483, 484, -282),(495, 500, -282),(173, 176, -281),(180, 181, -281),(233, 236, -281),(260, 261, -281),(281, 284, -281),
(286, 287, -281),(294, 296, -281),(298, 299, -281),(323, 326, -281),(358, 360, -281),(366, 370, -281),(374, 374, -281),(387, 387, -281),(390, 392, -281),(412, 412, -281),
(414, 415, -281),(421, 421, -281),(424, 430, -281),(433, 433, -281),(439, 442, -281),(450, 453, -281),(456, 460, -281),(463, 468, -281),(475, 479, -281),(484, 484, -281),
(494, 500, -281),(172, 176, -280),(233, 234, -280),(259, 260, -280),(281, 286, -280),(293, 294, -280),(297, 298, -280),(324, 329, -280),(331, 331, -280),(333, 333, -280),
(356, 359, -280),(366, 369, -280),(374, 375, -280),(386, 387, -280),(389, 390, -280),(401, 401, -280),(411, 412, -280),(414, 415, -280),(424, 426, -280),(432, 433, -280),
(439, 440, -280),(442, 443, -280),(451, 457, -280),(462, 468, -280),(476, 481, -280),(484, 485, -280),(494, 499, -280),(171, 175, -279),(232, 233, -279),(258, 258, -279),
(280, 285, -279),(292, 292, -279),(296, 297, -279),(330, 330, -279),(332, 332, -279),(334, 337, -279),(356, 359, -279),(367, 368, -279),(373, 376, -279),(386, 389, -279),
(398, 403, -279),(412, 412, -279),(415, 416, -279),(423, 425, -279),(432, 432, -279),(439, 439, -279),(442, 443, -279),(452, 453, -279),(461, 466, -279),(477, 482, -279),
(486, 487, -279),(492, 498, -279),(172, 175, -278),(230, 231, -278),(257, 257, -278),(279, 284, -278),(291, 292, -278),(295, 296, -278),(335, 337, -278),(356, 358, -278),
(367, 377, -278),(384, 388, -278),(397, 398, -278),(401, 403, -278),(412, 413, -278),(415, 417, -278),(421, 424, -278),(431, 432, -278),(438, 439, -278),(443, 444, -278),
(453, 454, -278),(461, 466, -278),(477, 482, -278),(486, 488, -278),(492, 497, -278),(171, 175, -277),(230, 231, -277),(255, 257, -277),(278, 283, -277),(290, 291, -277),
(294, 294, -277),(336, 337, -277),(356, 358, -277),(368, 377, -277),(384, 388, -277),(396, 397, -277),(401, 403, -277),(412, 413, -277),(415, 424, -277),(431, 432, -277),
(438, 438, -277),(443, 444, -277),(453, 455, -277),(460, 465, -277),(478, 483, -277),(487, 496, -277),(169, 174, -276),(222, 222, -276),(229, 229, -276),(255, 255, -276),
(277, 282, -276),(290, 294, -276),(336, 337, -276),(355, 358, -276),(368, 377, -276),(383, 384, -276),(388, 388, -276),(396, 399, -276),(401, 402, -276),(412, 424, -276),
(429, 431, -276),(438, 439, -276),(444, 444, -276),(454, 464, -276),(479, 484, -276),(488, 496, -276),(168, 174, -275),(219, 224, -275),(228, 229, -275),(254, 255, -275),
(276, 281, -275),(291, 291, -275),(293, 293, -275),(336, 338, -275),(355, 357, -275),(369, 372, -275),(375, 378, -275),(383, 383, -275),(388, 389, -275),(396, 401, -275),
(412, 421, -275),(423, 424, -275),(428, 429, -275),(437, 439, -275),(444, 444, -275),(454, 463, -275),(480, 485, -275),(488, 496, -275),(168, 173, -274),(216, 219, -274),
(222, 223, -274),(227, 228, -274),(253, 254, -274),(276, 280, -274),(337, 339, -274),(354, 357, -274),(369, 371, -274),(373, 375, -274),(378, 379, -274),(382, 383, -274),
(388, 389, -274),(411, 419, -274),(424, 425, -274),(427, 428, -274),(436, 439, -274),(444, 445, -274),(455, 461, -274),(480, 485, -274),(489, 497, -274),(166, 173, -273),
(215, 217, -273),(222, 224, -273),(226, 227, -273),(252, 253, -273),(275, 279, -273),(339, 341, -273),(354, 356, -273),(370, 374, -273),(378, 380, -273),(382, 384, -273),
(388, 389, -273),(409, 420, -273),(424, 428, -273),(436, 439, -273),(444, 444, -273),(454, 461, -273),(482, 485, -273),(491, 498, -273),(165, 172, -272),(213, 215, -272),
(221, 222, -272),(226, 226, -272),(251, 252, -272),(275, 278, -272),(341, 343, -272),(354, 357, -272),(370, 373, -272),(378, 384, -272),(386, 388, -272),(409, 426, -272),
(435, 436, -272),(439, 440, -272),(444, 445, -272),(455, 458, -272),(482, 487, -272),(493, 498, -272),(163, 170, -271),(211, 212, -271),(221, 222, -271),(224, 226, -271),
(250, 251, -271),(274, 277, -271),(342, 344, -271),(354, 357, -271),(371, 372, -271),(376, 387, -271),(408, 424, -271),(435, 436, -271),(440, 441, -271),(444, 445, -271),
(454, 458, -271),(482, 487, -271),(494, 498, -271),(162, 169, -270),(211, 212, -270),(221, 221, -270),(224, 224, -270),(249, 250, -270),(273, 276, -270),(344, 345, -270),
(353, 356, -270),(371, 373, -270),(375, 383, -270),(386, 388, -270),(407, 423, -270),(435, 435, -270),(440, 445, -270),(454, 458, -270),(484, 487, -270),(495, 499, -270),
(161, 168, -269),(209, 211, -269),(220, 221, -269),(223, 224, -269),(249, 249, -269),(272, 276, -269),(344, 344, -269),(353, 356, -269),(372, 375, -269),(377, 382, -269),
(388, 388, -269),(406, 425, -269),(434, 435, -269),(442, 442, -269),(444, 445, -269),(453, 458, -269),(484, 487, -269),(495, 499, -269),(160, 166, -268),(207, 209, -268),
(221, 224, -268),(248, 249, -268),(270, 270, -268),(272, 276, -268),(343, 345, -268),(353, 356, -268),(372, 377, -268),(379, 381, -268),(388, 388, -268),(404, 427, -268),
(433, 436, -268),(444, 445, -268),(450, 458, -268),(484, 487, -268),(495, 499, -268),(159, 165, -267),(207, 208, -267),(221, 223, -267),(247, 248, -267),(270, 275, -267),
(343, 344, -267),(352, 355, -267),(373, 381, -267),(388, 389, -267),(403, 408, -267),(410, 428, -267),(432, 436, -267),(444, 457, -267),(485, 487, -267),(494, 498, -267),
(158, 164, -266),(207, 208, -266),(221, 222, -266),(247, 247, -266),(268, 274, -266),(341, 343, -266),(351, 355, -266),(374, 381, -266),(388, 396, -266),(401, 407, -266),
(410, 417, -266),(419, 436, -266),(444, 457, -266),(462, 473, -266),(484, 488, -266),(494, 498, -266),(158, 163, -265),(205, 206, -265),(246, 246, -265),(267, 268, -265),
(271, 274, -265),(340, 342, -265),(350, 354, -265),(374, 378, -265),(381, 381, -265),(388, 407, -265),(410, 418, -265),(422, 437, -265),(443, 475, -265),(485, 497, -265),
(157, 161, -264),(205, 207, -264),(245, 245, -264),(265, 267, -264),(270, 274, -264),(340, 341, -264),(344, 354, -264),(375, 381, -264),(387, 388, -264),(391, 391, -264),
(397, 404, -264),(407, 407, -264),(410, 419, -264),(424, 477, -264),(485, 497, -264),(157, 161, -263),(204, 210, -263),(244, 245, -263),(265, 266, -263),(271, 273, -263),
(339, 354, -263),(376, 381, -263),(387, 388, -263),(400, 407, -263),(410, 420, -263),(425, 478, -263),(486, 496, -263),(156, 161, -262),(204, 212, -262),(244, 244, -262),
(263, 265, -262),(270, 273, -262),(339, 348, -262),(350, 350, -262),(353, 355, -262),(377, 382, -262),(387, 387, -262),(400, 407, -262),(410, 421, -262),(428, 429, -262),
(431, 442, -262),(444, 444, -262),(446, 460, -262),(462, 462, -262),(465, 466, -262),(468, 468, -262),(470, 479, -262),(487, 495, -262),(156, 160, -261),(205, 209, -261),
(243, 244, -261),(262, 263, -261),(270, 272, -261),(338, 341, -261),(343, 343, -261),(354, 356, -261),(378, 382, -261),(386, 387, -261),(399, 407, -261),(410, 414, -261),
(416, 421, -261),(435, 442, -261),(448, 448, -261),(452, 452, -261),(473, 480, -261),(489, 493, -261),(155, 160, -260),(205, 208, -260),(242, 243, -260),(261, 262, -260),
(270, 272, -260),(338, 340, -260),(354, 358, -260),(379, 382, -260),(385, 388, -260),(397, 404, -260),(407, 408, -260),(410, 414, -260),(417, 422, -260),(437, 443, -260),
(475, 481, -260),(155, 159, -259),(205, 206, -259),(242, 242, -259),(260, 261, -259),(270, 272, -259),(338, 341, -259),(355, 360, -259),(381, 383, -259),(386, 389, -259),
(391, 391, -259),(395, 401, -259),(407, 407, -259),(411, 415, -259),(418, 423, -259),(438, 444, -259),(459, 459, -259),(463, 463, -259),(477, 482, -259),(155, 159, -258),
(204, 206, -258),(241, 242, -258),(259, 260, -258),(270, 272, -258),(337, 341, -258),(356, 362, -258),(381, 399, -258),(407, 408, -258),(411, 415, -258),(419, 424, -258),
(438, 448, -258),(450, 450, -258),(453, 453, -258),(455, 467, -258),(469, 469, -258),(477, 482, -258),(155, 159, -257),(203, 204, -257),(241, 241, -257),(257, 259, -257),
(269, 272, -257),(337, 342, -257),(357, 365, -257),(381, 398, -257),(407, 408, -257),(411, 412, -257),(414, 416, -257),(419, 425, -257),(439, 442, -257),(446, 456, -257),
(461, 462, -257),(467, 470, -257),(478, 482, -257),(156, 159, -256),(202, 203, -256),(240, 240, -256),(257, 258, -256),(269, 271, -256),(336, 344, -256),(359, 362, -256),
(364, 366, -256),(382, 398, -256),(408, 409, -256),(412, 413, -256),(415, 416, -256),(420, 425, -256),(439, 443, -256),(470, 472, -256),(479, 483, -256),(155, 159, -255),
(196, 197, -255),(202, 202, -255),(239, 240, -255),(256, 257, -255),(269, 271, -255),(336, 344, -255),(360, 367, -255),(382, 394, -255),(397, 398, -255),(408, 409, -255),
(412, 413, -255),(415, 417, -255),(421, 426, -255),(439, 443, -255),(471, 473, -255),(480, 483, -255),(155, 158, -254),(196, 198, -254),(200, 202, -254),(239, 239, -254),
(255, 255, -254),(269, 272, -254),(335, 337, -254),(342, 345, -254),(362, 367, -254),(383, 395, -254),(398, 398, -254),(408, 410, -254),(413, 414, -254),(416, 418, -254),
(422, 427, -254),(440, 443, -254),(472, 473, -254),(480, 483, -254),(156, 158, -253),(195, 201, -253),(238, 239, -253),(254, 256, -253),(269, 271, -253),(334, 337, -253),
(343, 347, -253),(365, 367, -253),(384, 391, -253),(393, 395, -253),(398, 399, -253),(409, 409, -253),(414, 414, -253),(416, 418, -253),(422, 428, -253),(440, 444, -253),
(474, 474, -253),(481, 484, -253),(155, 158, -252),(195, 200, -252),(238, 238, -252),(254, 254, -252),(269, 271, -252),(334, 336, -252),(344, 348, -252),(383, 390, -252),
(393, 395, -252),(398, 399, -252),(409, 410, -252),(414, 415, -252),(417, 419, -252),(423, 428, -252),(440, 445, -252),(474, 475, -252),(480, 484, -252),(156, 158, -251),
(195, 200, -251),(237, 238, -251),(253, 254, -251),(269, 271, -251),(333, 335, -251),(346, 349, -251),(381, 388, -251),(393, 395, -251),(399, 400, -251),(410, 410, -251),
(414, 416, -251),(418, 419, -251),(423, 428, -251),(440, 446, -251),(475, 475, -251),(481, 485, -251),(155, 158, -250),(195, 199, -250),(237, 238, -250),(252, 253, -250),
(268, 272, -250),(332, 336, -250),(347, 351, -250),(376, 376, -250),(378, 387, -250),(394, 396, -250),(399, 400, -250),(410, 411, -250),(415, 416, -250),(418, 420, -250),
(424, 429, -250),(441, 448, -250),(450, 450, -250),(475, 476, -250),(481, 485, -250),(155, 158, -249),(195, 195, -249),(197, 199, -249),(237, 237, -249),(252, 252, -249),
(268, 273, -249),(331, 334, -249),(348, 352, -249),(372, 385, -249),(394, 396, -249),(399, 400, -249),(411, 412, -249),(416, 421, -249),(425, 429, -249),(441, 464, -249),
(476, 476, -249),(482, 485, -249),(155, 158, -248),(195, 196, -248),(236, 236, -248),(252, 252, -248),(269, 273, -248),(331, 333, -248),(349, 354, -248),(371, 381, -248),
(395, 397, -248),(400, 400, -248),(411, 412, -248),(417, 421, -248),(425, 430, -248),(442, 448, -248),(452, 452, -248),(459, 459, -248),(461, 461, -248),(463, 467, -248),
(476, 477, -248),(481, 486, -248),(155, 158, -247),(195, 195, -247),(236, 236, -247),(251, 251, -247),(268, 273, -247),(330, 333, -247),(350, 358, -247),(368, 378, -247),
(395, 397, -247),(400, 401, -247),(412, 413, -247),(417, 422, -247),(425, 430, -247),(442, 449, -247),(467, 469, -247),(476, 477, -247),(482, 486, -247),(156, 159, -246),
(194, 195, -246),(235, 236, -246),(250, 251, -246),(268, 272, -246),(330, 332, -246),(352, 373, -246),(375, 379, -246),(395, 397, -246),(401, 402, -246),(413, 414, -246),
(418, 423, -246),(426, 431, -246),(443, 452, -246),(455, 456, -246),(458, 458, -246),(470, 471, -246),(478, 478, -246),(482, 486, -246),(156, 159, -245),(195, 195, -245),
(234, 235, -245),(250, 251, -245),(268, 271, -245),(329, 332, -245),(354, 371, -245),(377, 379, -245),(396, 398, -245),(401, 402, -245),(413, 414, -245),(419, 423, -245),
(427, 432, -245),(443, 464, -245),(470, 472, -245),(478, 478, -245),(483, 487, -245),(155, 158, -244),(194, 195, -244),(234, 234, -244),(250, 250, -244),(267, 271, -244),
(328, 331, -244),(357, 368, -244),(378, 380, -244),(396, 399, -244),(402, 402, -244),(414, 415, -244),(419, 424, -244),(427, 432, -244),(444, 468, -244),(472, 473, -244),
(477, 479, -244),(483, 488, -244),(155, 159, -243),(194, 195, -243),(234, 234, -243),(249, 250, -243),(267, 271, -243),(328, 330, -243),(358, 361, -243),(380, 381, -243),
(396, 399, -243),(402, 403, -243),(415, 416, -243),(420, 425, -243),(428, 433, -243),(446, 468, -243),(473, 474, -243),(479, 479, -243),(483, 488, -243),(155, 158, -242),
(194, 194, -242),(233, 234, -242),(249, 249, -242),(266, 270, -242),(328, 330, -242),(359, 361, -242),(381, 382, -242),(397, 400, -242),(403, 404, -242),(416, 417, -242),
(421, 425, -242),(428, 432, -242),(449, 470, -242),(474, 474, -242),(479, 479, -242),(484, 488, -242),(155, 159, -241),(194, 194, -241),(233, 233, -241),(249, 249, -241),
(265, 270, -241),(328, 330, -241),(361, 362, -241),(382, 383, -241),(396, 400, -241),(402, 407, -241),(416, 418, -241),(422, 426, -241),(428, 433, -241),(457, 457, -241);

INSERT INTO #R2(first, last, y)
VALUES (459, 471, -241),(474, 475, -241),(479, 480, -241),(484, 489, -241),(155, 159, -240),(193, 194, -240),(232, 233, -240),(248, 249, -240),(265, 269, -240),(327, 330, -240),
(361, 362, -240),(383, 383, -240),(396, 403, -240),(405, 409, -240),(417, 418, -240),(422, 427, -240),(429, 433, -240),(465, 471, -240),(475, 475, -240),(480, 480, -240),
(485, 489, -240),(154, 159, -239),(193, 194, -239),(232, 233, -239),(247, 248, -239),(265, 268, -239),(327, 329, -239),(362, 363, -239),(383, 384, -239),(395, 400, -239),
(408, 410, -239),(417, 419, -239),(422, 428, -239),(430, 434, -239),(467, 472, -239),(475, 475, -239),(480, 481, -239),(486, 490, -239),(155, 159, -238),(192, 193, -238),
(232, 232, -238),(247, 248, -238),(264, 268, -238),(327, 329, -238),(363, 364, -238),(384, 384, -238),(395, 399, -238),(410, 412, -238),(418, 419, -238),(423, 428, -238),
(430, 435, -238),(467, 472, -238),(475, 475, -238),(481, 481, -238),(486, 496, -238),(498, 498, -238),(154, 158, -237),(192, 193, -237),(231, 232, -237),(247, 247, -237),
(264, 268, -237),(326, 329, -237),(364, 364, -237),(377, 377, -237),(379, 379, -237),(384, 385, -237),(395, 397, -237),(411, 412, -237),(419, 419, -237),(424, 435, -237),
(468, 473, -237),(475, 477, -237),(481, 482, -237),(487, 501, -237),(154, 159, -236),(192, 192, -236),(231, 231, -236),(246, 247, -236),(264, 267, -236),(326, 328, -236),
(364, 365, -236),(374, 381, -236),(385, 385, -236),(395, 397, -236),(411, 412, -236),(419, 420, -236),(425, 435, -236),(469, 473, -236),(476, 477, -236),(481, 483, -236),
(488, 502, -236),(154, 158, -235),(192, 192, -235),(231, 231, -235),(246, 246, -235),(264, 266, -235),(326, 328, -235),(365, 366, -235),(373, 376, -235),(380, 382, -235),
(385, 386, -235),(394, 396, -235),(399, 399, -235),(412, 413, -235),(420, 421, -235),(425, 436, -235),(469, 473, -235),(476, 485, -235),(487, 504, -235),(153, 158, -234),
(191, 192, -234),(231, 231, -234),(246, 246, -234),(263, 267, -234),(324, 327, -234),(366, 367, -234),(373, 373, -234),(382, 384, -234),(386, 387, -234),(394, 395, -234),
(399, 401, -234),(412, 413, -234),(421, 421, -234),(426, 437, -234),(470, 474, -234),(476, 492, -234),(495, 495, -234),(497, 505, -234),(153, 157, -233),(191, 192, -233),
(230, 231, -233),(245, 246, -233),(263, 266, -233),(324, 327, -233),(367, 367, -233),(373, 373, -233),(383, 384, -233),(386, 387, -233),(394, 396, -233),(398, 402, -233),
(408, 410, -233),(413, 413, -233),(421, 422, -233),(427, 437, -233),(470, 488, -233),(498, 504, -233),(153, 157, -232),(192, 192, -232),(230, 230, -232),(245, 245, -232),
(263, 266, -232),(323, 326, -232),(367, 368, -232),(373, 373, -232),(384, 384, -232),(387, 387, -232),(394, 395, -232),(399, 401, -232),(407, 414, -232),(421, 423, -232),
(427, 438, -232),(470, 479, -232),(482, 485, -232),(498, 504, -232),(152, 157, -231),(192, 192, -231),(229, 230, -231),(244, 245, -231),(262, 266, -231),(322, 326, -231),
(368, 368, -231),(373, 373, -231),(385, 385, -231),(387, 388, -231),(394, 396, -231),(399, 401, -231),(407, 413, -231),(423, 423, -231),(428, 429, -231),(431, 438, -231),
(470, 478, -231),(483, 483, -231),(497, 506, -231),(509, 510, -231),(152, 156, -230),(191, 191, -230),(229, 229, -230),(244, 244, -230),(262, 265, -230),(321, 325, -230),
(368, 369, -230),(373, 374, -230),(384, 384, -230),(388, 388, -230),(394, 395, -230),(400, 401, -230),(407, 409, -230),(412, 413, -230),(423, 424, -230),(429, 439, -230),
(464, 464, -230),(470, 476, -230),(498, 512, -230),(152, 156, -229),(192, 192, -229),(228, 229, -229),(244, 244, -229),(262, 266, -229),(320, 324, -229),(369, 370, -229),
(374, 375, -229),(383, 384, -229),(388, 389, -229),(394, 396, -229),(400, 402, -229),(406, 407, -229),(413, 413, -229),(424, 425, -229),(430, 431, -229),(434, 441, -229),
(459, 476, -229),(501, 512, -229),(151, 155, -228),(191, 192, -228),(228, 228, -228),(243, 244, -228),(263, 266, -228),(318, 324, -228),(369, 370, -228),(375, 378, -228),
(383, 384, -228),(388, 389, -228),(395, 396, -228),(401, 407, -228),(411, 413, -228),(425, 426, -228),(431, 442, -228),(457, 478, -228),(503, 513, -228),(151, 156, -227),
(191, 192, -227),(226, 228, -227),(243, 244, -227),(262, 266, -227),(294, 294, -227),(316, 318, -227),(320, 323, -227),(370, 370, -227),(377, 378, -227),(380, 383, -227),
(389, 391, -227),(395, 397, -227),(401, 406, -227),(411, 414, -227),(426, 428, -227),(432, 434, -227),(436, 444, -227),(447, 447, -227),(450, 452, -227),(455, 472, -227),
(474, 480, -227),(505, 514, -227),(151, 155, -226),(192, 192, -226),(225, 228, -226),(242, 243, -226),(262, 265, -226),(291, 298, -226),(314, 316, -226),(322, 324, -226),
(370, 372, -226),(390, 391, -226),(395, 405, -226),(410, 415, -226),(428, 429, -226),(434, 435, -226),(438, 469, -226),(478, 482, -226),(506, 515, -226),(150, 155, -225),
(191, 192, -225),(223, 228, -225),(243, 243, -225),(262, 266, -225),(291, 292, -225),(296, 300, -225),(311, 316, -225),(321, 324, -225),(371, 373, -225),(391, 393, -225),
(396, 402, -225),(404, 411, -225),(414, 415, -225),(429, 430, -225),(435, 460, -225),(466, 468, -225),(480, 485, -225),(508, 509, -225),(512, 515, -225),(151, 154, -224),
(188, 188, -224),(192, 192, -224),(223, 225, -224),(228, 229, -224),(242, 243, -224),(263, 267, -224),(291, 292, -224),(300, 304, -224),(306, 306, -224),(308, 314, -224),
(322, 323, -224),(373, 373, -224),(392, 393, -224),(397, 401, -224),(403, 403, -224),(405, 411, -224),(415, 417, -224),(429, 432, -224),(437, 438, -224),(440, 457, -224),
(467, 467, -224),(483, 492, -224),(513, 516, -224),(150, 154, -223),(187, 189, -223),(191, 192, -223),(223, 226, -223),(228, 230, -223),(242, 244, -223),(263, 267, -223),
(292, 294, -223),(301, 301, -223),(304, 312, -223),(321, 323, -223),(373, 375, -223),(394, 395, -223),(398, 413, -223),(416, 418, -223),(431, 433, -223),(437, 440, -223),
(442, 448, -223),(450, 450, -223),(452, 456, -223),(466, 467, -223),(484, 484, -223),(487, 487, -223),(489, 489, -223),(491, 493, -223),(513, 517, -223),(150, 155, -222),
(186, 189, -222),(191, 192, -222),(222, 223, -222),(225, 226, -222),(229, 230, -222),(241, 247, -222),(262, 266, -222),(293, 297, -222),(303, 309, -222),(321, 323, -222),
(375, 376, -222),(395, 396, -222),(399, 413, -222),(416, 418, -222),(432, 433, -222),(440, 445, -222),(454, 456, -222),(493, 495, -222),(514, 517, -222),(150, 155, -221),
(185, 192, -221),(223, 223, -221),(227, 228, -221),(230, 233, -221),(241, 248, -221),(262, 265, -221),(267, 267, -221),(295, 305, -221),(321, 323, -221),(376, 377, -221),
(395, 396, -221),(403, 404, -221),(406, 406, -221),(412, 414, -221),(418, 419, -221),(433, 436, -221),(441, 445, -221),(455, 456, -221),(467, 468, -221),(494, 495, -221),
(514, 518, -221),(150, 155, -220),(186, 186, -220),(189, 190, -220),(222, 222, -220),(228, 230, -220),(232, 235, -220),(237, 243, -220),(245, 248, -220),(262, 264, -220),
(266, 267, -220),(320, 323, -220),(377, 378, -220),(396, 397, -220),(412, 415, -220),(419, 420, -220),(435, 436, -220),(442, 445, -220),(456, 456, -220),(468, 468, -220),
(494, 495, -220),(515, 519, -220),(150, 154, -219),(185, 186, -219),(222, 223, -219),(229, 231, -219),(234, 239, -219),(241, 241, -219),(243, 248, -219),(262, 264, -219),
(267, 268, -219),(319, 322, -219),(377, 379, -219),(397, 398, -219),(414, 416, -219),(420, 421, -219),(436, 439, -219),(443, 445, -219),(456, 457, -219),(468, 469, -219),
(495, 496, -219),(516, 519, -219),(150, 155, -218),(185, 185, -218),(222, 222, -218),(230, 233, -218),(241, 244, -218),(247, 248, -218),(261, 264, -218),(268, 268, -218),
(318, 322, -218),(377, 381, -218),(398, 399, -218),(415, 418, -218),(420, 422, -218),(438, 440, -218),(443, 446, -218),(457, 457, -218),(469, 469, -218),(495, 497, -218),
(516, 519, -218),(151, 154, -217),(185, 186, -217),(222, 222, -217),(233, 235, -217),(237, 242, -217),(247, 248, -217),(261, 264, -217),(317, 319, -217),(321, 323, -217),
(377, 382, -217),(398, 400, -217),(416, 418, -217),(422, 424, -217),(440, 446, -217),(457, 458, -217),(469, 469, -217),(495, 497, -217),(516, 520, -217),(151, 155, -216),
(185, 185, -216),(221, 222, -216),(234, 235, -216),(237, 238, -216),(247, 248, -216),(261, 264, -216),(316, 317, -216),(321, 322, -216),(376, 382, -216),(399, 400, -216),
(417, 419, -216),(423, 425, -216),(441, 447, -216),(457, 458, -216),(469, 469, -216),(496, 496, -216),(517, 521, -216),(151, 155, -215),(185, 185, -215),(221, 221, -215),
(247, 248, -215),(261, 264, -215),(313, 316, -215),(321, 322, -215),(377, 379, -215),(381, 384, -215),(399, 401, -215),(418, 421, -215),(425, 427, -215),(443, 446, -215),
(458, 459, -215),(495, 497, -215),(517, 521, -215),(152, 155, -214),(185, 185, -214),(221, 222, -214),(247, 247, -214),(261, 263, -214),(293, 293, -214),(295, 295, -214),
(311, 315, -214),(320, 323, -214),(377, 378, -214),(382, 386, -214),(400, 400, -214),(419, 423, -214),(425, 427, -214),(444, 448, -214),(458, 459, -214),(495, 497, -214),
(517, 521, -214),(152, 156, -213),(184, 184, -213),(221, 224, -213),(246, 247, -213),(261, 264, -213),(291, 298, -213),(309, 314, -213),(320, 322, -213),(376, 378, -213),
(383, 388, -213),(392, 395, -213),(400, 401, -213),(420, 423, -213),(428, 429, -213),(445, 448, -213),(459, 459, -213),(494, 495, -213),(497, 498, -213),(518, 521, -213),
(152, 157, -212),(185, 185, -212),(222, 225, -212),(246, 247, -212),(261, 263, -212),(291, 292, -212),(297, 302, -212),(304, 308, -212),(310, 313, -212),(320, 322, -212),
(376, 378, -212),(385, 388, -212),(393, 397, -212),(401, 401, -212),(421, 424, -212),(428, 430, -212),(446, 449, -212),(459, 460, -212),(493, 494, -212),(497, 497, -212),
(518, 522, -212),(153, 157, -211),(185, 185, -211),(223, 226, -211),(246, 247, -211),(261, 263, -211),(291, 293, -211),(300, 300, -211),(302, 306, -211),(309, 311, -211),
(320, 322, -211),(368, 372, -211),(376, 377, -211),(386, 390, -211),(393, 402, -211),(422, 425, -211),(430, 432, -211),(446, 449, -211),(460, 460, -211),(493, 493, -211),
(497, 497, -211),(518, 522, -211),(153, 158, -210),(185, 186, -210),(224, 227, -210),(246, 247, -210),(261, 264, -210),(293, 294, -210),(308, 310, -210),(320, 321, -210),
(368, 371, -210),(375, 378, -210),(387, 391, -210),(393, 402, -210),(423, 427, -210),(430, 436, -210),(447, 450, -210),(491, 493, -210),(496, 498, -210),(519, 522, -210),
(154, 159, -209),(184, 185, -209),(224, 225, -209),(227, 229, -209),(235, 235, -209),(237, 247, -209),(261, 264, -209),(293, 296, -209),(298, 298, -209),(300, 300, -209),
(305, 308, -209),(319, 322, -209),(366, 371, -209),(375, 377, -209),(389, 396, -209),(398, 402, -209),(424, 430, -209),(436, 438, -209),(447, 451, -209),(490, 491, -209),
(495, 496, -209),(519, 523, -209),(153, 158, -208),(185, 185, -208),(224, 225, -208),(229, 243, -208),(245, 245, -208),(261, 263, -208),(296, 306, -208),(319, 322, -208),
(365, 372, -208),(375, 377, -208),(390, 395, -208),(400, 403, -208),(405, 406, -208),(424, 429, -208),(437, 439, -208),(448, 451, -208),(487, 490, -208),(495, 499, -208),
(519, 523, -208),(153, 158, -207),(185, 186, -207),(224, 224, -207),(231, 234, -207),(236, 236, -207),(240, 241, -207),(261, 263, -207),(302, 302, -207),(318, 323, -207),
(364, 368, -207),(370, 372, -207),(374, 376, -207),(390, 395, -207),(401, 409, -207),(424, 428, -207),(439, 440, -207),(448, 452, -207),(485, 488, -207),(494, 499, -207),
(520, 523, -207),(153, 158, -206),(185, 186, -206),(224, 224, -206),(240, 241, -206),(261, 264, -206),(318, 322, -206),(363, 366, -206),(370, 376, -206),(391, 395, -206),
(401, 409, -206),(424, 426, -206),(440, 440, -206),(449, 452, -206),(482, 484, -206),(493, 494, -206),(496, 499, -206),(519, 523, -206),(152, 157, -205),(186, 186, -205),
(224, 224, -205),(240, 240, -205),(261, 264, -205),(317, 318, -205),(320, 323, -205),(359, 360, -205),(363, 365, -205),(370, 375, -205),(391, 396, -205),(402, 411, -205),
(424, 426, -205),(429, 431, -205),(440, 441, -205),(450, 453, -205),(479, 483, -205),(491, 492, -205),(497, 499, -205),(519, 524, -205),(153, 157, -204),(186, 187, -204),
(224, 224, -204),(240, 241, -204),(262, 264, -204),(315, 317, -204),(321, 323, -204),(358, 364, -204),(370, 375, -204),(392, 395, -204),(403, 411, -204),(423, 425, -204),
(428, 431, -204),(440, 443, -204),(450, 453, -204),(477, 479, -204),(489, 491, -204),(497, 499, -204),(519, 523, -204),(152, 157, -203),(186, 187, -203),(224, 224, -203),
(240, 240, -203),(262, 263, -203),(315, 316, -203),(321, 323, -203),(357, 364, -203),(370, 375, -203),(392, 395, -203),(404, 407, -203),(410, 413, -203),(423, 425, -203),
(428, 431, -203),(441, 444, -203),(451, 454, -203),(476, 478, -203),(487, 489, -203),(496, 499, -203),(519, 523, -203),(153, 157, -202),(187, 187, -202),(224, 224, -202),
(240, 240, -202),(261, 264, -202),(314, 315, -202),(322, 324, -202),(357, 364, -202),(370, 374, -202),(393, 395, -202),(404, 408, -202),(410, 413, -202),(418, 418, -202),
(423, 425, -202),(428, 430, -202),(436, 437, -202),(441, 442, -202),(444, 446, -202),(450, 454, -202),(475, 476, -202),(484, 488, -202),(495, 498, -202),(520, 524, -202),
(153, 156, -201),(187, 188, -201),(223, 224, -201),(240, 241, -201),(262, 264, -201),(312, 314, -201),(321, 324, -201),(356, 363, -201),(371, 374, -201),(393, 396, -201),
(405, 407, -201),(412, 414, -201),(417, 419, -201),(423, 425, -201),(429, 430, -201),(435, 437, -201),(441, 441, -201),(445, 454, -201),(474, 476, -201),(482, 483, -201),
(485, 485, -201),(494, 496, -201),(498, 498, -201),(520, 523, -201),(152, 157, -200),(187, 188, -200),(224, 224, -200),(241, 241, -200),(262, 264, -200),(311, 312, -200),
(322, 324, -200),(355, 363, -200),(371, 374, -200),(393, 395, -200),(405, 408, -200),(412, 415, -200),(417, 420, -200),(423, 425, -200),(429, 430, -200),(435, 438, -200),
(440, 455, -200),(473, 474, -200),(480, 482, -200),(491, 493, -200),(497, 498, -200),(519, 523, -200),(153, 157, -199),(188, 189, -199),(223, 224, -199),(240, 241, -199),
(262, 264, -199),(323, 325, -199),(354, 362, -199),(372, 374, -199),(393, 395, -199),(405, 408, -199),(413, 415, -199),(417, 421, -199),(423, 425, -199),(430, 437, -199),
(440, 455, -199),(473, 474, -199),(479, 480, -199),(490, 492, -199),(497, 497, -199),(519, 523, -199),(153, 157, -198),(188, 188, -198),(224, 224, -198),(261, 265, -198),
(323, 325, -198),(354, 356, -198),(358, 362, -198),(372, 374, -198),(393, 394, -198),(406, 407, -198),(414, 434, -198),(440, 449, -198),(451, 452, -198),(454, 454, -198),
(472, 473, -198),(477, 480, -198),(487, 490, -198),(496, 497, -198),(516, 516, -198),(519, 523, -198),(154, 158, -197),(188, 189, -197),(224, 224, -197),(240, 240, -197),
(261, 265, -197),(323, 325, -197),(353, 355, -197),(359, 362, -197),(372, 374, -197),(406, 406, -197),(414, 419, -197),(421, 432, -197),(439, 445, -197),(472, 472, -197),
(476, 478, -197),(485, 488, -197),(494, 497, -197),(516, 524, -197),(154, 158, -196),(189, 189, -196),(224, 224, -196),(241, 241, -196),(261, 265, -196),(324, 326, -196),
(353, 355, -196),(358, 361, -196),(373, 374, -196),(414, 419, -196),(422, 432, -196),(438, 443, -196),(471, 472, -196),(476, 477, -196),(484, 486, -196),(493, 496, -196),
(498, 498, -196),(516, 523, -196),(154, 159, -195),(189, 189, -195),(224, 224, -195),(241, 241, -195),(261, 265, -195),(324, 326, -195),(352, 354, -195),(358, 361, -195),
(374, 374, -195),(415, 419, -195),(423, 433, -195),(436, 442, -195),(470, 471, -195),(475, 476, -195),(484, 484, -195),(491, 498, -195),(516, 523, -195),(155, 159, -194);

INSERT INTO #R2(first, last, y)
VALUES (189, 190, -194),(224, 224, -194),(241, 241, -194),(261, 266, -194),(324, 327, -194),(351, 354, -194),(359, 361, -194),(374, 375, -194),(415, 419, -194),(424, 442, -194),
(470, 471, -194),(474, 475, -194),(482, 483, -194),(490, 491, -194),(493, 498, -194),(516, 523, -194),(155, 160, -193),(190, 190, -193),(224, 224, -193),(241, 242, -193),
(260, 262, -193),(264, 266, -193),(325, 327, -193),(351, 353, -193),(359, 361, -193),(415, 419, -193),(425, 438, -193),(440, 441, -193),(469, 470, -193),(474, 474, -193),
(482, 483, -193),(489, 490, -193),(493, 497, -193),(516, 516, -193),(520, 524, -193),(156, 160, -192),(189, 190, -192),(224, 224, -192),(260, 262, -192),(265, 267, -192),
(325, 327, -192),(350, 352, -192),(359, 361, -192),(416, 419, -192),(426, 432, -192),(434, 435, -192),(440, 442, -192),(468, 469, -192),(473, 474, -192),(481, 481, -192),
(487, 489, -192),(493, 497, -192),(516, 516, -192),(520, 523, -192),(156, 162, -191),(189, 191, -191),(224, 224, -191),(241, 241, -191),(260, 262, -191),(265, 267, -191),
(326, 327, -191),(350, 352, -191),(359, 360, -191),(416, 419, -191),(426, 428, -191),(440, 442, -191),(467, 468, -191),(473, 473, -191),(480, 481, -191),(485, 486, -191),
(493, 496, -191),(515, 516, -191),(520, 523, -191),(156, 162, -190),(190, 191, -190),(224, 224, -190),(241, 241, -190),(259, 262, -190),(265, 268, -190),(326, 328, -190),
(349, 352, -190),(359, 361, -190),(416, 419, -190),(427, 428, -190),(440, 443, -190),(447, 447, -190),(467, 468, -190),(472, 473, -190),(479, 480, -190),(485, 486, -190),
(495, 495, -190),(515, 515, -190),(519, 523, -190),(157, 163, -189),(190, 193, -189),(224, 224, -189),(241, 241, -189),(259, 261, -189),(265, 268, -189),(326, 328, -189),
(349, 351, -189),(360, 361, -189),(416, 418, -189),(427, 429, -189),(440, 450, -189),(466, 467, -189),(471, 472, -189),(478, 479, -189),(483, 484, -189),(494, 495, -189),
(515, 515, -189),(520, 524, -189),(158, 164, -188),(190, 194, -188),(224, 225, -188),(242, 242, -188),(259, 261, -188),(266, 267, -188),(326, 328, -188),(348, 351, -188),
(360, 360, -188),(417, 418, -188),(428, 429, -188),(441, 452, -188),(465, 466, -188),(470, 471, -188),(477, 478, -188),(483, 484, -188),(492, 493, -188),(515, 516, -188),
(520, 523, -188),(158, 165, -187),(190, 195, -187),(224, 225, -187),(259, 261, -187),(266, 266, -187),(268, 268, -187),(327, 328, -187),(348, 350, -187),(360, 360, -187),
(417, 419, -187),(428, 429, -187),(443, 446, -187),(448, 455, -187),(464, 465, -187),(469, 471, -187),(477, 478, -187),(482, 483, -187),(491, 492, -187),(515, 515, -187),
(520, 523, -187),(159, 165, -186),(191, 197, -186),(225, 225, -186),(242, 242, -186),(259, 260, -186),(266, 269, -186),(326, 329, -186),(339, 339, -186),(348, 350, -186),
(417, 418, -186),(428, 430, -186),(444, 446, -186),(449, 457, -186),(462, 464, -186),(468, 469, -186),(476, 477, -186),(482, 482, -186),(491, 492, -186),(514, 515, -186),
(520, 523, -186),(160, 167, -185),(191, 192, -185),(197, 200, -185),(225, 225, -185),(241, 242, -185),(258, 260, -185),(266, 267, -185),(269, 269, -185),(326, 328, -185),
(338, 342, -185),(347, 350, -185),(417, 419, -185),(428, 431, -185),(444, 446, -185),(452, 463, -185),(467, 468, -185),(474, 476, -185),(480, 481, -185),(490, 491, -185),
(514, 514, -185),(520, 522, -185),(160, 167, -184),(192, 193, -184),(199, 202, -184),(224, 225, -184),(242, 243, -184),(258, 261, -184),(267, 267, -184),(269, 270, -184),
(327, 328, -184),(335, 344, -184),(347, 350, -184),(418, 418, -184),(429, 432, -184),(444, 446, -184),(453, 456, -184),(459, 462, -184),(465, 467, -184),(473, 474, -184),
(479, 480, -184),(488, 489, -184),(514, 514, -184),(519, 522, -184),(161, 168, -183),(192, 193, -183),(202, 204, -183),(224, 226, -183),(243, 244, -183),(258, 260, -183),
(267, 267, -183),(270, 271, -183),(327, 328, -183),(334, 349, -183),(418, 418, -183),(428, 433, -183),(444, 446, -183),(454, 455, -183),(460, 465, -183),(471, 473, -183),
(478, 479, -183),(486, 488, -183),(513, 514, -183),(519, 522, -183),(162, 169, -182),(193, 194, -182),(205, 210, -182),(217, 217, -182),(220, 220, -182),(222, 225, -182),
(243, 245, -182),(258, 260, -182),(267, 268, -182),(270, 270, -182),(327, 328, -182),(333, 337, -182),(339, 339, -182),(341, 349, -182),(418, 418, -182),(429, 433, -182),
(443, 446, -182),(454, 456, -182),(462, 470, -182),(476, 478, -182),(481, 481, -182),(483, 487, -182),(513, 513, -182),(518, 522, -182),(162, 169, -181),(193, 194, -181),
(209, 209, -181),(211, 215, -181),(217, 220, -181),(222, 226, -181),(243, 247, -181),(258, 260, -181),(268, 268, -181),(271, 272, -181),(327, 329, -181),(333, 336, -181),
(343, 349, -181),(429, 434, -181),(444, 447, -181),(454, 456, -181),(464, 480, -181),(482, 483, -181),(509, 509, -181),(512, 512, -181),(518, 522, -181),(164, 170, -180),
(193, 195, -180),(225, 226, -180),(242, 249, -180),(257, 259, -180),(268, 268, -180),(271, 271, -180),(327, 328, -180),(332, 335, -180),(344, 349, -180),(429, 434, -180),
(444, 446, -180),(455, 457, -180),(467, 480, -180),(508, 512, -180),(517, 521, -180),(164, 170, -179),(192, 195, -179),(226, 226, -179),(243, 244, -179),(249, 251, -179),
(258, 259, -179),(268, 269, -179),(271, 272, -179),(327, 328, -179),(331, 334, -179),(344, 349, -179),(429, 429, -179),(432, 434, -179),(444, 446, -179),(455, 456, -179),
(471, 476, -179),(508, 512, -179),(517, 521, -179),(165, 171, -178),(192, 195, -178),(226, 227, -178),(251, 254, -178),(257, 260, -178),(269, 269, -178),(272, 272, -178),
(326, 329, -178),(331, 337, -178),(345, 348, -178),(429, 429, -178),(433, 435, -178),(437, 438, -178),(443, 444, -178),(446, 446, -178),(456, 457, -178),(506, 508, -178),
(510, 512, -178),(517, 520, -178),(165, 171, -177),(193, 195, -177),(227, 227, -177),(243, 244, -177),(253, 255, -177),(257, 259, -177),(269, 270, -177),(272, 273, -177),
(327, 328, -177),(331, 339, -177),(345, 348, -177),(433, 439, -177),(443, 447, -177),(456, 457, -177),(506, 506, -177),(511, 511, -177),(516, 520, -177),(167, 172, -176),
(193, 195, -176),(227, 227, -176),(244, 244, -176),(255, 260, -176),(270, 270, -176),(272, 273, -176),(326, 328, -176),(330, 340, -176),(345, 348, -176),(433, 440, -176),
(443, 443, -176),(446, 446, -176),(456, 458, -176),(505, 506, -176),(515, 519, -176),(167, 172, -175),(195, 196, -175),(227, 227, -175),(244, 244, -175),(256, 260, -175),
(270, 272, -175),(326, 328, -175),(331, 333, -175),(336, 339, -175),(345, 348, -175),(434, 440, -175),(443, 444, -175),(446, 446, -175),(458, 459, -175),(504, 506, -175),
(515, 519, -175),(168, 172, -174),(195, 197, -174),(227, 227, -174),(244, 245, -174),(257, 260, -174),(272, 272, -174),(326, 328, -174),(337, 339, -174),(346, 347, -174),
(434, 443, -174),(446, 447, -174),(458, 459, -174),(504, 504, -174),(514, 518, -174),(169, 173, -173),(196, 198, -173),(228, 229, -173),(245, 245, -173),(258, 260, -173),
(326, 327, -173),(338, 340, -173),(345, 348, -173),(434, 444, -173),(446, 446, -173),(459, 460, -173),(503, 504, -173),(513, 517, -173),(169, 174, -172),(198, 200, -172),
(228, 228, -172),(245, 245, -172),(258, 259, -172),(325, 327, -172),(337, 339, -172),(346, 348, -172),(434, 446, -172),(459, 460, -172),(502, 502, -172),(513, 517, -172),
(170, 174, -171),(199, 202, -171),(228, 229, -171),(245, 245, -171),(258, 260, -171),(325, 327, -171),(332, 333, -171),(337, 339, -171),(346, 347, -171),(434, 437, -171),
(439, 445, -171),(460, 461, -171),(500, 502, -171),(511, 516, -171),(170, 175, -170),(201, 203, -170),(229, 229, -170),(245, 246, -170),(258, 260, -170),(325, 327, -170),
(331, 334, -170),(337, 339, -170),(346, 348, -170),(434, 437, -170),(440, 445, -170),(461, 463, -170),(467, 469, -170),(499, 500, -170),(511, 515, -170),(171, 176, -169),
(203, 204, -169),(230, 230, -169),(245, 247, -169),(258, 260, -169),(324, 326, -169),(331, 338, -169),(346, 347, -169),(434, 436, -169),(440, 444, -169),(462, 464, -169),
(466, 470, -169),(497, 499, -169),(510, 515, -169),(172, 177, -168),(204, 206, -168),(230, 230, -168),(246, 251, -168),(259, 260, -168),(324, 326, -168),(330, 338, -168),
(346, 347, -168),(434, 436, -168),(441, 444, -168),(463, 467, -168),(469, 472, -168),(496, 497, -168),(509, 514, -168),(172, 179, -167),(205, 207, -167),(231, 231, -167),
(246, 252, -167),(259, 260, -167),(323, 326, -167),(330, 338, -167),(434, 436, -167),(441, 443, -167),(464, 467, -167),(471, 473, -167),(482, 483, -167),(487, 487, -167),
(490, 490, -167),(493, 496, -167),(507, 513, -167),(173, 179, -166),(207, 208, -166),(230, 231, -166),(246, 246, -166),(249, 250, -166),(252, 253, -166),(259, 260, -166),
(323, 325, -166),(330, 332, -166),(334, 338, -166),(434, 435, -166),(441, 443, -166),(472, 474, -166),(482, 486, -166),(489, 492, -166),(507, 512, -166),(174, 181, -165),
(207, 209, -165),(230, 232, -165),(245, 246, -165),(248, 249, -165),(252, 252, -165),(260, 261, -165),(323, 325, -165),(329, 332, -165),(334, 338, -165),(434, 435, -165),
(442, 443, -165),(474, 477, -165),(482, 483, -165),(505, 511, -165),(174, 182, -164),(209, 210, -164),(229, 234, -164),(243, 246, -164),(248, 248, -164),(252, 253, -164),
(259, 261, -164),(323, 324, -164),(329, 331, -164),(334, 337, -164),(434, 434, -164),(442, 444, -164),(475, 483, -164),(504, 509, -164),(175, 184, -163),(210, 211, -163),
(229, 235, -163),(238, 238, -163),(241, 244, -163),(246, 247, -163),(253, 253, -163),(260, 261, -163),(322, 324, -163),(329, 331, -163),(334, 337, -163),(442, 444, -163),
(460, 461, -163),(479, 483, -163),(502, 509, -163),(177, 185, -162),(210, 211, -162),(228, 229, -162),(231, 231, -162),(235, 242, -162),(245, 246, -162),(253, 254, -162),
(261, 261, -162),(322, 324, -162),(329, 331, -162),(335, 338, -162),(442, 444, -162),(459, 463, -162),(500, 507, -162),(178, 187, -161),(210, 212, -161),(228, 234, -161),
(239, 239, -161),(243, 246, -161),(253, 254, -161),(261, 262, -161),(321, 323, -161),(329, 332, -161),(335, 338, -161),(442, 445, -161),(458, 460, -161),(462, 464, -161),
(499, 506, -161),(180, 189, -160),(206, 206, -160),(208, 212, -160),(228, 230, -160),(233, 237, -160),(241, 243, -160),(252, 253, -160),(261, 262, -160),(321, 322, -160),
(329, 331, -160),(336, 338, -160),(443, 444, -160),(458, 459, -160),(463, 466, -160),(497, 505, -160),(179, 191, -159),(206, 212, -159),(229, 230, -159),(236, 239, -159),
(241, 242, -159),(250, 252, -159),(262, 262, -159),(320, 322, -159),(325, 327, -159),(329, 331, -159),(336, 338, -159),(443, 444, -159),(459, 460, -159),(464, 468, -159),
(494, 503, -159),(179, 192, -158),(206, 209, -158),(211, 211, -158),(230, 230, -158),(248, 250, -158),(262, 263, -158),(320, 321, -158),(325, 328, -158),(330, 332, -158),
(337, 338, -158),(443, 444, -158),(460, 461, -158),(466, 469, -158),(490, 501, -158),(180, 191, -157),(208, 210, -157),(230, 232, -157),(248, 249, -157),(262, 263, -157),
(319, 321, -157),(324, 328, -157),(330, 332, -157),(337, 339, -157),(442, 445, -157),(461, 463, -157),(469, 471, -157),(485, 499, -157),(180, 188, -156),(209, 210, -156),
(232, 232, -156),(247, 250, -156),(263, 263, -156),(319, 320, -156),(323, 332, -156),(338, 339, -156),(442, 444, -156),(462, 465, -156),(470, 474, -156),(477, 477, -156),
(479, 498, -156),(182, 188, -155),(210, 212, -155),(232, 233, -155),(246, 250, -155),(263, 264, -155),(318, 320, -155),(324, 333, -155),(339, 340, -155),(442, 444, -155),
(465, 469, -155),(471, 494, -155),(183, 190, -154),(211, 212, -154),(233, 234, -154),(239, 242, -154),(244, 247, -154),(249, 251, -154),(264, 265, -154),(317, 319, -154),
(323, 325, -154),(328, 333, -154),(339, 340, -154),(442, 445, -154),(467, 490, -154),(184, 191, -153),(212, 214, -153),(234, 237, -153),(239, 245, -153),(249, 251, -153),
(264, 265, -153),(317, 318, -153),(323, 325, -153),(328, 334, -153),(441, 445, -153),(471, 474, -153),(476, 487, -153),(185, 193, -152),(213, 214, -152),(241, 243, -152),
(250, 251, -152),(264, 265, -152),(316, 318, -152),(323, 325, -152),(329, 334, -152),(441, 446, -152),(476, 483, -152),(187, 195, -151),(214, 215, -151),(242, 243, -151),
(250, 252, -151),(265, 266, -151),(316, 317, -151),(323, 325, -151),(330, 335, -151),(440, 446, -151),(476, 482, -151),(188, 197, -150),(215, 217, -150),(243, 245, -150),
(251, 252, -150),(266, 267, -150),(315, 316, -150),(323, 324, -150),(331, 336, -150),(441, 443, -150),(445, 446, -150),(476, 481, -150),(190, 202, -149),(204, 204, -149),
(217, 217, -149),(245, 246, -149),(251, 253, -149),(267, 267, -149),(314, 316, -149),(323, 324, -149),(332, 337, -149),(439, 442, -149),(445, 447, -149),(475, 479, -149),
(191, 205, -148),(217, 218, -148),(245, 246, -148),(252, 254, -148),(267, 268, -148),(313, 315, -148),(322, 324, -148),(334, 338, -148),(439, 442, -148),(445, 447, -148),
(474, 479, -148),(193, 207, -147),(217, 219, -147),(247, 248, -147),(253, 254, -147),(268, 268, -147),(313, 314, -147),(322, 325, -147),(335, 339, -147),(438, 442, -147),
(446, 447, -147),(473, 478, -147),(195, 208, -146),(218, 220, -146),(248, 249, -146),(253, 255, -146),(268, 269, -146),(312, 314, -146),(322, 324, -146),(336, 340, -146),
(437, 438, -146),(440, 441, -146),(445, 447, -146),(473, 477, -146),(196, 206, -145),(220, 221, -145),(249, 251, -145),(254, 256, -145),(269, 269, -145),(311, 313, -145),
(322, 324, -145),(338, 341, -145),(436, 437, -145),(439, 440, -145),(446, 447, -145),(472, 477, -145),(195, 204, -144),(206, 206, -144),(221, 222, -144),(251, 253, -144),
(255, 257, -144),(269, 270, -144),(310, 312, -144),(323, 325, -144),(339, 341, -144),(396, 398, -144),(400, 400, -144),(408, 410, -144),(435, 436, -144),(439, 440, -144),
(446, 447, -144),(471, 475, -144),(196, 203, -143),(222, 223, -143),(253, 254, -143),(256, 258, -143),(270, 271, -143),(310, 311, -143),(322, 324, -143),(341, 342, -143),
(394, 399, -143),(401, 403, -143),(407, 413, -143),(434, 435, -143),(438, 439, -143),(446, 447, -143),(469, 475, -143),(196, 205, -142),(223, 224, -142),(253, 254, -142),
(256, 259, -142),(271, 272, -142),(309, 311, -142),(322, 324, -142),(342, 342, -142),(393, 394, -142),(402, 404, -142),(406, 407, -142),(412, 413, -142),(433, 435, -142),
(437, 438, -142),(445, 446, -142),(460, 460, -142),(463, 474, -142),(198, 206, -141),(223, 225, -141),(255, 260, -141),(272, 273, -141),(309, 310, -141),(323, 325, -141),
(386, 386, -141),(393, 394, -141),(403, 406, -141),(413, 414, -141),(432, 433, -141),(436, 438, -141),(446, 446, -141),(458, 473, -141),(199, 207, -140),(224, 226, -140),
(256, 260, -140),(273, 274, -140),(307, 310, -140),(323, 325, -140),(386, 393, -140),(405, 406, -140),(414, 414, -140),(431, 432, -140),(435, 436, -140),(445, 447, -140),
(456, 458, -140),(460, 460, -140),(462, 466, -140),(468, 473, -140),(200, 209, -139),(224, 227, -139),(258, 261, -139),(274, 275, -139),(307, 309, -139),(323, 325, -139),
(384, 387, -139),(390, 392, -139),(405, 407, -139),(414, 414, -139),(431, 431, -139),(435, 436, -139),(445, 446, -139),(455, 456, -139),(462, 462, -139),(467, 472, -139),
(202, 212, -138),(224, 228, -138),(259, 262, -138),(273, 275, -138),(307, 307, -138),(322, 325, -138),(384, 385, -138),(391, 391, -138),(414, 415, -138),(430, 431, -138),
(434, 435, -138),(445, 446, -138),(448, 449, -138),(454, 456, -138),(459, 462, -138),(467, 472, -138),(204, 230, -137),(261, 264, -137),(273, 277, -137),(305, 306, -137),
(321, 325, -137),(383, 384, -137),(391, 391, -137),(399, 402, -137),(415, 415, -137),(429, 430, -137),(432, 434, -137),(445, 449, -137),(454, 460, -137),(466, 470, -137);

INSERT INTO #R2 (first, last, y)
VALUES (206, 231, -136),(262, 264, -136),(274, 274, -136),(276, 278, -136),(304, 305, -136),(322, 326, -136),(383, 383, -136),(390, 391, -136),(397, 400, -136),(402, 404, -136),
(415, 416, -136),(429, 429, -136),(432, 433, -136),(444, 450, -136),(455, 455, -136),(457, 457, -136),(465, 470, -136),(208, 233, -135),(264, 266, -135),(274, 275, -135),
(278, 278, -135),(303, 305, -135),(322, 327, -135),(382, 383, -135),(390, 391, -135),(396, 398, -135),(404, 406, -135),(414, 416, -135),(419, 425, -135),(428, 429, -135),
(432, 432, -135),(443, 450, -135),(465, 469, -135),(211, 235, -134),(267, 268, -134),(274, 275, -134),(279, 280, -134),(301, 303, -134),(321, 327, -134),(382, 383, -134),
(390, 390, -134),(396, 396, -134),(404, 406, -134),(411, 428, -134),(431, 432, -134),(444, 450, -134),(464, 469, -134),(215, 216, -133),(219, 220, -133),(223, 223, -133),
(227, 238, -133),(267, 269, -133),(275, 275, -133),(280, 282, -133),(301, 302, -133),(322, 328, -133),(383, 383, -133),(390, 390, -133),(396, 397, -133),(406, 407, -133),
(409, 417, -133),(423, 428, -133),(430, 432, -133),(443, 446, -133),(448, 450, -133),(463, 468, -133),(228, 241, -132),(243, 243, -132),(268, 271, -132),(275, 276, -132),
(281, 284, -132),(299, 301, -132),(321, 323, -132),(327, 328, -132),(383, 383, -132),(395, 396, -132),(407, 410, -132),(413, 415, -132),(423, 430, -132),(443, 446, -132),
(448, 449, -132),(462, 467, -132),(230, 250, -131),(269, 273, -131),(275, 277, -131),(283, 286, -131),(296, 299, -131),(322, 324, -131),(383, 383, -131),(396, 396, -131),
(406, 409, -131),(413, 413, -131),(425, 425, -131),(427, 431, -131),(442, 445, -131),(449, 450, -131),(461, 466, -131),(233, 260, -130),(262, 263, -130),(265, 265, -130),
(267, 267, -130),(269, 277, -130),(285, 288, -130),(292, 292, -130),(294, 298, -130),(322, 325, -130),(383, 384, -130),(392, 397, -130),(399, 399, -130),(406, 407, -130),
(430, 433, -130),(441, 443, -130),(448, 450, -130),(461, 466, -130),(235, 277, -129),(288, 295, -129),(322, 325, -129),(383, 384, -129),(388, 401, -129),(405, 406, -129),
(431, 434, -129),(442, 442, -129),(448, 449, -129),(459, 465, -129),(240, 278, -128),(290, 290, -128),(323, 325, -128),(384, 385, -128),(387, 389, -128),(393, 394, -128),
(401, 406, -128),(432, 435, -128),(448, 449, -128),(459, 465, -128),(243, 243, -127),(245, 278, -127),(323, 325, -127),(377, 377, -127),(379, 380, -127),(383, 389, -127),
(402, 405, -127),(433, 435, -127),(448, 449, -127),(457, 464, -127),(250, 250, -126),(253, 278, -126),(323, 326, -126),(373, 391, -126),(403, 405, -126),(424, 424, -126),
(433, 436, -126),(448, 449, -126),(457, 463, -126),(274, 279, -125),(324, 326, -125),(371, 378, -125),(387, 391, -125),(404, 405, -125),(421, 430, -125),(434, 436, -125),
(447, 449, -125),(455, 462, -125),(275, 280, -124),(325, 327, -124),(369, 376, -124),(405, 406, -124),(420, 423, -124),(428, 431, -124),(434, 436, -124),(447, 448, -124),
(453, 461, -124),(275, 280, -123),(325, 327, -123),(369, 377, -123),(405, 406, -123),(418, 421, -123),(430, 432, -123),(434, 436, -123),(447, 449, -123),(451, 460, -123),
(275, 280, -122),(326, 328, -122),(367, 369, -122),(373, 377, -122),(406, 409, -122),(417, 419, -122),(432, 436, -122),(447, 459, -122),(276, 281, -121),(326, 329, -121),
(367, 368, -121),(372, 375, -121),(405, 412, -121),(414, 417, -121),(432, 437, -121),(446, 458, -121),(277, 281, -120),(325, 330, -120),(365, 367, -120),(370, 372, -120),
(405, 406, -120),(410, 416, -120),(433, 436, -120),(446, 457, -120),(278, 282, -119),(325, 331, -119),(365, 366, -119),(369, 370, -119),(403, 404, -119),(412, 415, -119),
(433, 436, -119),(445, 455, -119),(278, 283, -118),(325, 332, -118),(364, 365, -118),(369, 370, -118),(403, 404, -118),(413, 415, -118),(434, 435, -118),(445, 453, -118),
(279, 284, -117),(326, 333, -117),(363, 364, -117),(368, 369, -117),(401, 405, -117),(414, 415, -117),(434, 435, -117),(444, 451, -117),(279, 285, -116),(326, 333, -116),
(363, 364, -116),(368, 369, -116),(398, 404, -116),(415, 416, -116),(433, 436, -116),(443, 450, -116),(279, 286, -115),(326, 329, -115),(332, 333, -115),(362, 363, -115),
(367, 368, -115),(381, 387, -115),(389, 389, -115),(392, 392, -115),(395, 400, -115),(415, 416, -115),(433, 435, -115),(443, 450, -115),(281, 287, -114),(327, 330, -114),
(362, 362, -114),(367, 370, -114),(377, 381, -114),(383, 383, -114),(385, 386, -114),(388, 388, -114),(390, 395, -114),(397, 397, -114),(415, 416, -114),(433, 435, -114),
(442, 450, -114),(282, 289, -113),(327, 330, -113),(362, 362, -113),(366, 370, -113),(377, 378, -113),(393, 395, -113),(415, 416, -113),(433, 435, -113),(442, 449, -113),
(282, 290, -112),(328, 331, -112),(361, 362, -112),(367, 370, -112),(375, 377, -112),(393, 394, -112),(415, 416, -112),(433, 435, -112),(441, 449, -112),(284, 293, -111),
(329, 332, -111),(362, 362, -111),(369, 370, -111),(374, 376, -111),(393, 394, -111),(415, 416, -111),(432, 435, -111),(442, 442, -111),(446, 448, -111),(284, 295, -110),
(330, 333, -110),(361, 362, -110),(368, 370, -110),(374, 375, -110),(393, 394, -110),(415, 415, -110),(432, 435, -110),(445, 448, -110),(287, 297, -109),(330, 334, -109),
(361, 361, -109),(369, 369, -109),(373, 374, -109),(394, 397, -109),(414, 415, -109),(432, 434, -109),(444, 447, -109),(287, 300, -108),(332, 335, -108),(362, 362, -108),
(369, 370, -108),(373, 374, -108),(396, 398, -108),(413, 415, -108),(431, 434, -108),(444, 448, -108),(290, 302, -107),(332, 336, -107),(361, 361, -107),(369, 370, -107),
(373, 374, -107),(413, 414, -107),(430, 434, -107),(443, 447, -107),(292, 305, -106),(333, 337, -106),(360, 361, -106),(369, 370, -106),(372, 374, -106),(413, 414, -106),
(431, 433, -106),(442, 447, -106),(294, 307, -105),(332, 339, -105),(361, 361, -105),(370, 371, -105),(373, 374, -105),(413, 413, -105),(431, 433, -105),(442, 446, -105),
(298, 309, -104),(329, 341, -104),(361, 362, -104),(370, 374, -104),(413, 414, -104),(427, 427, -104),(431, 433, -104),(441, 446, -104),(300, 311, -103),(327, 342, -103),
(362, 362, -103),(371, 374, -103),(412, 413, -103),(425, 428, -103),(431, 434, -103),(439, 445, -103),(298, 314, -102),(326, 333, -102),(335, 335, -102),(339, 345, -102),
(361, 362, -102),(371, 375, -102),(412, 414, -102),(418, 418, -102),(420, 420, -102),(422, 429, -102),(431, 434, -102),(437, 444, -102),(297, 316, -101),(325, 329, -101),
(340, 346, -101),(361, 362, -101),(372, 375, -101),(413, 414, -101),(416, 425, -101),(427, 429, -101),(431, 435, -101),(437, 444, -101),(295, 306, -100),(308, 319, -100),
(324, 328, -100),(341, 343, -100),(346, 347, -100),(361, 362, -100),(374, 376, -100),(412, 414, -100),(416, 425, -100),(427, 428, -100),(432, 442, -100),(295, 326, -99),
(341, 342, -99),(348, 348, -99),(362, 363, -99),(375, 377, -99),(412, 413, -99),(415, 416, -99),(419, 428, -99),(433, 441, -99),(294, 301, -98),(304, 326, -98),
(341, 342, -98),(347, 349, -98),(362, 362, -98),(413, 414, -98),(416, 426, -98),(433, 440, -98),(294, 299, -97),(304, 325, -97),(341, 341, -97),(349, 349, -97),
(362, 363, -97),(397, 398, -97),(413, 414, -97),(416, 425, -97),(434, 440, -97),(293, 298, -96),(306, 306, -96),(313, 325, -96),(340, 341, -96),(343, 344, -96),
(348, 349, -96),(362, 362, -96),(397, 399, -96),(413, 415, -96),(417, 424, -96),(435, 439, -96),(293, 297, -95),(315, 328, -95),(330, 330, -95),(341, 341, -95),
(343, 348, -95),(356, 358, -95),(362, 363, -95),(389, 390, -95),(392, 393, -95),(398, 398, -95),(414, 415, -95),(419, 419, -95),(421, 421, -95),(423, 424, -95),
(436, 440, -95),(293, 296, -94),(317, 332, -94),(341, 347, -94),(356, 363, -94),(386, 395, -94),(397, 398, -94),(414, 415, -94),(419, 424, -94),(436, 441, -94),
(292, 296, -93),(317, 333, -93),(341, 341, -93),(343, 345, -93),(356, 362, -93),(385, 386, -93),(388, 400, -93),(415, 416, -93),(419, 424, -93),(437, 441, -93),
(292, 296, -92),(317, 332, -92),(341, 341, -92),(344, 345, -92),(357, 360, -92),(383, 386, -92),(388, 399, -92),(416, 417, -92),(421, 421, -92),(437, 442, -92),
(292, 295, -91),(317, 322, -91),(325, 328, -91),(341, 342, -91),(344, 346, -91),(357, 357, -91),(382, 386, -91),(388, 399, -91),(416, 416, -91),(437, 444, -91),
(291, 295, -90),(319, 321, -90),(325, 328, -90),(340, 341, -90),(345, 346, -90),(358, 359, -90),(383, 398, -90),(435, 444, -90),(291, 295, -89),(320, 322, -89),
(324, 327, -89),(341, 341, -89),(345, 347, -89),(358, 359, -89),(387, 398, -89),(419, 419, -89),(434, 445, -89),(290, 296, -88),(320, 327, -88),(329, 330, -88),
(332, 333, -88),(341, 342, -88),(347, 348, -88),(359, 359, -88),(389, 396, -88),(430, 447, -88),(290, 295, -87),(321, 335, -87),(340, 341, -87),(348, 350, -87),
(359, 360, -87),(391, 394, -87),(423, 425, -87),(428, 433, -87),(435, 440, -87),(442, 448, -87),(450, 450, -87),(290, 296, -86),(321, 336, -86),(340, 341, -86),
(350, 352, -86),(360, 362, -86),(423, 429, -86),(435, 439, -86),(443, 450, -86),(291, 294, -85),(322, 337, -85),(340, 340, -85),(351, 353, -85),(361, 362, -85),
(387, 389, -85),(394, 397, -85),(423, 426, -85),(434, 435, -85),(438, 439, -85),(444, 451, -85),(290, 294, -84),(321, 330, -84),(333, 340, -84),(352, 355, -84),
(362, 364, -84),(389, 394, -84),(424, 426, -84),(434, 436, -84),(439, 440, -84),(446, 452, -84),(290, 294, -83),(322, 328, -83),(333, 340, -83),(352, 355, -83),
(364, 366, -83),(390, 390, -83),(424, 426, -83),(428, 428, -83),(434, 437, -83),(439, 439, -83),(446, 453, -83),(291, 294, -82),(322, 326, -82),(333, 340, -82),
(350, 354, -82),(366, 367, -82),(426, 430, -82),(432, 435, -82),(438, 440, -82),(448, 454, -82),(291, 294, -81),(322, 325, -81),(332, 340, -81),(348, 350, -81),
(367, 368, -81),(427, 427, -81),(429, 433, -81),(438, 439, -81),(448, 455, -81),(291, 296, -80),(321, 325, -80),(330, 337, -80),(339, 340, -80),(348, 351, -80),
(368, 369, -80),(438, 439, -80),(448, 456, -80),(292, 297, -79),(321, 325, -79),(329, 335, -79),(339, 340, -79),(347, 355, -79),(369, 371, -79),(400, 403, -79),
(438, 439, -79),(449, 456, -79),(292, 297, -78),(320, 325, -78),(328, 335, -78),(340, 341, -78),(349, 350, -78),(353, 356, -78),(370, 371, -78),(397, 400, -78),
(402, 405, -78),(437, 438, -78),(449, 450, -78),(452, 456, -78),(294, 299, -77),(320, 324, -77),(328, 335, -77),(340, 341, -77),(353, 358, -77),(371, 372, -77),
(383, 388, -77),(396, 399, -77),(403, 404, -77),(437, 438, -77),(452, 457, -77),(294, 299, -76),(314, 314, -76),(316, 323, -76),(328, 335, -76),(341, 342, -76),
(353, 354, -76),(356, 356, -76),(358, 358, -76),(372, 375, -76),(383, 383, -76),(385, 386, -76),(388, 391, -76),(393, 396, -76),(403, 404, -76),(425, 425, -76),
(436, 439, -76),(453, 456, -76),(294, 299, -75),(313, 324, -75),(328, 334, -75),(341, 342, -75),(353, 353, -75),(358, 359, -75),(372, 378, -75),(381, 383, -75),
(390, 395, -75),(403, 403, -75),(423, 427, -75),(435, 444, -75),(453, 457, -75),(293, 298, -74),(312, 317, -74),(319, 324, -74),(327, 334, -74),(342, 344, -74),
(352, 353, -74),(359, 360, -74),(372, 379, -74),(382, 383, -74),(401, 403, -74),(421, 427, -74),(432, 446, -74),(454, 457, -74),(293, 301, -73),(312, 318, -73),
(321, 334, -73),(343, 346, -73),(351, 353, -73),(359, 360, -73),(373, 374, -73),(376, 377, -73),(379, 380, -73),(382, 385, -73),(401, 403, -73),(419, 422, -73),
(426, 428, -73),(430, 435, -73),(437, 437, -73),(444, 448, -73),(454, 458, -73),(294, 303, -72),(305, 305, -72),(310, 314, -72),(316, 318, -72),(322, 330, -72),
(333, 334, -72),(346, 353, -72),(360, 360, -72),(373, 373, -72),(376, 377, -72),(380, 381, -72),(385, 388, -72),(395, 400, -72),(418, 420, -72),(427, 431, -72),
(440, 440, -72),(443, 449, -72),(454, 457, -72),(296, 314, -71),(316, 319, -71),(324, 330, -71),(349, 349, -71),(351, 353, -71),(357, 358, -71),(360, 361, -71),
(373, 374, -71),(376, 377, -71),(381, 382, -71),(387, 389, -71),(394, 399, -71),(417, 418, -71),(426, 429, -71),(437, 450, -71),(454, 457, -71),(298, 314, -70),
(318, 320, -70),(325, 330, -70),(352, 354, -70),(356, 358, -70),(360, 361, -70),(374, 374, -70),(377, 377, -70),(382, 383, -70),(387, 389, -70),(393, 395, -70),
(415, 417, -70),(427, 427, -70),(436, 439, -70),(443, 451, -70),(455, 457, -70),(299, 315, -69),(318, 321, -69),(326, 330, -69),(353, 358, -69),(361, 361, -69),
(373, 374, -69),(377, 378, -69),(383, 383, -69),(388, 393, -69),(415, 416, -69),(434, 436, -69),(442, 445, -69),(447, 447, -69),(449, 452, -69),(454, 457, -69),
(302, 315, -68),(319, 322, -68),(327, 331, -68),(354, 359, -68),(361, 361, -68),(374, 374, -68),(383, 384, -68),(388, 392, -68),(411, 412, -68),(414, 415, -68),
(432, 434, -68),(442, 443, -68),(450, 458, -68),(308, 309, -67),(311, 316, -67),(320, 322, -67),(328, 330, -67),(354, 354, -67),(357, 358, -67),(361, 361, -67),
(373, 374, -67),(377, 377, -67),(383, 384, -67),(389, 390, -67),(409, 414, -67),(431, 433, -67),(441, 443, -67),(452, 458, -67),(311, 316, -66),(320, 323, -66),
(329, 331, -66),(358, 359, -66),(361, 362, -66),(378, 378, -66),(384, 384, -66),(408, 410, -66),(412, 414, -66),(423, 426, -66),(429, 431, -66),(441, 442, -66),
(452, 459, -66),(312, 316, -65),(321, 323, -65),(329, 331, -65),(358, 359, -65),(361, 362, -65),(374, 375, -65),(377, 377, -65),(384, 385, -65),(407, 408, -65),
(412, 413, -65),(422, 426, -65),(428, 431, -65),(441, 442, -65),(456, 459, -65),(312, 317, -64),(321, 324, -64),(330, 333, -64),(359, 360, -64),(362, 363, -64),
(374, 375, -64),(377, 377, -64),(384, 384, -64),(407, 408, -64),(420, 423, -64),(426, 429, -64),(440, 441, -64),(456, 460, -64),(313, 317, -63),(322, 325, -63),
(331, 333, -63),(359, 360, -63),(363, 364, -63),(374, 377, -63),(384, 384, -63),(406, 407, -63),(419, 421, -63),(426, 427, -63),(439, 441, -63),(456, 460, -63),
(314, 317, -62),(322, 326, -62),(331, 334, -62),(360, 361, -62),(364, 366, -62),(375, 376, -62),(383, 384, -62),(406, 406, -62),(419, 420, -62),(439, 440, -62),
(457, 460, -62),(314, 318, -61),(323, 326, -61),(332, 334, -61),(360, 362, -61),(365, 367, -61),(375, 375, -61),(384, 384, -61),(405, 406, -61),(417, 419, -61),
(438, 440, -61),(457, 460, -61),(314, 318, -60),(323, 326, -60),(333, 335, -60),(361, 362, -60),(366, 367, -60),(384, 385, -60),(404, 405, -60),(416, 418, -60),
(437, 440, -60),(458, 461, -60),(314, 318, -59),(324, 328, -59),(334, 336, -59),(362, 367, -59),(384, 384, -59),(404, 405, -59),(416, 417, -59),(436, 438, -59),
(457, 461, -59),(314, 318, -58),(324, 325, -58),(327, 327, -58),(334, 336, -58),(363, 368, -58),(384, 385, -58),(403, 404, -58),(410, 411, -58),(415, 417, -58),
(434, 438, -58),(457, 461, -58),(315, 319, -57),(325, 325, -57),(327, 328, -57),(334, 336, -57),(365, 368, -57),(385, 385, -57),(403, 403, -57),(410, 412, -57),
(415, 416, -57),(431, 437, -57),(457, 461, -57),(315, 319, -56),(324, 326, -56),(328, 329, -56),(335, 337, -56),(365, 370, -56),(384, 385, -56),(402, 403, -56),
(409, 415, -56),(431, 436, -56),(457, 461, -56),(315, 319, -55),(325, 326, -55),(328, 329, -55),(336, 338, -55),(368, 370, -55),(385, 385, -55),(401, 402, -55);

INSERT INTO #R2 (first, last, y)
VALUES (409, 414, -55),(431, 436, -55),(455, 461, -55),(315, 319, -54),(325, 326, -54),(328, 329, -54),(336, 338, -54),(370, 373, -54),(377, 380, -54),(385, 386, -54),
(400, 402, -54),(408, 409, -54),(430, 434, -54),(455, 462, -54),(316, 319, -53),(326, 326, -53),(329, 330, -53),(337, 338, -53),(371, 381, -53),(385, 386, -53),
(399, 400, -53),(407, 408, -53),(429, 434, -53),(454, 461, -53),(315, 320, -52),(326, 327, -52),(330, 331, -52),(336, 339, -52),(373, 382, -52),(386, 387, -52),
(399, 400, -52),(407, 408, -52),(427, 432, -52),(454, 460, -52),(315, 320, -51),(327, 327, -51),(330, 330, -51),(337, 339, -51),(375, 384, -51),(387, 388, -51),
(397, 399, -51),(405, 407, -51),(425, 431, -51),(454, 459, -51),(316, 319, -50),(326, 327, -50),(330, 331, -50),(338, 339, -50),(376, 385, -50),(387, 390, -50),
(394, 398, -50),(405, 406, -50),(422, 429, -50),(453, 457, -50),(316, 319, -49),(327, 331, -49),(338, 340, -49),(379, 380, -49),(383, 385, -49),(390, 396, -49),
(402, 405, -49),(417, 426, -49),(453, 457, -49),(316, 320, -48),(327, 330, -48),(339, 341, -48),(385, 386, -48),(391, 393, -48),(401, 404, -48),(417, 425, -48),
(453, 457, -48),(316, 320, -47),(328, 328, -47),(339, 342, -47),(398, 403, -47),(416, 423, -47),(452, 456, -47),(316, 319, -46),(340, 342, -46),(398, 406, -46),
(409, 410, -46),(412, 412, -46),(415, 423, -46),(452, 456, -46),(316, 319, -45),(340, 343, -45),(400, 421, -45),(452, 456, -45),(316, 320, -44),(341, 345, -44),
(404, 417, -44),(451, 456, -44),(317, 320, -43),(342, 346, -43),(411, 411, -43),(413, 413, -43),(451, 455, -43),(316, 320, -42),(342, 348, -42),(352, 353, -42),
(450, 454, -42),(317, 320, -41),(343, 345, -41),(347, 348, -41),(351, 354, -41),(450, 454, -41),(317, 320, -40),(343, 345, -40),(348, 355, -40),(449, 453, -40),
(317, 320, -39),(343, 346, -39),(351, 351, -39),(354, 356, -39),(445, 445, -39),(449, 453, -39),(317, 320, -38),(344, 347, -38),(355, 356, -38),(445, 452, -38),
(317, 320, -37),(345, 347, -37),(356, 357, -37),(443, 451, -37),(318, 321, -36),(345, 348, -36),(357, 358, -36),(442, 451, -36),(317, 321, -35),(346, 348, -35),
(358, 359, -35),(442, 451, -35),(318, 321, -34),(347, 349, -34),(359, 361, -34),(441, 449, -34),(318, 321, -33),(347, 349, -33),(360, 361, -33),(368, 368, -33),
(440, 449, -33),(318, 322, -32),(348, 350, -32),(361, 363, -32),(367, 369, -32),(439, 448, -32),(318, 322, -31),(349, 351, -31),(362, 364, -31),(366, 371, -31),
(430, 431, -31),(438, 447, -31),(318, 322, -30),(349, 352, -30),(364, 373, -30),(429, 431, -30),(437, 446, -30),(319, 323, -29),(332, 334, -29),(350, 353, -29),
(365, 368, -29),(372, 374, -29),(429, 432, -29),(435, 442, -29),(445, 445, -29),(319, 324, -28),(332, 335, -28),(350, 354, -28),(374, 376, -28),(383, 386, -28),
(427, 441, -28),(319, 324, -27),(332, 337, -27),(351, 355, -27),(375, 377, -27),(379, 379, -27),(383, 388, -27),(426, 427, -27),(429, 429, -27),(432, 440, -27),
(320, 325, -26),(333, 337, -26),(352, 356, -26),(377, 390, -26),(416, 418, -26),(424, 425, -26),(432, 439, -26),(320, 325, -25),(333, 337, -25),(353, 357, -25),
(380, 385, -25),(390, 395, -25),(415, 418, -25),(423, 424, -25),(431, 438, -25),(321, 326, -24),(334, 339, -24),(354, 359, -24),(383, 383, -24),(393, 393, -24),
(395, 400, -24),(402, 403, -24),(405, 407, -24),(413, 418, -24),(422, 423, -24),(430, 437, -24),(322, 328, -23),(335, 339, -23),(355, 360, -23),(398, 405, -23),
(409, 409, -23),(411, 414, -23),(416, 418, -23),(420, 421, -23),(429, 436, -23),(322, 328, -22),(335, 340, -22),(356, 362, -22),(401, 411, -22),(416, 420, -22),
(428, 435, -22),(323, 330, -21),(336, 341, -21),(356, 358, -21),(360, 364, -21),(401, 408, -21),(416, 419, -21),(427, 433, -21),(323, 331, -20),(337, 342, -20),
(358, 360, -20),(362, 365, -20),(403, 404, -20),(426, 433, -20),(325, 343, -19),(360, 361, -19),(364, 367, -19),(424, 431, -19),(326, 344, -18),(361, 363, -18),
(365, 367, -18),(423, 430, -18),(327, 345, -17),(363, 366, -17),(422, 430, -17),(330, 346, -16),(365, 365, -16),(421, 428, -16),(333, 333, -15),(336, 336, -15),
(339, 348, -15),(420, 427, -15),(341, 348, -14),(418, 426, -14),(342, 350, -13),(417, 425, -13),(344, 352, -12),(415, 423, -12),(344, 353, -11),(414, 421, -11),
(346, 356, -10),(412, 420, -10),(348, 359, -9),(410, 419, -9),(349, 368, -8),(370, 370, -8),(409, 418, -8),(351, 375, -7),(377, 377, -7),(406, 417, -7),
(352, 382, -6),(404, 415, -6),(356, 385, -5),(387, 388, -5),(397, 398, -5),(400, 414, -5),(359, 359, -4),(362, 413, -4),(369, 369, -3),(371, 410, -3),
(375, 375, -2),(377, 410, -2),(384, 405, -1),(407, 407, -1),(388, 388, 0),(392, 402, 0),(405, 405, 0);



	SELECT x + 1
	WHERE x < 700
SELECT @p = (
		SELECT ',' AS "*",
			CAST(c.x AS CHAR(5)) AS "data()",
			CAST(r1.y AS CHAR(5)) AS "data()"
		FROM #R2 r1
			ON c.x BETWEEN r1.first AND r1.last

DECLARE @card geometry = geometry::STMPointFromText('MULTIPOINT(' + CAST(SUBSTRING(@p, 2, 214783647) AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + ')', 0);

SELECT @card;

Você deve conseguir ver alguma coisa assim:

You´ll see some like:

T-SQL Tuesday #025 – Truques

Este mês o Sr. Allen White (Blog | Twitter)  pediu para as pessoas dizerem quais truques elas utilizam para deixar o trabalho mais fácil…

Nós temos muitos códigos em powershell que ajudam a melhorar o dia, mas, powershell,,, aahh,,, se você usar o google, poderá encontrar muita gente escrevendo bons códigos que podem ajudá-lo.

Eu escrevi uma coisa legal, mas em T-SQL, para criar bases em mirror,,, Sim, eu sei, você pode encontrar um monte de blogs falando sobre como criar esse tipo de ambiente,,, mas eu vou fazer isso usando SQLCMD dentro do Management Studio,,, por quê? só pela diversão…

Eu vou pular a parte da criação dos end-poins porque você já sabe…

A parte legal está logo depois da versão em inglês,,,

Hi, i try translate all the text above, sorry if have some mistakes,,,

This month Mr. Allen White (Blog | Twitter) ask people to say what tricks we use to make our job easier…

We have a lot of code in powershell helping to improve the day, but, powershell,,, aahh,,, if you use the google will find a lot of people writing good scripts to help you.

I going to write some nice,, but in T-SQL, just to create a database mirror,,,, Yes, I know, you can find a lot of blogs talking about who to create a database mirror,,, but I will do this using the SQLCMD inside the Management Studio,, why? just for fun…

I´ll skip the creation of end-points because you already know…

The good part is here:

/* Change the principal server name and instance */
/* Change the mirror server name and instance */
/* in this case I use the same server, but you can add one more setvar and add the other server */
/* Database name to mirror */

:connect $(principal_server)

alter database $(db) set recovery full

backup database $(db)
to disk = 'D:\DB01\inst01\$(db).bak'
with compression, stats = 5

backup log $(db)
to disk = 'D:\DB01\inst01\$(db).trn'
with compression, stats = 5

:connect $(mirror_server)

restore database $(db)
from disk = 'D:\DB01\inst01\$(db).bak'
with file = 1,
move '$(db)' to 'D:\DB01\local\$(db).mdf',
move '$(db)_log' to 'D:\DB01\local\$(db).ldf',
norecovery, nounload, stats = 5

restore database $(db)
from disk = 'D:\DB01\inst01\$(db).trn'
with norecovery, nounload, stats = 5

alter database $(db)
set partner = 'TCP://$(server):5022'

:connect $(principal_server)

/* In this part you can change the setvar if was created other one */
alter database $(db)
set partner = 'TCP://$(server):5023'


The Log scan in database model is not valid

Um pouco da história antes….

Dia 08/12/2011 choveu muito aqui em sampa,,, tivemos problemas com a elétrica aqui no prédio, ocasionando diversas quedas de energia,,,

Tenho instalado no desktop um SQL Server 2008 R2 Express, onde tenho algumas bases para testes,, até ai nenhuma novidade,,,

Quando cheguei no dia seguinte (09/12/2011) percebi que um sistema que uso para testar algumas bases não estava funcionando,,, a mensagem era simples: “Não consigo acessar o SQL”

Tentei iniciar o serviço do SQL e, claro, não consegui,,, Acessei os eventos do sistema e achei a seguinte mensagem:

Interessante,,, o transaction log do model foi corrompido… isso é legal…

Iniciei o SQL em modo de segurança e rodei um DBCC CHECKDB, não fez diferença…

Como a base Model não é uma das bases mais vitais do SQL e eu não tenho backup dela,,, fui no diretório de Templates e copiei a base de lá para o diretório onde estava a base de “produção”. Iniciei o SQL e ele carregou sem problemas….

Lembrando que, não é porque existem outras bases de sistema por aqui que você pode sobre-escrever a Master ou a MSDB…

Aí vem uma pergunta,,, por que o SQL não subiu com a base em suspect ou offiline? ou qualquer outro aviso? simples… a base Model, por mais simples que seja serve como base para criar o TempDB,,, sem ela,, o SQL não consegue criar o mínimo para o TempDB… eu consegui iniciar o SQL em modo de segurança porque usei a traceflag 3609 onde ele não recriou o tempdb…

Quais planos de execução estão na memória?

Em sua maioria, a memória utilizada pelo SQL Server é utilizada para armazenar dados (buffer) e planos de execução (cache de procedure). Nesse post vou mostrar quanta memória está alocada para cache de procedures

O SQL Server armazena o cache usando 8kb por página de dados. Usando a dynamic view sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters podemos ver um resumo do que está alocado:

LEFT([name], 20) as [NOME],
LEFT(]TYPE], 20) as [TIPO],
[single_pages_kb] + [multi_pages_kb] as [cache_kb],
FROM sys.dm_os_memory_cache_counters
order by single_pages_kb + multi_pages_kb DESC

Vou focar nos 3 principais resultados dessa query:

  • CACHESTORE_OBJCP – Esse são planos compilados para stored procedures, triggers e functions
  • CACHESTORE_SQLCP – São os planos que não fazem parte de procedures, functions e triggers, inclui basicamente SQL dinâmico.
  • CACHESTORE_PHDR – Esse é responsável por verificar a sintaxe de views, constrains, também resolve o nome de tabelas e colunas

Você pode monitorar o numero de páginas no cache usando o Performance Monitor usando SQLServer:Plan Cache que armazena os contadores de Páginas de Cache. SQL Plans (CACHESTORE_SQLCP), Object Plans (CACHESTORE_OBJCP) e Bound Trees (CACHESTORE_PHDR).

Nos podemos ver individualmente as entradas no cache usando a dynamic view sys.dm_exec_cached_plans

SELECT usercounts, cacheobjtype, objtype, plan_handle
FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans

A query lista os planos de execução mais utilizados. Ela inclui os planos para stored procedures, adhoc ou SQL dinâmico, triggers, views. Se você quiser ver o SQL associado ao plano (que no final das contas é o que realmente queremos) será necessário usar o sys.dm_exec_sql_text:

LEFT(., 150) as [SQL]
from sys.dm_exec_cached_plans p
outer apply sys.dm_exec_sql_text (p.plan_handle) sql
order by usercount desc